Save Robbie Clark, 96 Yr Old War Hero from EvictionOne of Britain’s oldest surviving prisoners of war faces being forced into a care home against his will after Brent council refused to pay for his home help. Robbie Clark, a 96 year old War Hero and ex POW, has spent almost all of his life savings to pay for 24-hour care at his home in Burnt Oak, North London. Now the veteran, who was one of the British soldiers who survived Hitler’s 1,000-mile death march across Europe in 1945, only has enough money to last another three months. Mr Clark’s son Mike, 58, has been in a two-year battle with Brent Council over funding his father’s care since the pensioner lost the use of his legs after a heart operation in 2012. Brent Council solicitor Fiona Bateman said in one letter: “The local authority believe it is entirely correct that residential care remains the preferred option to ensure that Mr Clark has access to 24 hour care and support that he requires. His family said he may have to sell his home and they fear being in a care home would kill him. Mr Clark, a father of two with four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, said: I have been in my own place all my life. I have got everything here. My family are near and my friends are near. I am nice and comfortable here and I’d not get that in a care home. It would remind me of being a prisoner of war.194,166 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by David Jackson
End the Bus Cuts in Brighton and HoveThe proposed cuts to bus services in Brighton and Hove will detrimentally effect some of the most vulnerable areas of Brighton. Particularly the Meadowview area which is home to many low income families and pensioners who will be left completely cut off from the city. The cuts are to affect mostly evening, bank holiday and weekend services leaving many members of our community completely stranded after dark, unable to safely return home, or forced to walk a badly lit and sparsely populated stretches of road. Many of us who regularly use the bus services to Meadowview are disabled and are unable to climb Coombe or Bear road. We strongly oppose the proposed measures as they will affect some of the most vulnerable people in our area leaving them further disenfranchised and segregated from the wider community. Cutting bus services in a city which takes pride in its stance on social inclusion and sustainable development is reprehensible and will have a detrimental affect on some of the most vulnerable members of our community and our environment. We urge you to reconsider the proposed cuts and seek and alternative.432 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Freeman
Ask Edinburgh Council to keep Engine Shed openThe Engine Shed is a renowned training scheme which has transformed the lives of young people with learning disabilities for the past 25 years. They have helped many young people with learning disabilities gain skills in a real work environment and supported them to move into mainstream, paid employment. Trainees work alongside staff in the vegetarian café, organic bakery, organic tofu production unit and conference centre while developing skills for life. The Engine Shed is due to close down on the 19th February, 2015, due to Edinburgh Council stopping its funding. The.council says it will replace this with a new supported employment system, but critics point out that over 75% of Remploy employees are still unemployed after its closure. Let's ask Edinburgh Council to think again!6,674 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Jane Gaye Bell
Stop Persecuting Those On Disability BenefitsThe people most vulnerable people in society are being used for political gain. The measures being taken are punitive, uncaring and causing untold misery. People who are patently very ill are being told they are fit for work and are having all financial support removed. This has lead to suicides, hardship and suffering so great that even the United Nations are investigating human rights breaches by the UK Government. Living with a debilitating illness is hard enough without the fear of sanctions by an uncaring government churning your stomach every day of your existence. It causes mental anguish that is hard to explain to those who do not experience it and badly affects the general health of those in the firing line. The majority of claimants would give anything to be free of their illnesses and, unlike the portrayal by the minister that they are all freeloaders, have paid their NI contributions and are therefore entitled to the insurance they have paid for. There have been far too many mistakes made and far too many deaths associated with the war being waged on those in receipt of benefits.195 of 200 SignaturesCreated by D.j. Bear
stop the closure of Wem care home in shropshireThe community have been shocked by the announcement of the closure on 27 th January 2015 ,winter,time of greatest demand for places, and the speed of progressing closure by moving on residents before any consultation has happened. A full and proper consultation needs to take place Answers are needed about the agenda the council has for the site.Why offers to take on the care home from the business company pulling out have been rejected without due consideration. These residents are having to move out of their local area,their needs for stability of good care are not being considered.They are being "evicted" out of their last home and are distressed,fearful and anxious.Their concerns and needs need to be represented as do the staff faced with immanent job loss. What is the agenda here?360 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Bernadette Kent
Save the Balfour Daycare CentreBecause I want to go back there I went there in 1991 and I loved it made friends felt secure and I even had a lovelife from there I miss not being there it has up set me to pieces and I never fill good out doors any more I only fill in place when I am there. I fill out of place anywhere else So this is the place for me and I will fight any Council rule books and Laws until I can have it back Give me back the dignity I deserve.307 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Daren Terry
save Hurst greens children centre (sure start centre)The sure start centre hurst green has been told that they will be closing it down.so we are doing a petitons to save our local childrens centre which is used by many parents and children arounf the local area.please sign the petition so we can get as many signtures to take to the council and show them how many people use the sure start centre.we will also have a petition for people to sign in the sure start centre.without the sure start centre people who use the sure start centre will have to travel to hamsey green or lingfield439 of 500 SignaturesCreated by hannah reeve
Save the Over 55s Club at the Peel CentreLast Thursday one of the members was missing from the club, this sent the alarm bells ringing and thanks to this community the lady was found on her lounge floor and was able to receive medical attention and hospitalised. With no club who can look out for these members? Whilst the majority of Peel members are able to remain active and independent through services provided at the Centre, as users grow older their needs increase and they often become frailer and more dependent on staff for support and assistance. Working closely with social services and primary care providers we are able to support these members to remain independent and living in their own homes. This lifeline for the members is now under threat1,033 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by helen thomas
Save the Endsleigh Centre from closure!!The Endsleigh Centre has been at the heart of Hull’s community since 1901. It epitomises the very reason why Hull was chosen to be the City of Culture 2017. It hosts events such as theatre productions, live music, dancing, yoga as well as residential retreats, support groups and conferences. It also provides superb bed and breakfast accommodation. People from all over the world visit and stay at the Endsleigh Centre, making it a true, cultural, melting point, where life-long friendships are made. Everyone is made to feel very welcome here whatever their beliefs and backgrounds are. The Endsleigh Centre also continually fundraises for those in need – currently doing so for schools and hospitals for the poor and destitute in Kenya. They also train local people in Peru in the art of making craftwork which is then sold at the Endsleigh Centre. The Endsleigh Centre is located in a beautiful historical building with extensive gardens which include a memorial that provides sanctuary for grieving parents. Apart from the great building, what’s different about the Endsleigh Centre, and its greatest asset, are those who work there. They go that extra mile to make the accommodation feel like a home from home and to make sure working days go ahead without a hitch during conferences. They really do care about their guests which is not something you can say about many venues. I have had the great pleasure of regularly staying over at the Endsleigh Centre over the last two years, as well as booking their conference facilities for work. It is this personal experience that has convinced me of the centre’s immense value to the local community! Such a historical site should not be open to potential land “development”! How could any new, possibly faceless, ‘luxury apartments’ compare to this beautiful building? You can help save the Endsleigh Centre by supporting the Friends of the Endsleigh Centre group that has been created to try to keep the building as a community centre. Please see the Facebook link:- https://www.facebook.com/groups/saveendsleigh/ Or contact at :- [email protected]2,264 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Louise Brown
Defend our NHS Hexham Hospital.We want our hospital and Urgent Care Service to stay.It is of vital importance that a rural community such as ours retains access to a well resourced,responsive emergency service. We have witnessed the downgrading of services at Hexham General Hospital since it opened in 2003 and we do not want to see further depletion of this valued resource which puts patients at risk.The development of a specialist emergency hospital 30-50 miles away should not mean reductions in the current local service,which denies this community equal access to healthcare.This is of particular concern regarding our access to the Emergency Ambulance Service which is experiencing significant financial and service pressures. We are concerned that once services are removed they are never replaced .We believe that in the current climate of huge financial pressures on the NHS our services must be defended against further downgrading, fragmentation and privatisation so that the NHS remains a service free at the point of delivery which meets the needs of its citizens who own it.2,397 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by gail ward
Save Cardiff Alcohol and drug teamThe Cardiff Alcohol and Drug team has provided an expert and effective service to people struggling with substance misuse in the Cardiff and Vale areas for nearly 30 years. Cardiff County council has decided to close it as part of a round of cuts. The service provides a team of social workers and a team of counsellors so giving a holistic approach to helping individuals and their families. They currently have around 230 people in contact with the service. It is estimated that somebody that has alcohol or drug issues will effect a further 8 people in their families and communities not to mention the pressure put upon services such as housing, criminal justice and health to name a few. The cost of the service is 218,000 pa which is less than some executive members of the council's salary and has a lot more of a positive effect.5,899 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Rhys John
KEEP PUBLIC LIBRARIES IN HARROWWe ask the following: That Harrow council does not close down or eradicate the functions and services of our public libraries in Harrow, one of the last community amenities left in the borough. We believe that libraries are the embodiment of social provision and community spirit they offer more than just books. They offer children's activities during term time and holidays. These are used by parents and nurseries. Libraries are a great hub for the digital society we live in they provide access to the internet to those that do not have access in their homes. They are centres for study and reflection: they are places of peace for students and residents to study. They are venues for training and education and a haven for old aged pensioners who wish to get out of the confines of the home. Knowledge is an inalienable right for all who live in Harrow. This is true for all walks of life and should be accessible universally across the whole borough. We are concerned that the threatened closure of libraries will leave sections of our communities with poor access to libraries than others. We believe a modern library can be organised and funded through a variety of avenues and that Harrow council should investigate the commercial potential of libraries before decisions to close or limit access is taken. Please sign this petition if you believe in the universal provision of literature, education and community service in Harrow. Say no to this great social asset. Educated citizens of Harrow are the greatest asset to Harrow. This petition will be handed to the mayor of Harrow before any Decision is taken on the future of our libraries.93 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Natoo Bhana
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