• Stop the closure of Douglas Ward
    On 30 October 2017, NHS Lanarkshire voted to close Douglas Ward at Udston Hospital. This decision was made without proper public or patient consultation. The ward provides crucial lifeline care to patients with complex health needs. Many of the patients have lived there for over ten years and now consider this their home, as do the relatives who visit. Its closure means that its patients will move further away from family and friends, and have less contact from loved ones and the additional support they desperately need.
    1,189 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Kezzabell Boyle
  • Reinstate more railway lines in England
    In hindsight, it is recognised that the Beeching closures in the 1960s went too far as many larger settlements lost a very valuable lifeline to the national rail system leading to an explosion in motor vehicles for leisure and work and an equal increase in new road expansion and air pollution. The City Region hubs of commerce are now gridlocked in the peaks leading to high levels of air pollution from wear dust and exhaust emissions. 430,000 tons of tyre dust alone is produced annually from 50 million tyres. Particulate size less than ten microns become airborne and inhaled by all mammals and are small enough to reach the deepest parts of lungs causing pulmonary and coronary disease. Tyre wear dust also has a carcinogenic and mutatogenic effect on tissue cells contributing to 50,000 premature deaths annually from road traffic pollution. Many closed railway lines within urban areas are now essential in reducing city and town centre congestion and pollution. It is a known fact that bus usage has reduced at the same rate as rail footfall has increased in the last ten years to a point where more rail routes are desperately needed to increase capacity and opportunity to use rail. Rail is the preferred mode of transport in urban and inter urban travel and as such can encourage modal shift away from car by reducing travel time. There has been an increase in new rail route investment in Scotland and Wales, in the last fifteen years but not in England outside London. The Campaign for Better Transport has identified routes in every Region in England that would benefit local communities by being reinstated increasing connectivity and social inclusion with the rest of the UK. The Government would do well to take notice of Campaign for Better Transport's list of preferred reinstatements.
    191 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Dr Morgan
  • Policy for disable parking outside residental properties
    Hello everyone my name is Samantha, I am currently 30 years old and I live at home with mum and dad. As you can see from my photo I am in a wheelchair, I was wondering if you can help me out. My mum and career Hannah have started this petition to help me but not only myself but other people like me having the same problem that live in the county borough. As it stands at the moment there is no policy in place that allows the council to put disabled parking bays outside residential properties and I want to change that if I can in any way possible. As it stands at the moment we are struggling to park my car on many occasions outside my home, this may not seem a big thing to you but to myself and other disabled people it is. We have a sign outside our home saying that there's a disabled person living here but that doesn't stop them. If this policy got put into place and I had a disabled parking space situated outside the house it would mean the world to me. As I love going out in my car but at the moment I cant go out later on in the evening, a Saturday afternoon or any time at all on a Sunday, which being able to go out more and do more stuff than what I can do now. I hope that I am able to get as many signatures as possible to change this sooner rather than later. I hope you can all sign and share this cause one signature can make all the difference, thank you.
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by fay evans
  • Installation of hoists in disabled toilets
    Because he disabled people like myself have accidents and are unable to stand to be cleaned up or changed they cold fall or abuse injury to those who are trying to help us
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Brenda Castle-Feist
  • ARRIVA / NORTHERN RAIL Stop the introduction of driver only train's
    Conductors are NEEDED on train's for safety reasons and for helping disabled people to access train's, all so tickets are not available at all stations which leads to delays and possible prosecution
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by B Yipp Picture
  • We demand for a halt in the roll-out of Universal Credit
    We the undersigned wish to express our profound disquiet at the roll-out of digital Universal Credit (UC). The Government’s plans will continue to replace all means-tested social security benefits and tax credits for those of working age, across Greater Manchester and beyond. We believe that we should not stand for such wilful ignorance of the impacts of the new system. We urge individuals, groups, organisations, MPs, councillors, landlords and housing associations to stand in solidarity against the Universal Credit roll-out. Signed and shared by: Greater Manchester Law Centre, GM Poverty Action, Big Issue North, Salford Mayor Paul Dennett, Salford Council Welfare Rights and Debt Advice Team, Salford Star, People's Plan GM, Coffee 4 Craig, St Mungo's Unite, Kill the Housing Bill, Cllr Gary Bridges, Cllr Bev Craig, Cllr Basat Sheik, Cllr Richard Leese, Council Labour Group, Manchester Shield, Withington Lib Dems. As this catastrophe unfolds the shortcomings and blind spots of UC have increasingly become clear. The following are the six issues, faced by individuals and families, which concern us most: 1. People are experiencing waits of six to twelve weeks (sometimes longer) for their first payment of Universal Credit. Consequently, people are spiraling into debt and rent arrears which they may find it impossible to recover from. 2. Universal Credit claims can only be processed online through a system called verify which cannot be completed without requisite ID or computer access. Some of the most vulnerable people, such as those who are disabled, precariously housed, homeless or non-UK citizens, find it extremely difficult to claim. This both lengthens the waiting period for first payments and makes it difficult for individuals to maintain their claims, putting them at risk of sanctions. 3. Sanctions are being applied erratically and arbitrarily in relation to UC. There is mounting evidence highlighting unfair use of sanctions, for example individuals have received them for being at work and missing their work focused interview. Full service roll-out will also bring housing benefit into the realm of sanctions, directly increasing the risk of evictions and homelessness. 4. Under UC many will see a reduction in their financial entitlement and will be living off substantially less money. In some cases individuals will be around £100-£300 less well off per month than on previous legacy benefits like Employment and Support Allowance and Severe Disability Premium . Disabled people and those with debilitating heath conditions will be pushed further into poverty as a result. 5. Young People aged 18-25 will be disproportionately affected by UC, . For example, those aged between 18-21 will not be entitled to housing benefit under UC unless in an exempt category. The exemptions will not cover thousands of at risk young people, resulting in mounting debt and homelessness. 6. Evidence suggests that UC is pushing more children and families into poverty. Unjust elements of UC like the two child limit do not support working or non-working families. Direct links to welfare reform, specifically UC are causing professionals to highlight the risk of more children going into care and families becoming homeless. We call on the Government to halt the roll-out while all of the problems are reviewed, to avoid creating unnecessary suffering. Universal Credit, if rolled out in its current form, is a Universal Catastrophe that will place an unsustainable burden on the finances of local authorities, charitable organisations and support services who will ultimately be left to pick up the pieces.
    463 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Greater Manchester Housing Action Picture
  • Get rid of the not fit for purpose dwp fit to work assessments
    There are thousands suffering due to bad or incorrect assessments this needs to be addressed and changed to provide proper medical evidence by properly qualified doctors & specialists( psychiatric &medical) not just someone with low medical training eg physiotherapists and the like.
    1,037 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Jean Williams
  • More funding and resources for childhood trauma
    Childhood trauma is often overlooked, greatly misunderstood and one of the most damaging things that can happen to a child. Childhood trauma is often complex and can be catastrophic leaving a lifetime of struggles in almost all facets of life. The younger a person is when exposed to trauma the higher their risk of developing trauma related disorders including learning disorders, developmental disorders, cognitive deficits, attention issues and attachment disorders and so much more. My son aged 8 was diagnosed with PTSD in july 2016 after a major event that happened in December 2015. Weve had to fight every service and still to this day hes not getting the support he requires to live a life he deserves none of this was him fault. The services my son requires dont even exist anymore which again is down to funding cuts. In 2015 the goverment put in place a five year forward plan and two years on there has been no major change to the system. My son has been failed on 7 out of the 12 strategies stated in the plan...... These failed children are our future so WHY ARENT WE INVESTING INTO MAKING SURE OUR CHILDREN FLORISH NOT FAIL IN SOCIETY...
    163 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Melanie Emmett
  • We need a bridge with pedestrian lifts at Abergavenny Station
    This station is on the mainline route from Swansea/Cardiff to Manchester and Holyhead, and serves a huge area of Monmouthshire and South Powys, the Brecon Beacons and Black Mountains as well as the town of Abergavenny. There are 2 ways to reach the far platform at Abergavenny. One is by a steep footbridge which has 45 steps and is difficult to negotiate, especially in bad weather. The other is to cross the line, accompanied by a member of staff. If you wish to do the latter, then you are expected to phone to notify your request to travel at least 24 hours beforehand. If you wish to travel out of office hours, there will be no members of staff at the station and you are dependent on the guard or the driver of the arriving train to accompany you across the line. So much for spontaneity of travel for many people! We want a bridge with passenger lifts to give full access for disabled passengers, older people and those with heavy luggage. 30% of the population in Monmouthshire is over 60. We were granted the money and planning permission for the bridge about 5 years ago. It never happened because Network Rail could not work out what to do about the position of the signal because the driver’s view of it would be blocked by the new bridge. We demand that Network Rail solve this problem, find the resources and, either replace or resite the signal in order that work on a bridge and lifts can commence. This is not just important to local people; Abergavenny station is used by visitors to major events such as The Food Festival and the Green Man Festival, the Hay Festival, and the 2016 National Eisteddfod. All these events bring visitors and revenue into the area. If you believe, like the organisers of this petition, that this situation is not good enough and that there should be equal access for all at the station, please sign this petition.
    1,117 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Abergavenny Rail Access Campaign
  • Bring back school or college transport for post 16 disabled chidren
    This is important because disabled children have a right to education .However parents are having to give up their jobs to take their children to the closest suitable facility which is often a long distance away because our children are very vulnerable and cant just catch a bus .Many parents can only work part time due to the extra demands of a disabled chid and are exhausted. we must make the government back track on this new legislation .
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Grant
  • keep open stroke club-carers bromley
    to help stoke sufferers and their carers
    36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by pam robinson
  • Autistic assessment and support to be debated in parliament
    Because my autistic son got enrolled in error on a pathways collage course at city collage Norwich.. I want to prevent this upset from happening to other families.. and get justice for my son and others
    454 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Emma Parker