Protect Somerset's Learning Disabilities Service***5000 signatures forces the Council to discuss the issue at a Council Meeting. Please only sign this petition if you live, work or use LD services in Somerset*** The transfer of Somerset’s Learning Disability Service from Somerset County Council to Discovery was promised as a means of ensuring sustainable care for people with a learning disability, with ‘no savings targets’. It is now clear, however, that to make the £4m saving predicted Discovery plan to make staff redundant, reduce the terms and conditions of those left, and possibly close day centres. By starving funding for adult social care Somerset County Council have handed Discovery the task of implementing cuts that will hit the care provided to vulnerable people. Cuts will lower morale, risk high staff turnover, and leave staff vacancies unfilled. Service users and their families were promised a sustainable service focused on the continuity of care delivered by experienced, knowledgeable and familiar staff. The cuts proposed will be highly detrimental to the delivery of personalised quality care. We are therefore calling on Somerset County Council to give LD Services the funding that it needs to ensure continued high quality care for vulnerable adults in Somerset. If the current cuts are progressed this will not be achieved.5,592 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Daniel Waghorn
Protection for Autistic citizens against bullying and prejudiceautistic people are a huge contribution to our society, in many ways they are superior to so-called normal people and they deserve our respect. Many of our brightest minds and our greatest achievers are autistic and autistic people need to be protected81 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Paul Farrell
The right to a diagnoses and rapid interventions for those with hidden differencesAn undiagnosed person with a hidden difference such as dyslexia or other commonly experienced a sense of not really knowing who you are.If nobody tells the person that there is a reason for their difficulties, there is a tendency to label themselves as dumb, thick and stupid. The difficulties can become harder to manage in secondary school and when children begin to fail they can become very vulnerable and on edge. These feelings can stay throughout life. The frustration of prolonged failure on a range of curriculum subjects at school, resulting in feelings of insecurity and lack of confidence, can have profound effects upon social status, friendship patterns, and acceptance and adjustment in new settings. Aggressive and antisocial behaviour may result from these tensions. Stress and insecurity can lead to a prominence of information processing difficulties. When dealing with problems, may adopt strategies of avoidance and self blaming. To the person who experiences them, these emotions often feel bewildering and shaming. Inevitably the emotional consequences are lack of confidence, frustration, even depression. Feeling of been let down by other people who should have recognised the difficulties or be more sympathetic to them; that they have consequently lost opportunities for study having a diagnoses this could of been avoid with a simple diagnosis which is important it allow a child / adult to understand where the difficulties lie and if there are any further difficulties overlapping and this is necessary for the correct accommodation. Despite everything we know about dyslexia through research, many children are denied screening. And many more, once diagnosed,are denied the services that should accompany such a diagnosis." School’s reason for denial . • Wrongly points to the limited resources (financial or expertise) of the child’s school. But that is not the entire picture. Putting aside appropriate resource challenges, the educational change necessary to support this vulnerable group of students often transcends financial issues. In fact, some (not all) of the most significant changes are actually free and actually only require instructional and attitudinal shifts. No wonder no one wants to diagnose children when there is a shortage of individuals trained to Provide with necessary instruction. • Lack intervention causes depression anxiety and suicide. • Lack of of proper intervention can affect future Job prospects, and behaviour which can lead to the prison pipeline. We want to enable those with children / adults to reach their potential to develop in the work force. Parents often delay getting their kids the help they need because the school denies screening for diverse reasons . Unfortunately, if they get it the “wait and hope” approach is rarely effective and has a costly impact on children: Navigating the public school bureaucracy to secure special attention often takes months or years. Meanwhile, children are falling further behind during the critical early-education period. Public school teachers, principals and staff are well-intentioned, but the system is broken. Most schools don’t have the resources . Waiting for the school to test and treat your dyslexic child is a “race to the bottom” and an enormous disservice to your language-challenged child. By the time your child is far enough behind to qualify for a public school evaluation, you have a bigger problem on your hands. What was a manageable academic challenge for your 1st grader can turn into a significant emotional and social problem by the 3rd grade. You are likely to hear your child say things like “I’m never going to get this,” “All my friends read better than I do,” “I hate this,” “School is not for me,” “I’m stupid.” Children with Dyslexia Despraxia Abergers.... do not “catch up” without specialized and explicit instruction. Such children don’t “just need a little extra practice” or a tutor; they need a specific type of teaching designed for the unique learning patterns of the brain. Some students often treat every word as a sight word and memorize it, instead of using the word’s structure to decode and understand it. Later in life , demands, this memorization strategy will fail them. While you are hoping for dyslexia help from the school, your child is losing ground—falling behind with reading and writing skills that are fundamental to all learning. Many school teachers and administrators wish they could provide more help for struggling, but they lack resources and training to do so. Few parents understand what they are getting themselves into if they try to navigate the school system as an academic lifeline for their struggling student. Many with hidden disabilities may not recognise their difficulties as Dyslexia Dyspraxia Asbergers or other.... . Even if they understand the nature of their difficulties, they may not know how to present these in a way that allows other people to help them. In the end, the anxiety about the difficulties is as much the problem as the actual difficulties themselves and a vicious circle of anxiety and inefficiencies evolves from which there seems no escape.A lack of school, job or social success is likely to add to this emotional burden . A diagnosis is an understanding of the difficulties, by and large, brings a sense of relief even wellbeing , as all the bewildering inefficiencies can be brought into a consistent picture and this helps to explain problems in a clear and confident way. key to Dyslexia Dyspraxia and Asbergers ..... is Early intervention know one should go unnoticed. http://www.counselling-directory.org.uk/counsellor-articles/dyslexia-counselling-addressing-the-emotional-repercussions-12385 Help make change for an child or an adult! Thank you. Sign the Petition so that all children /adults are identified and supported . Thank you.603 of 800 SignaturesCreated by katherine gleeson
Blue Badge FairQuite simply not fair, the rules should be the same across the UK.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris Olive
Reverse cuts to Warm Home DiscountThe eligibility criteria for receipt of Warm Home Discount, you could apply to gas and/or electricity bills and formerly covering the needs of a broad spectrum of especially vulnerable people, are being ever more restricted. The decision as to whom is eligible for WHD has been removed from Gas/Electricity companies and we must now await a 'government' letter as to whether we are deserving, or not. {Also, whether 'benefits' are increased in line with wages or prices is clearly immaterial if one has been excluded.] This is a further cruel and unnecessary austerity aimed at pensioners, people with disabilities, lone parents with a disabled child / children and others. Please pass on this petition. Thank you.319 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Siobhan Winter-Smith
Better care for adults with Cerebral PalsyAdults with Cerebral Palsy (CP) are failed in the UK by lack of dedicated and co-ordinated medical provision. The lack of recognition and knowledge of the degenerative impact of CP results in adults not benefiting from the timely monitoring, maintenance and intervention required to enable them to fulfil their full life potential. I am a 41 year old mother of 3 who has CP and until recently was living a full and active life working as a Speech and Language Therapist. I underwent major hip surgery in September 2015 to try to slow down the progress of the arthritis in my hips caused by the degenerative impact of the strain put on my body by CP. I am now unable to work and use crutches to aid my mobility. I have become increasingly frustrated at the lack of knowledge and services available for adults with Cerebral Palsy and I know my experiences are not unique. Adults with CP face unique challenges that often require specialised care e.g. pain management, mobility problems, and aging-related conditions such as osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Yet, co-ordinated services stop on transition to adulthood. The key barriers for successful healthcare are • The lack of young adult services and no obvious transition pathway from paediatric to adult services. • No best practice guidance on the treatment and management of adults with CP • Lack of knowledge and understanding of long term impact of living with CP The impact of these failings is unnecessary pain, reduced quality of life and avoidable medical problems for sufferers, whilst decreasing their ability to participate in the workforce. This is also leading to increased cost and strain on already stretched health and social care services. We are too big a population to ignore • 111,000 people have CP in the UK (similar population to MS and Parkinson’s) • The current UK incidence rate is around 1 in 400 births (making it three times more common than Down syndrome and nearly 30 times more common than muscular dystrophy) • Approximately 1,800 children are diagnosed with cerebral palsy every year • There are an estimated 30,000 children with cerebral palsy in the UK who will all require support as they transition into adulthood. • Research indicates that most will have a similar life expectancy to non-disabled people The costs of Cerebral Palsy • Care Commissioning Groups, Local Authorities and Trusts struggle to provide any information as to the number of children diagnosed with CP, the service and care pathways available to them or the total cost of cerebral palsy care (2016 study by Action Cerebral Palsy) • The lifetime costs for children born in 2016 with cerebral palsy is estimated to total £2bn. This is based on international benchmarks, with 20% related to medical costs and 80% to indirect factors such as reduced employment opportunities and premature mortality • Over 20% of CP sufferers will experience a decline in mobility by the time they reach 40640 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Emma Livingstone
Save Maldon Social Care ServicesA SOCIAL care service supporting vulnerable people across Maldon and the Dengie is to be axed. One Support, which provides social care to around 1,600 elderly and vulnerable residents with physical and mental health problems, is due to be completely removed from the Maldon and Dengie areas by March 31. Carers visit clients at least once a week to help them manage their day-to-day life, including organising finances to helping carry out household jobs. The programme is a subsidiary of One Housing, which helps create homes and support people to help them live better and healthier, and is jointly managed by Essex County Council and Moat Housing. However, those who receive the support have been informed that the service will no longer be provided, as part of planned cuts of £713,000 to social care in Essex. It is understood ten staff will lose their jobs.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Lee Rigby
save our jobs do not remove teaching assistants from class roomsThis helps special need children and children with challenging backgrounds and helps the teacher provide a better education for the other children to learn.68 of 100 SignaturesCreated by despina soteri
mental health needs better help in menI have suffered with anxiety and depression and I think its disgusting the way people like myself are being treated its a illness that can't see but there are lots of symptoms and you go to see the doctor and they fob you off with medication so come on people get behind this and let's win something for us It's important for our well being and for our children9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Liam Cunningham
fund important technology for hearing impaired children in bristolRadio aids and other technological devices are important for developing children's speech, understanding and attention for children with hearing loss, whether they wear hearing aids or have cochlear implants. Without them children do not have access to clear speech from the lead adult and the background noise is amplified so they are not able to differentiate between background noise and direction from an adult. This can lead to behavioural issues , delayed speech, lack of confidence and problems in developing and maintaining peer relationships.86 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kazzi Croker
Tumblr - please protect the vulnerableIn 2012, I was admitted to a mental health hospital following a suicide attempt. During my treatment, I admitted that one location I used to talk to other sufferers, and share my story, was Tumblr. Looking back at Tumblr now, and the images that are being taken, shared and used to discuss mental health are actually having a devestating effect on those who are seeking help and comfort. Images shown range from black and white text pictures, through to images of nooses and coffins, through to images and videos of self harm - both after the harm but some of the harm happening. Those suffering from mental health are already in a vulnerable position. Having this media available at their fingertips - Tumblr now has an app - means they are getting huge amounts of negative images 24/7. Just take a moment to imagine what this might do to someone close to you if they were ever in need. If, like me, you feel this should be stopped, please sign this petition.197 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Richard Harrington
#guiltyofcaring Silent Protest Somerset Learning Disabilities ServicePlease sign if you would like to have been at the Silent Protest 15.03.17 #guiltyofcaring Care not Cost in Somerset Learning Disability Service at County Hall Taunton, but could not because of work commitments and caring for the people of Somerset.192 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Julia Massey
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