• Almerias Dirty Little Secret, Modern day Slavery
    Human rights are being abused for profit, the public should be made aware of the where and how their food is being grown at the expense of human life and the environment. There are many issues here, the British and Spanish Governments must be made aware of the horrifying scenario immigrants are being subjected to. Thousands of people toil under the polythene sheeting that make up the huge greenhouses. They’re mostly migrant workers, Moroccans, Senegalese and Malians, who have gone to Spain seeking a better life, many risking their own lives on the way. Working in the polythene greenhouses temperatures can sometimes soar to 50 degrees. Up to 120,000 people work producing nearly three million tonnes of fruit and veg every year for export to Britain and across northern Europe. Some actually live inside this plastic hothouse. At night, when the security gates are closed, they are locked in. Some who dare to complain of any ailments can be blacklisted, leaving them stranded with no money to get back to wherever they travelled from. Some of the Physical illnesses are caused by pesticides, which are sprayed during working hours where workers are exposed to the deadly and toxic atmosphere, they are not given masks or safety goggles to protect themselves from potentially fatal outcomes to the exposure. How can we sit at our dinner tables knowing that the men and women, who are someones, mother or father, son or daughter are being treated like modern day slaves in order to feed the rest the UK and the rest of Europe. Michael Gove and George Eustice need to be sure that the food they claim they want to be safe and sustainable is not jeopardizing human life in the process..The most heinous thing about this is this nothing new, this has been going on since the 1980s!!!! What will it take to make these Governments stop and change this shocking situation..DEFRA need to scrutinise the integrity of who we buy and import our food from! Together with the environment ministers who should question the side effects of the disposal of the discarded polythene..Please sign the petition to get fair working conditions for these poor migrants, they are human beings.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jessica Reynolds
  • The new 50 pound note to have George Edwin Ellison
    Firstly, I would like to say that this nation owes everything to the service men and women who have given everything in the defence of the nation. Secondly, if it wasn't for them everything that we know as being British wouldn't have happened without their sacrifice. George Edwin Ellison of the 5th Lancers was born in Leeds, England and was one day away from being safe and surviving the war alive but it was fate that decided, he would have to give all, for his family, friends, and country men to have peace. Lastly, this year is 2018 and its almost been 100 years since George Edwin Ellison laid down his life for us to live in peace, but who was he but a man among meny. The last of our finest, who died in the name of prosperity and peace. I believe that by putting George Edwin Ellison on the new 50 pound note is an amazing way for the nation to remember the people who have given us all.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Dowling
  • Allow us to serve you Curry
    The 4 billion Curry industry needs government to seriously reconsider the skill migration policy to accommodate the staff shortage Curry Houses are facing . There are lots of Curry house owners selling their business because they can’t deal with this understaff situation. My organisation Bangladesh Caterers Association Kent would like your support to keep its members door open to serve you the British People your Favourite curries. As we know Due to Brexit the Immigration policies will change , we would like the Government to change their view towards the Curry Industry and allow us to bring Chefs from Abroad as they have accommodated Agriculture industry by allowing Fruit Pickers to be employed from Abroad.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mustafiz Khandaker
  • Force Mortgage 'Early Repayment Charges' to reflect cost to bank
    Banks are keen to make money in hidden ways that are unavoidable. These excessive charges impact families and people who maybe have no other choice but to repay a mortgage.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andy Avery
  • Child maintenance service should cap pension contributions
    It is ludicrous that non resident parents are currently legally allowed in the UK to pay as much money as they want into a private pension for themselves to use later in life, so that by doing this it reduces their gross income so that the child maintenance payments calculated for them to pay to their child/children growing up is a lot less. This will have a huge impact on a lot of children growing up in single parent families and is simy wrong. Please sign this petition for this to be looked at and changed. Thankyou
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Waters
  • Fry's Chocolate Factory Petion
    To remember the first company to create the probable first chocolate bar and a new way of processing chocolate as well as the first chocolate Easter Egg.This was in their former headquarters and factory on the corner of Union Street and Nelson Street.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Fred Ralston
  • All businesses must accept cash
    Lately certain businesses some of whom are essential services such as transportation and an increasing number of retailers are hiding behind the myth that it’s for our convenience to have to use a chip and pin at the expense of cash. It is NOT convenient in fact it’s extremely inconvenient and more to the point it is the long term goal of the banking industry to phase out cash therefore giving the banks absolute and total control of our every transaction. As we’ve already found out to our cost with atm charges access to our own money is considered a privilege we often have to pay outrageous charges for. Let’s not forget these are the same banks who brought the global economy to its knees and while we the Little people still bail out their mistakes they award themselves obscene bonuses for complete failure. We must NEVER allow the banks to control OUR money.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marcus Bossendorfer
  • Indian flood
    People are trapped in their own homes because of the water rising. It has got to point that people can’t even have food to eat, kids have been starving for the whole day, because the waters are to high to get food. Many people have even lost their homes because of the water eroding the foundations away from the walls. Many people are missing because of the flooding and rock slides. The water has reached up to the second level of the house and people are left with inches away from death, left with no hope.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jaic Saji
  • Abolish Tax on Feminine Hygiene Products
    The period is a natural female bodily function. It occurs every month from the start of puberty until the menopause. Studies have shown that women pay on average £18,000 on feminine hygiene products in their lifetime. That is money that would be better spent putting our children through college. We have all seen the adverts on TV recently from Always, talking about period poverty. If these products weren't taxed, no teenager would have to miss out on their education each month because of a natural bodily function they have no control over.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meg Day
  • stop all ads for online gambling.
    there is a growing addiction of gambling,advertising these items on tv is exactly the same as advertising,ciggarettes,herion or cocaine.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Borsos
  • Save Our Flower Man
    This stall is an important part of Cheltenham's vibrance, character and local colour. It is an integral part of Cheltenham's Promenade and a much-needed contrast to nearby shops. This stall helps to set Cheltenham aside from other towns with similar retail outlets. Support our local small businesses!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Brook
  • Crawley Public Green Energy Initiative
    For a long time the country has - for the most part - relied on fossil fuels to power our houses, businesses and transportation. These fossil fuels are becoming harder and harder to pull from the earth and the effects are devastating. Not to mention the fuels we are now receiving are severely reduced in quality - what is known as "dirty fuel." Our government spends billions in subsidies on the polluting fuel sources, a market that is drastically unsustainable. Crawley is a constantly developing town. The past five years have seen the town move from having thirteen districts to fourteen and the outskirts, once fields and forest land, are now developing communities. It is clear more people are seeing the geographical benefits of the town, nestled between London and Brighton. Not only this, Gatwick Airport offers a variety of jobs and links to myriad destinations around the globe. This is where I see the importance of this initiative. As more and more people move into the area, large-scale developments are taking place. Our carbon footprint is growing, as are the prices we pay for energy. The Public Green Energy Initiative aims to move people away from relying on corporations ownership of our energy so that we, as consumers, are no longer under the threat of dramatically increasing energy prices. Not only would moving to green energy be sustainable for the future, it gives people an opportunity to reduce costs and feed energy back into the grid. This lowers our prices and helps us build a local economy in green energy infrastructure. Gatwick Airport (LGW) has already started its own initiative by changing all of its bulbs to LED's (runway included) and plans to become the worlds first entirely LED lit airport. If the surrounding town of Crawley joins in turning to renewable sources of energy, the town and conjoined airport could become a model for the country. The extra added benefit - if we turn to become a green energy town, there is a huge opportunity for a total change in town, transport and community planning. Bus routes could be added and subsidized by local council in order to reduce the need for cars for small journeys. This means that areas of the town would be more accessible for workers, the elderly and the youth. Cycle routes would be improved and cycle initiatives, such as the cycle to work scheme, could be promoted through local companies. By making the energy public, the public get the vote on where their energy comes from and therefore gain independence and pride in taking part in something large-scale.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Cox Picture