• Glasgow Parking (West) Crisis
    GCC are doing a fantastic job by stealth of fining residents who already hold parking permits. It's night after night, scores of tickets for £60 have been issued. This will drive away our friends, relatives and above all shoppers to Byres Rd. Prepare for a retail meltdown like in 2008 when there were 12 empty shops for 5 years on one of Scotland's alleged Premier shopping street, really! And the parking wardens are not observing for 10 minutes before issuing tickets. The last Labour led council started this scheme to fill their dwindling coffers. I want the SNP led council to fix it ASAP. I didn't vote for this parking regime, neither did the people who have signed this petition. What exactly is the extra revenue being spent on, certainly not the roads! The parking wardens have arrived en mass in white mini vans at gone 6pm and stay in the area until almost 10pm every night. Clearly they are not issuing enough tickets during the daytime to meet their quotas! One person told me allegedly they posse of parking wardens are a private firm bussed in from England, I will investigate further.
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gail Gyi
  • Fairbourne Beach Access
    At present the beach is inaccessable to a good portion of the general public who are not prepared to risk broken bones or worse i.e.permanent or life threatening injury. The beach is only approachable at present by attempting to struggle over lots of variable size rocks and stones for approximately 30/40 feet in a downhill gradient its worse trying to get back up! Fairbourne is a seaside destination for lots of tourists and being unable to access the beach will put off visitors and tourists thereby having a detrimental effect on all local business. Worse case scenario is if there is an accident or a sea rescue had to take place then emergency services would have great trouble and use up a lot of valuable time trying to attempt a rescue. This shows a complete lack of "Duty of Care" by Gwynedd Council towards Locals and visitors and reinforces the stigma already attached to Fairbourne by Gwynedd Council when it was "leaked" and highlighted in the BBC TV programme that sea defences would only be msintained in the short term thereby causing a dramatic fall in house prices. This was how the villagers first heard of this via National News!
    429 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Christine James
  • RailPlan20/20 changes - London Bridge to Littlehampton
    On May 20th 2018 Thameslink and Southern train timetable changes. Passenger journeys in London and the south east have more than doubled in the last two decades. With such a growth Thameslink decided to reduce the number of trains on this route from 3 to 2. Both passing from Bedford with not enough capacity for the amount of passengers commuting on this route. In addition, the last train is at 5.55 not suitable for most City workers hence creating work issues work such huge working population. We need more trains!
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Your Voice Picture
  • Hold Durham UCU meeting prior to UCU Congress
    This is important in order to allow regular members to be informed about and have a voice in the business which will take place at UCU Congress. In particular, the pensions dispute which we went on strike over is ongoing. It is vital that members stay engaged with the union's actions in relation to the dispute. We are the union.
    111 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Siobhan McGrath
  • Newcastle University to pay the Living Wage
    Research from 2017 at Cardiff University suggested that 60% of British people in poverty live in a household where someone is in work. This simply has to change. We are calling on the Vice Chancellor to follow suit of many other Universities, and pay staff a reasonable amount. For a university that earned a £27 million surplus before tax in 2016-17, this is the least it can do.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Living Wage Newcastle University
  • Old brick heaters
    it is important to reduce energy consumption to save the environment as well as reducing costs of overall electric use so the poorest people can survive and live happy lives
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew oconnor
  • Fisheries Post Brexit
    British territorial waters are some of the most productive in Europe. I started fishing full time 42 years ago. Most of that time under the EU's Common Fisheries Policy. When we joined what was then the EEC we had to sign away equal access to other European countries. Some, like Spain, had no history of fishing in British waters. Others had so little territorial waters of thier own that they must have been rubbing thier hands together with glee at gaining access to our rich and abundant waters. Over the years I have seen the Common Fisheries Policy depress the industry, with once household named fishing ports such as Fleetwood, Milford haven, Lowestoft, Hull and Grimsby all declining. Thousands of people, not only fishermen but those industries supporting them, had to face finding other work or the dole. Whole communities were destroyed. The policy led to overfishing and the consequent decimation of prime fisheries, such as Liverpool bay and the Southern North Sea. The most recent threat has come from Dutch electro pulse fishing. Wiping out whole eco systems on the north Sea in the name of efficiency. I have seen once thriving fisheries that I used to work every year, nearly destroyed. Limiting us to smaller areas and concentrating effort there, instead of the diversity of grounds and fishing opportunities we used to enjoy. We now have the golden opportunity to take back control of what is a national resource potentially worth billions. By putting our own measures in place managing our fisheries effectively and sustainably we could ensure that not only are there fish in the seas but an industry for our children and grandchildren. Those Europeans that have an historic right of access and have fished or waters for hundreds of years, must be allowed to continue within limits but only if they comply with our rules of enforcement.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerald Podschies
  • Say NO to passports being produced anywhere but the UK
    The main reason 1) security a passport is a critical document and should not be made outside the UK 2) if we loose the jobs then the supposed 124 million savings will be wiped out in lost tax, NI, and increased benefits 3) we should be protecting and supporting our industry not giving business to countries that Would not allow that to happen in their country. 4) we are leaving the EU so it's not in our interests to allow another company to have such a hold over our security. 5) Britain has fantastic companies doing great things and if we are to succeed we need to give them every help we can
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Dereck Anderson
  • Ecologising
    My name is Gaia the Garbage. I help run Ecologisers, a Young People's Anti-litter Campaign. For a 2 minute fun-video that gives the whole picture, please visit https://vimeo.com/233979354 We have 4 creative projects we're forwarding and have taken into schools, and universities through current teacher-training routes. These are: Alternative Santa, LItter Goes LIterary, the Children's Humorously Captioned Photography Competition and the writing of EcoSongs. I've written 45 EcoSongs. Put upbeat celebratory eco-lyrics to famous out-of-copyright tunes. This project and others like it are important because the way we tackle problems, including global problems, is not solution-oriented. It's quick-fix or commerically-led. Though we have been running this campaign for 4 years we have funded it ourselves as litter is seen as the pariah of the enivronmental movement. Numerous applications for funding we have made have failed. At Ecologisers we want to make litter 'sexy'!!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gaia Dance
  • Divest from fossil fuels
    Globally, more than 800 investors with combined assets of $6 trillion USD have already made commitments to divest from fossil fuels. We have the opportunity for Highland to be the first Local Authority in Scotland to divest from fossil fuels! Six other UK Local Government pension funds have already done so. By investing in fossil fuel extraction, Highland Council are profiting from climate change. As public bodies, local governments have a responsibility to work for the public good; they shouldn’t be financially and politically supporting the most destructive industry on the planet. Fossil fuel investments undermine Highland Council’s own climate change strategies, as well as our national and international commitments. £2.3 million of the Highland Council's Pension Fund is invested in BHP Billiton, the 12th largest extractor of coal in the world. They are currently mining in the centre of the Borneo rainforest and facing prosecution over Brazil's worst ever environmental disaster. They also have £12.6 million invested in Shell, who have paid millions of dollars in fines over their oil operations in Nigeria, are threatening to drill in the Arctic and are involved in shale gas fracking in the US (a process banned in Scotland). What could change look like? We are in the midst of a housing crisis, youth unemployment is high and inequality is rising. New technologies like electric cars, wave power and floating wind can bring green jobs to our communities, whilst investment in green housing and insulation could house millions and cut fuel poverty. Council pension funds can back this change by shunning fossil fuels and investing locally in green jobs, social housing and renewable energy. By divesting from fossil fuels, Highland Council, together with other public and financial institutions, can collectively help fund a more sustainable future for the people of Highland and around the world. Please sign and share!
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Hobbs
    The rollout of Benefit changes is coming to Tendring soon. We have seen the chaos and consequences of benefit arrears in other areas that have rolled out and wish to do all we can to alleviate the problems in Tendring
    141 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rick Grogan
  • Lancashire County Council withdraws any intention of awarding the contract To Virgin Care
    This will cost local Lancashire Health Trusts £2.08mil for a nominal saving. It is important to reduce outsourcing because private providers owe a duty to their shareholders, as well as patients and may therefore seek to hide behind principles of ’commercial confidentiality’. Private providers are not subject to the Freedom of Information law in the same way that NHS organisations are
    113 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gina Eastwood