• Crawley Public Green Energy Initiative
    For a long time the country has - for the most part - relied on fossil fuels to power our houses, businesses and transportation. These fossil fuels are becoming harder and harder to pull from the earth and the effects are devastating. Not to mention the fuels we are now receiving are severely reduced in quality - what is known as "dirty fuel." Our government spends billions in subsidies on the polluting fuel sources, a market that is drastically unsustainable. Crawley is a constantly developing town. The past five years have seen the town move from having thirteen districts to fourteen and the outskirts, once fields and forest land, are now developing communities. It is clear more people are seeing the geographical benefits of the town, nestled between London and Brighton. Not only this, Gatwick Airport offers a variety of jobs and links to myriad destinations around the globe. This is where I see the importance of this initiative. As more and more people move into the area, large-scale developments are taking place. Our carbon footprint is growing, as are the prices we pay for energy. The Public Green Energy Initiative aims to move people away from relying on corporations ownership of our energy so that we, as consumers, are no longer under the threat of dramatically increasing energy prices. Not only would moving to green energy be sustainable for the future, it gives people an opportunity to reduce costs and feed energy back into the grid. This lowers our prices and helps us build a local economy in green energy infrastructure. Gatwick Airport (LGW) has already started its own initiative by changing all of its bulbs to LED's (runway included) and plans to become the worlds first entirely LED lit airport. If the surrounding town of Crawley joins in turning to renewable sources of energy, the town and conjoined airport could become a model for the country. The extra added benefit - if we turn to become a green energy town, there is a huge opportunity for a total change in town, transport and community planning. Bus routes could be added and subsidized by local council in order to reduce the need for cars for small journeys. This means that areas of the town would be more accessible for workers, the elderly and the youth. Cycle routes would be improved and cycle initiatives, such as the cycle to work scheme, could be promoted through local companies. By making the energy public, the public get the vote on where their energy comes from and therefore gain independence and pride in taking part in something large-scale.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sam Cox Picture
  • Gloucester Recycling is Rubbish
    Waste collection is an area that affects all of us, not just the day to day cleanliness of our city but also our impact on the environment. This failure by Gloucester City Council, and their Contractor Amey, has a wide ranging impact on us as residents. Our environment is unnecessarily impacted by the recycling we sort being placed into landfill due to ineffeciencies and the services we need are degraded by the shortfall in funding due to recycling not being able to be sold. £300,000 is a large part of our council's budget which, with the continued defunding of our local councils from central government, we can not afford. We are chastised if our bins are put out with the lid open but the lack of scrutiny or diligence in the Council's handling of Amey and their contract is frankly mind boggling, it's time for change. For further information on this issue please follow the below links: https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/gloucester-news/whistleblower-claims-amey-staff-gloucester-1654289 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-44374816 https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-gloucestershire-44469075 https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/gloucester-news/astonishing-council-meeting-reveals-gloucesters-1640809 https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/amey-not-fined-gloucester-city-1031193 https://www.gloucestershirelive.co.uk/news/gloucester-news/amey-refutes-those-claims-council-1643663
    120 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellis Fincham
  • Current university failed asylum seekers should be allowed leaves to remain
    It will save the future of individuals who are vulnerable to immigration status in the uk. Education is basic right of everyone and no one can snatch this right. Education is the only way that can change not only the status of individual but also it can change the society and the world. The home office is treating educated people like animals. So we can not allow the home office do do that.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Muhammad Aslam
  • Sir Gareth Southgate
    Because he made england feel proud again
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terry Lewis
  • Support for a Seven Barrage Tidal Lagoon
    It is the second largest tidal range in the world and would generate clean power now and for future generations without reliance on toxic resources from around the world. Many jobs would be generated and it would benefit the environment with cleaner power. It seems so obvious when we are surrounded by water and wave power waiting to be captured!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Tucker
  • Abandon the use of plastic blister packaging for pills and other medical products.
    It is essential that our national commitment to ecological issues both national and global, be seen to be all consuming and aware of ALL contributions to the global plastic waste issue.
    24 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Simpson
  • Support the Curry Industry by Reviewing Immigration Policy
    Previous attempts by this and former governments to train chefs within specialized Training Centres of Excellence in the UK have consistently failed to produce the skilled chefs required to address the shortage. Closures of restaurants around the country are at an alarming rate of 3-4 per week. Heavy handed raids by UKBA and heavily imposed penalties add to the burden levied upon the restaurateurs eager to maintain and survive the current economic climate.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Bangladesh Caterers Association
  • Brighouse Train Station parking facilities & disrepair of Rastrick roads
    Residential parking is increasingly becoming unavailable and unmanageable along Gooder Lane and the surrounding residential streets due to a lack of parking facilities at Brighouse train station. Rastrick has a high density of residential properties, which already makes the possibilty of parking limited. The lack of parking facilities at Brighouse train station means that rail commuters are having to find parking elsewhere, namely on neighbouring residential streets, making residents unable to park anywhere near their own home. As Rastrick & Brighouse Councillors, we have lobbyed the Council for a number of years to look, in partnership with the other stakeholders (e.g. WY Combined Authority), at this situation, to no avail. The situation needs an holistic approach exploring all veasible options and solutions to avoid displacing the problem on to other streets in the area. However, simply put, we need more parking facilities at Brighouse Train Station. Gooder Lane is a regularly used highway by residents, railway users, businesses (both shops and industrial companies), HGVs, and day to day commuters. This road, and many of the 'offshoot' residential streets (Bridge End in particular) are very poorly maintained, and have been for years, meaning that many drivers avoid using this road and instead use another route which causes congestion on other main roads. These roads need to be properly assessed and dressed. As Councillors, we are continually told that assessments will take place but, to date, none have taken place and no action has been taken to address this problem.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Whittaker
  • Save Our Arches - Guardians of the Arches
    Network Rail are selling the entire estate of railway arches and public land to a private investor by end August 2018. In advance of this sale, small businesses are being crippled by impossible rent demands and we need your urgent help to petition Chris Grayling to stop this sale, save our Arches and safeguard our small businesses across the UK. We must act now, once the sale takes place the public land will be gone and it will be too late.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eleni Jones
  • Clean Air Day 2018 - Making West Midlands Transport Fit for the Future
    The 21st June is National Clean Air Day, when children and adults across the West Midlands are pledging to walk, cycle and raise awareness of the effects of air pollution. As you know, all member authorities of the WMCA have areas which exceed legal limits of nitrogen dioxide. Evidence shows that such exposure reduces lung growth, contributes to long term ill health and can cause premature death. We hope that National Clean Air Day will reduce pollution on the day, but more importantly it is an opportunity to focus on the future. The single largest source of nitrogen dioxide in many areas is diesel cars, and in this region more than most this is due to a car dependency faced by many households. For too many people public transport, walking and cycling do not feel safe or practical. Road congestion damages our health, economy and communities, and the current dependence on cars is unsustainable with a growing population. Meanwhile, cars contribute to many of the other health challenges we face. Among these, the West Midlands has some of the highest childhood obesity rates in the country, and the lowest rates of physical activity - both would improve if children felt safe to walk and cycle. Sedentary lifestyles are closely linked to car use and contribute to major illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and depression. The combined authority includes areas which already have some of the poorest health outcomes in the country. If the West Midlands is to grow inclusively the opportunity for health must be available to all residents, with clean air, safe roads, and well-connected transport.
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by West Midlands Clean Air Day
  • Pensions before Dividends
    The corporations are not doing the ethical thing by looking after their workers before shareholders. Examples, BHS, Carillion. At present Sainsbury' has given out £1.4B in dividends to it shareholders over last five years but the pension is running at a £974M deficit.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony O'Donnell
  • Say no to parking charges in Brighouse
    Over the years Calderdale has allowed many large retail outlets in Brighouse, Tesco, Salisbury's, Lidl, Boyes, B&M, Pets at Home M & Co and Wilkinson's in such a small town, the Business rates Calderdale will receive from these will be massive, only M & Co charge for parking to visit them, this with online shopping is making it harder for shops to stay open in Brighouse, hence so many charity shops that don't pay rates. Unless we want a town centre that is boarded up because shops cant make a living we all need to sign this petition, we have signed many partitions before to stop parking charges in Brighouse, WE NEED TO DO IT AGAIN. If Halifax can spend £20,000,000+? on the peace hall, who knows what Westgate arcade and the library cost (there not telling) to attract people to Halifax , Im sure we can have free parking to attract people to Brighouse.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rob EvEy