• Stop Leveraging Students with RBS Debt
    Because with student debt rising at an unsustainable rate, the next generation will be even less likely to afford their own home. Their health will suffer. Universities are profiteering and not delivering value. Many Universities are in debt. The young are paying for their and the Governments mis-management
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James BRACHER
  • Start a Space Cadet Force
    This will help young people to develop important life skills and pride in themselves, but through a non-military pathway. It will encourage them to look to the future and strive for excellence in a broad range of learning challenges. It will create new relationships as "esprit de corps" develops, and give participants confidence through a "start in life" that so many need in our uncertain world.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Dunn
  • Continue the Dolly Parton Imagination Library in Doncaster
    Over the last 4.5years my eldest son has received some fantastic books from the Dolly Parton Imagination Library. This has not only enhanced his love of books and stories but has encouraged him to begin to learn to read before starting school. As a parent, I think it is a great shame that such a wonderful scheme that has enabled many children to access literature, is set to close in September. Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library of United Kingdom is a free book gifting organisation devoted to inspiring a love of reading in the hearts of children everywhere. Each month, enrolled children receive a high quality, age appropriate book in the post, free of charge. Children receive books from birth to age five. This means my other children will never know the joy of these free monthly books, or get to share the joy of reading future wonderful stories with parents and grandparents alike. This will mean families across Doncaster will not have future access to books that land on their door step every month.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joseph Burton
  • Get Bikeability level 2 into Auriol’s Year 6 Timetable
    Child cycle training Children between the age of 11 and 16 years account for over 25 percent of serious and fatal cycle injuries, but we can minimise the risks. Cycle training is a vital part of keeping children safe on our roads. Please sign this petition if you agree that year 6 Auriol Children should take level 2 Bikeability.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Flacks
  • Let The Children Pee
    Pupils are avoiding drinking water so they do not need to use the toilets at school and this is resulting in dehydration.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katy Smith
  • Keep childcare level 3 at Broadwater
    This is effecting the educational choices of many students.
    75 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jade Taylor
  • Reinstate year 8 vocational subjects at Stanley Park School
    Children who find academic work challenging now have fewer option choices for vocational subjects which is discriminatory. For children looking to take vocational subjects in year 9, their options are now dance or home cooking. Any children hoping to pursue a career in any technical subject after secondary school, these option are of very little help. Forcing children in to subjects they show little vocation for will be an unwarranted distraction to schooling if the other children on these courses.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yasin Makda
  • Dyslexia assesments to be mandatory in primary schools.
    Students are reaching university not knowing they're dyslexic and not getting the support they need. Grades would significantly improve, for example I get A's in my exams and D's in my written assigment making me pass, however if I'd of recognised my dyslexia sooner I would of done better. Students have sued the council for school's not testing them, this is because schools are meant to recognise it and continue to fail. I therefore believe this clearly isn't enough as so many go without diagnoses and support.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katy Curran
  • support return of university grants
    For society to develop in a positive way, and for there to be true equality for all by choices.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Francoise White
  • St Augustine's School Expansion Solihull
    Some of the main concerns are: - The current situation caused by the build up of excessive traffic in the area dropping off and picking up from four schools already leads to minute-by-minute infringements of the parking regulations and inconsiderate / illegal / dangerous driving manoeuvres. - The traffic in the roads near St Augustine’s school is often at a standstill at peak times twice per day, and the plan proposes to double the amount of traffic. - The neighbourhood already faces the danger of a serious accident caused by this traffic. - Many houses are already at risk of being inaccessible by Ambulance, Fire Services, or Police during peak times. - Residents feel trapped inside their homes twice a day, especially at pickup time when thoughtless driving and parking is combined with abusive parents. - The proposed plan will double the number of cars visiting the school during each 'school run'. We believe that nearly 70% of parents at St Augustine’s live outside the area and travel by car this will increase the traffic from just this one school by at least 150 cars twice a day. - This volume of traffic and emissions has serious health implications for all the children at the four schools as well as the residents living nearby. - Despite the scientific evidence supporting the dangers of air pollution, some parents sit with their engine’s running whatever time of year. - The plan is intended to support children moving into semi-rural (relatively light traffic) areas of the borough by attracting them into the centre of town. This cannot be sustainable. Surely it is better to build another small school where the need is rather than bring people from miles around. - The three main roads leading from the schools campus - Widney Lane, Monkspath Hall Road, and Blossomfield Road each can have queues up to 10 minutes during the 'school run'. - An additional annual 120,000+ of car mileage and the noxious emissions resulting is likely to be incurred in transporting children to and from school as compared to a school based in Tidbury Green or Blythe Valley. - The acceptance of an initial increase of 210 children is likely to have a further knock-on effect when those children need to moving to the 'next-door' school - St. Peter's.
    315 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Roger Fitton
  • Legislate for 90 minutes playtime in a school day and make removal of it illegal
    As parents we are worried by reporting in the media of children’s mental health problems, obesity, screen time use and them having fewer opportunities to socialise. Whilst schools teach children academic subjects they are also required to promote opportunities for children to make friends and be inclusive. This is evidenced in many Education Health Care plans. Many schools are curtailing or removing playtimes as a punishment. Not only is this affecting children’s opportunities to socialise but it also deprives them of time to rejuvenate and compose themselves. Schools promote children’s health by issuing guidelines on healthy lunch boxes, internet safety and inviting parents to attend workshops on subjects such as anxiety, mental health and Adolescent Brain Development, yet at the same time deny children fresh air and exercise. This seems counterintuitive. The report highlights that play times have decreased on average by 45 minutes per week over the past 20 years and the majority of schools no longer have afternoon breaks. Children in urban areas are more affected, and those who have free school meals. Another group of children who may be particularly disadvantaged are those with disabilities. Amongst them, children with ADHD and autism need play time to use up excess energy and socialise. There are many families who may not be able to access costly after school clubs, who may not have safe areas for their children to play outside and therefore have limited social opportunities for children outside of school. School maybe the only place these children can socialise. Most importantly the report shows that children valued break times. Secondary school pupils felt that in particular lunchtime was too short. This finding reflects our personal experience from having children in secondary schools where sometimes they don’t have enough time to eat what they have bought in the canteen. We are aware of the problem of academic pressure on schools, the reported funding crisis and possible staffing issues that may be argued over providing legal play times, however this needs to be weighed up against the potentially enormous health benefits to children and whether these children would be more healthy and better able to attend to academic study. Teachers are increasingly finding themselves dealing with issues that can be attributed to children’s mental health and behaviour that may be linked to this. Teacher unions have successfully implemented legal break times for their members but no one has done this for the children. To that end we are asking that children from infant, primary and secondary schools receive one hour minimum for lunch and at least a morning and afternoon break time of 15 minutes, in total 90 minutes break time each day. Children’s play time needs to be set in legislation, not determined by individual schools and certainly not removed as punishments. Every child matters, help children achieve more.
    2,121 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Tanya Hatton
  • Stop schools closing to be polling stations during term time!
    Children who attend these schools lose a days education every time we have an election. 2 elections in may 2019 in the short 4 week half term. This not only means the children miss out on two days education but also means that working parents are pushed to find alternative childcare when they are at work. This could be easily avoided if the elections were planned during the school holidays or another alternative venue was used for the polling.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Laura Hargreaves