• The new 50 pound note to have George Edwin Ellison
    Firstly, I would like to say that this nation owes everything to the service men and women who have given everything in the defence of the nation. Secondly, if it wasn't for them everything that we know as being British wouldn't have happened without their sacrifice. George Edwin Ellison of the 5th Lancers was born in Leeds, England and was one day away from being safe and surviving the war alive but it was fate that decided, he would have to give all, for his family, friends, and country men to have peace. Lastly, this year is 2018 and its almost been 100 years since George Edwin Ellison laid down his life for us to live in peace, but who was he but a man among meny. The last of our finest, who died in the name of prosperity and peace. I believe that by putting George Edwin Ellison on the new 50 pound note is an amazing way for the nation to remember the people who have given us all.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Thomas Dowling
  • Road Safety Measures for Long Road Lawford
    It's important because it's an accident waiting to happen especially in the afternoon when there is no crossing patrol to help parents and children to cross this extremely busy road. My 3yr old daughter and in-laws were involved in a near miss crossing this road on 4/10/18. Following a message on social media I have found out in the last month since the school returned from summer break there have been at least three other near miss incidents and one child has been knocked over. A crossing has been talked about for years on this site but nothing has been done. With all the extra traffic created by the new housing estates in the area the situation is only going to get worse. We need Essex Highways to take action ASAP before a serious accident occurs.
    283 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Newman
  • Improved I.T. provision
    There will be notable repercussions in the standard of exam results in six different courses in Firrhill High School alone if the I.T. equipment isn't provided at an acceptable standard in schools in Edinburgh. Disadvantaged students are effected the worst as they may be unable to provide a computer at home. Pupils in classes are unable to complete tasks as the computers provided previously do not have the ability to run programs needed in course work.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aistair Ritchie
  • The grove community center
    The youth have no where to play socialise and meet so they hang around the town in groups they desperately need some where to go.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kieran Stone
  • Create more training posts within the nhs for accredited biomedical science students
    It is important for both enhancingbcsreer prospects for BMS graduates and for enhancing the services of laboratory practitioners in the nhs.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carl Onwochei
  • Abolish Tax on Feminine Hygiene Products
    The period is a natural female bodily function. It occurs every month from the start of puberty until the menopause. Studies have shown that women pay on average £18,000 on feminine hygiene products in their lifetime. That is money that would be better spent putting our children through college. We have all seen the adverts on TV recently from Always, talking about period poverty. If these products weren't taxed, no teenager would have to miss out on their education each month because of a natural bodily function they have no control over.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Meg Day
  • stop all ads for online gambling.
    there is a growing addiction of gambling,advertising these items on tv is exactly the same as advertising,ciggarettes,herion or cocaine.
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Borsos
    To enable my daughter to get to School safely.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jacqui Prince
  • LGBT+ to be added to the curriculum
    It gives help for the LGBT students who do not learn this information or others that just don’t know, LGBT should be catered for not just straight relationships.
    52 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amber WS
  • Release the 1921 Census early/
    It is already 97 years since the 1921 census. The 1931 census data for England was destroyed and no census took place in 1941. This is invaluable data and for many researchers release in 2021 will be too late.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Linda Murray
  • Current university failed asylum seekers should be allowed leaves to remain
    It will save the future of individuals who are vulnerable to immigration status in the uk. Education is basic right of everyone and no one can snatch this right. Education is the only way that can change not only the status of individual but also it can change the society and the world. The home office is treating educated people like animals. So we can not allow the home office do do that.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Muhammad Aslam
  • Re placement Gates
    Gates have been erected at Maudland Road thru to Seymore Road, South Shore, Blackpool, it is understood the gates were for the security of the rear of St Heliers Road. The placement of the gates has restricted access to and from Bancroft park and the South Shore area as well as easier access to bus routes on Lytham Road and the main gate of Blackpool Gateway Academy. These inconveniences have had a detrimental effect on the residents of St Heliers Road, Saville Road, Maudland Road, Baron Road, Stansfield Street and Central Drive and beyond. The problems cover a range of issues, namely lowered security, health issues, traffic problems and the general wellbeing of the community. Repositioning the access to this walk way will allow access to Bancroft park and South Shore and improve the wellbeing of many of the residents.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Debby Godfrey-Brown