• Shire Hall Mold lights out night
    Because schools funds have been cut 6 percent but the council don't mind wasting our money on electric.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Formby
  • Lack of Recycling Budget in Schools
    Many schools don't have a recycling budget and can't afford to recycle. Even batteries end up in landfill. Recycling is important to reduce environmental and habitat damage and global warming. It also helps to reuse resources and materials that are valuable and take a lot of energy to produce and are in limited supply. The school curriculum teaches students environmental protection, global warming, recycling and sustainable use of resources. Yet this is not seen in practice. Schools are not setting a good example to students.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alhor Byrne
  • Please make the entrance and exit to Booker Park School a no stopping zone.
    Booker Park is a School for children with special needs and as such, almost every child there is driven to school in the morning and picked up inthe afternoon. This means that here is a huge number of vehicles trying to get into and out of the site at the same time. If any cars at all are parked on the road at the entrance, the entire school site gets gridlocked and staff or parents have to oversee directing traffic to ease this. Often the only option is to reverse many, many vehicles back out onto the road. This not only constitutes a huge danger to the few children whose parents walk them into and out of the school site, but it also causes delays for those parents who have to pick up siblings from mainstream schools. There is no one at the school who should have to come and direct traffic. Parents should not have to leave their cars with children in, to negotiate moving other vehicles so that everyone can leave the site.
    90 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marianne Ponsonby-White
  • Greenbank School/Smithdown Rd Road Crossing Safety
    Primary school children are having to take chances crossing the road in order to get into school on time. Vehicles regularly stop on the crossing causing difficultly for pedestrians Numerous accidents have caused lights and bollards to be knocked down - next time it could be one of our children. Greenbank School parents have commented how they need to set off earlier due to the additional time it takes to cross Smithdown road from all directions.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elaine McNeill
  • Stop the introduction of compulsory tests for children in reception
    The government are introducing compulsory testing for children in reception. The tests will be in numeracy, literacy and behaviour. A £10m trial will begin in September, with the aim of introducing it to all infant schools in 2020. This must be stopped. Though early assessments are important, baseline testing is not the way to approach this. Different ways of assessing children were explored in 2015, and the most popular was based solely on observation of children. The approach of baseline testing came under scrutiny from teaching unions and parents, and the Department for Education quickly put an end to the tests, claiming the different approaches were too hard to compare. However, here we are again, and this time compulsory baseline tests are being pushed through. The only way to stop this is to speak up. The tests are unreliable. Many factors are thought to 'scew' the results, including 'whether the child was summer born, spoke English as a first language, or had settled happily into school.' The tests are also risking making social inequality worse. 'Parents with high expectations will prepare their children, which could mean these infants have a higher score and that higher expectations will follow them throughout their school careers. The opposite could be true for children from disadvantaged homes.' So the disadvantaged, the youngest, those who do not speak English as a first language, even those who are shy and not settling as well as others could have their education seriously damaged by these tests. Is this not discrimination? This approach being pushed through seems to be based on a November OFSTED report that 'highlighted that a third of five-year-olds, and half of disadvantaged ones, were not reaching expected standards of development in their reception year. The inspectors recommended more focus on reading, including phonics.' It suggested that reception pupils need to be 'pushed harder in reading and maths'. However, this is being challenged by parents, teachers and other education experts, who claim the OFSTED report was biased because 'the schools used as good examples by the inspectorate were chosen for their more formal approach.' The evidence suggests that baseline testing will be extremely damaging. Please sign and share this petition to show Damian Hinds that it is not supported. A good summary of everything you need to know about this issue: https://www.theguardian.com/education/2018/jan/16/tests-reception-children-immoral-england-play
    993 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Amy Howarth
  • A safe passing to Carlton and Faceby school.
    We believe there is a genuine risk to children. Having to walk 30 metres down a busy road to the recommend parking place. This seems completely unnecessary when a footpath clearly is the answer.
    119 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Robert Jinks
  • Improving Lea Village Park
    Lea Village park is an important resource for the whole community to share and to be proud of. We have tried to do our own bit to make it better but we can’t do it alone. Having pupils in our school that rely on wheelchairs, it is important to us that the park is accessible to all of us and that they aren’t excluded from trips to the park. We would like to see the park used to its full extent by all local people. We are happy to do some fundraising of our own to help with this cause.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Kershaw
  • Families first
    This service supports families all over Renfrewshire but closer to home for me is the foxbar team. The girls re so supportive and have done a lot for my family and others
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dawn Campbell
  • Introducing Meditation and Mental Health as Part of the School Curriculum
    To improve the well-being of students, prepare them for self-responsibility and to know how to help other people in need.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Yasmin Bligh-Hasan
  • Save Northamptonshire Libraries
    Libraries are important to all age groups in the County. They a focal points for local communities and in the modern era provide a large range of essential services. These include the loan of books, careers advice, IT training, Newspaper Reading Rooms, Group Activities for Young parents and children, Access to Computers and photocopiers, archives for researchers, local information. Libraries are important hubs in local communities providing information on local services, activities and groups. Closing local libraries will isolate communities and individuals, especially the elderly and disabled.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Stuttle
  • Help the homeless sign this petition
    Homelessness is important to our country what sort of planet make its own money yet has its own people starving and freezing to death on its streets of all ages in all countries great Britain has homelessness what's great about that print some notes of round them all up and help them don't they deserve a chance at life , if evil serial killers and pedophiles get the help why not the vunrable good homeless people why ? 🤔
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sadie Gill
  • Stop the Supply Teaching Agency Rip off and Every Classroom should have a qualified Teacher
    Because unqualified staff are being used more and more in schools in England and Wales. Every class should always have a fully qualified teacher in it. Schools are increasingly using unqualified staff to cover lessons of absent teachers, sometimes for weeks at a time. Supply teachers losing 40-60% of their daily pay and their pension is forcing them out of the profession. Teacher retention and recruitment is at crisis level in England and Wales. The taxpayer and most importantly our children are being shortchanged. Public money is going to private profit. Education is not a business, it is our children's birthright. England and Wales are slipping down the OECD rankings every year.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Wallace