Introducing Meditation and Mental Health as Part of the School CurriculumTo improve the well-being of students, prepare them for self-responsibility and to know how to help other people in need.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Yasmin Bligh-Hasan
Save Northamptonshire LibrariesLibraries are important to all age groups in the County. They a focal points for local communities and in the modern era provide a large range of essential services. These include the loan of books, careers advice, IT training, Newspaper Reading Rooms, Group Activities for Young parents and children, Access to Computers and photocopiers, archives for researchers, local information. Libraries are important hubs in local communities providing information on local services, activities and groups. Closing local libraries will isolate communities and individuals, especially the elderly and disabled.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dave Stuttle
Help the homeless sign this petitionHomelessness is important to our country what sort of planet make its own money yet has its own people starving and freezing to death on its streets of all ages in all countries great Britain has homelessness what's great about that print some notes of round them all up and help them don't they deserve a chance at life , if evil serial killers and pedophiles get the help why not the vunrable good homeless people why ? 🤔65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sadie Gill
Stop the Supply Teaching Agency Rip off and Every Classroom should have a qualified TeacherBecause unqualified staff are being used more and more in schools in England and Wales. Every class should always have a fully qualified teacher in it. Schools are increasingly using unqualified staff to cover lessons of absent teachers, sometimes for weeks at a time. Supply teachers losing 40-60% of their daily pay and their pension is forcing them out of the profession. Teacher retention and recruitment is at crisis level in England and Wales. The taxpayer and most importantly our children are being shortchanged. Public money is going to private profit. Education is not a business, it is our children's birthright. England and Wales are slipping down the OECD rankings every year.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jack Wallace
Sex and Relationships Education Introduced to National CurriculumWhile teen pregnancy is on the decrease in the UK, we still have the highest rate in Western Europe. Teen pregnancy rates here are 5 times higher than in the Netherlands and around twice the EU average. We believe that this difference is down to a reluctance to talk about the realities of sex in the UK.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tom Colderwood
Concessionary fares scheme for 16 to 18 year oldsA Wiltshire wide concessionary fares scheme should be considered by Wiltshire Council. Many of these young people are in full time education and have no access to there own transport. And in many cases if there is public transport the price is beyond there reach.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by TERRY CHIVERS
Change Crayke Primary School to 20mph zoneSchool kids have to cross between parked cars, meaning it could only be a matter of time before an accident happens as heavy good vehicles, cars and trucks use the road in a 30mph zone. Because of parked cars, traffic is reduced to a single lane - meaning there is a great deal of congestion. We have the opportunity to influence Hamleton Highways and the police who are coming out to access the situation and with your help we can make this happen for the safety of our children. Most villages I have driven passed have these clear marking and is a 20 mph zone through out the villages.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claire Walker
Securing a Knighthood for Kenny DalglishFor his humanity, empathy and actions in relation to the victims of the Hillsboro disaster and their families and for his achievements in Sport.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ian Stewart
Free London Transport for StudentsLondon is most expensive city in the UK, with extremely high living cost. At the moment students only get 30% off travel cards and 16-25 cards only allow 30% off of off peak single fares, but must pay the full price for peak fares. Why should students have to pay to go to university when they are struggling to afford everything else. The cost of education is expensive enough, why should we have to pay more. Help students out and let them travel to university for free.27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by S E
Dangerous parking outside schoolsSafeguarding our children has to be a top priority. Irresponsible and illegal parking around schools is increasingly dangerous. This is a national issue. Current legislation is inadequate and councils do not have the funds to place wardens at all schools to enforce the legislation that is currently in place.203 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Amanda Digman
More Funding for the Afan ValleyAs a community we want more support for Schools in the Afan Valley. More Funding to Keep one of the best Comprehensive open and to Be listened to by the welsh Government. while this is going to a loss for the afan valley we are determined to fight.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jac Paul
Emotional Assistance Pet ActThe petition of residents of United Kingdom, Declares that there is compelling evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that interacting with pets can be beneficial to the physical, social, and emotional well-being of humans and that the human-animal emotional bond does not differ from the one that we sustain in relation to close family members; further that the twenty-first century is the beginning of the revolution in ethics related to scientific evidence regarding consciousness in animals – now confirmed that it is astonishingly close to humans; further that mental health services in the UK are overstretched, have long waiting times and a lack specialist services in some regions; further that the Mental Health Foundation also recognises the value of “pet therapy” in suicide prevention and treating depression leading to it; further that there is no scientific research to support the thesis that tenants who have pets are worse, more difficult or cause more damage to properties than those who do not; and further that almost all tenancy agreements, by default, contain a no pet clause, which is nothing more than a prejudiced practice, as a result, people who have pets are especially victimised in their attempt to simply put a roof over their heads in this difficult housing crisis context. Therefore, the petitioners request that the House of Commons urges the Government to introduce legislation that recognises the importance of the emotional relationship of man and their non-human family members; further to put the interest of the most vulnerable and the public interest above the right of the property owners if the property is a subject of commercial gain; and further that the legislation should allow the emotional support animal access in housing facilities, even when the complex has a no pet policy or breed/weight discriminatory policies.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sophia Davenport
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