• Save Raktim Kar from being discharged without financial assistance
    Raktim is a brilliant and bright pharmacology PhD student at University of Greenwich. He has worked and paid his national insurance contributions and is a model citizen from work in Sainsbury's pharmacy department. He is only 30 and has his whole life in front of him.He has paid his NHS surcharge and stopping NHS treatment or care now would be detrimental. If his student visa is not extended he cannot get treatment in 🇬🇧 and will need to travel abroad to India whilst unwell. He is fully integrated in the UK.He was discovered unconscious in his room end of May 2017 and was taken to Royal London Hospital. He needs help with feeding and washing. He has been moved to Newham University Hospital. We are raising funds https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/raktimvasha
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emefa G
  • Keep Shine for St Ursula's E-Act Academy PE Lessons
    Shine offer professional coaching in a variety of sports that children may not be able to access ordinarily. The coaches provide positive role models that children are very comfortable with and they offer an alternative to parents and teachers in this respect in children's lives. They make engaging in physical exercise fun and achievable for all. The school believe that an internal coach facilitating sport through class teachers offers an effective, cost cutting solution in times of educational economic austerity. However we believe that the move will be to the detriment of our children's enthusiasm for sport, that they will be less active overall as they will not be as encouraged to join in physical activities outside of school, the range of different sporting activities available to them will decrease and the level of sporting prowess that many of the children currently possess (as demonstrated by St Ursula's achievements in inter-school matches and tournaments) will decline. In a world that promotes physical exercise as healthy this move suggests that E-Act do not hold physical educational as important as other aspects of the curriculum. Whilst the parents understand the need for the school to future-proof against the closure of the community hall and therefore the loss of Shine from the neighbouring building, the parents have long understood (as promoted by the school themselves in previous academic years) that Shine would operate from within the new school. The possible community hall closure has not yet been decided upon and even if that were to happen Shine would be on-site to continue their activities if what parents were previously led to believe is correct. Many parents selected St Ursula's as their child's primary school because of the close association between the school and Shine. E-Act are correct when they say that E-Act and Shine are two separate business organisations. However E-Act have, as recently as the autumn of 2016, used the association that exist between the two to promote their school. Many parents, on hearing that Shine will not be teaching PE to at least one key stage, feel that they have been mis-sold the school.
    403 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Georgina Moden
  • Access to open access journal articles to those with no current institutional affiliation
    Current Government policy on pensions provision is based on the assumption that one third of one's life post starting work will be spent in retirement. The ability of retirees' ability 'to retain our intellectual, cultural and social capital' (Hartman, 2009) is compromised by the reluctance of university libraries to allow retired staff access away from university sites to e journals (see Paul Armstrong, Univ leeds, conference paper, undated but after 2011). This issue of the the defenestration of retired academics was given prominence by an influential survey of Retirees' views by Barbara Tizard widely reported in 2000-04. Access to journal articles by a substantial proportion of the UK population is severely limited, especially by those who cannot afford the exhorbitant rate of downloading one-off articles. The problem is writ large in terms of equity worldwide. Whilst most UK research councils (for example MRC, Welcome) now require publishing in open access journals and open access is on the increase, many journals still do not have an open access policy. The cost of such a policy should be born by a charge to institutions for publication in turn funded by research grant funding enhancements. The contribution of substantial expertise and dedication amongst academic and other retirees in particular is being compromised by this short sighted policy. (note: all these references can easily be obtained in a Google search by entering Barbara Tizard retirees)
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russell Ecob
  • Student Loans Should Not Be Considered Income
    Students are low income people and most of the money from student finance is to pay for things they actually need to pass their course , Books, Equipment , it also pays for research subjects Student finance should not be considered as income by councils when assessing Housing Benefit If HMRC dont consider it taxable income why do other depts consider it as income
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian McDonald
  • Free University for Medical Students
    It has been announced there is a worrying shortage of Doctors and Nurses to ensure the NHS can continue to operate. Currently we are bringing people from overseas but failing to encourage our own to study Medicine. The cost of going to University is a big ask of anyone thinking of taking up a career that will not reap rewards for many years. For Nurses it is even harder as they will not get to be in the higher paid salary bands of top Surgeons. In return all students must commit once qualified to a minimum of 5 years working within the NHS. This ensures the taxpayers investment in their careers has a satisfactory return and we all see a properly staffed NHS for the future.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Armstrong-Coulson
  • Challenge the touch taboo and encourage safe touch in schools and care settings
    Affective touch is a powerful medium for conveying empathy between people, for example when acknowledging that a child is highly successful, anxious or upset. A large body of recent neurobiological and psychological research clearly demonstrates that affective touch activates a crucial nerve system in the skin of all mammals that defends against stress and promotes feelings of well-being. A lack of touch is linked to less ability to cope. Safe touch also promotes discussion about what is not safe or wanted by other people.
    165 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sean Cameron
  • Support the court case demanding the UK keep it's promise to child refugees (DUBS)
    After the government has refused a second vote on the issue in parliament, the charity Help Refugees (represented by Leigh Day solicitors) is taking the Home Office to court over the Government’s failure to make suitable arrangements for relocating and supporting a specific number of child refugees as promised by the scheme currently known as "DUBS" under UK immigration law. For those who haven't heard about DUBS, it was an amendment made to 2016 law which requires the government to make arrangements ‘as soon as possible’ (after 31 May 2016) to relocate and support a ‘specified number’ of unaccompanied refugee children from Europe. This scheme was created as a response to the increasing pressure on the UK to help in what has been deemed the worst refugee crisis since World War Two. In February of this year our Home Office abandoned the continuation of DUBS quietly in Parliament, and local governments and charities across the UK have been trying to fight the decision. Help Refugees has now launched a formal legal challenge against the government as part of a last chance effort to protect what is truly a lifeline for unaccompanied/lone children fleeing war and/or conflict to Europe. Keeping the DUBS scheme is essential because currently there are 28 million children uprooted because of conflict in their own countries but over 1/9th of the world's refugees right now are in Europe and children make up a third of these numbers (and above 45% in the South East of Europe such as Greece and Macedonia), which make legal channels like DUBS essential for these kids to be able to begin a better life and to not be left to be targeted by traffickers and abusers who focus on Europe's camps. As the 6th richest country in the world, the UK is denying it's international commitments by reversing yet another safe legal passage for these children. Our local councils have said the UK can take in 4000 more children - meaning we have the capacity, all that's lacking is the willingness of our government to support our capacity to give. In its stance, the Home Office is targeting without justification children who have absolutely no one else to turn to and whose lives and futures are at significant risk right now. They have lost everything, meanwhile our government stands from a distance and says we have nothing to give. The Charity Help Refugees and those lawyers standing against the Home Office this week, are doing so because they reject this position. They reject that this is the UK we believe in. We ask the UK public to support this court case as the last chance to keep this scheme in law. We ask that you sign and spread the word about this case and that you don't let the lives of so many kids be determined behind closed doors. Let's shame the Home Office for its position, let's stand tall and fight for the right of these children to a better future from conflict.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Shannon Jackson
  • Give St Philips catholic school a school crossing person
    This is important in preventing a tragic incident . Many people visiting arundel speed and are unaware there is a school by the cathedral. When parents cross with their children it is dangerous with little visibility and cars parked everywhere .
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Missy Trent
  • Bring back the nit nurses
    While most parents regularly check their children for head lice some do not. The children of those parents continuously spread head lice through the schools, causing discomfort, distress and financial burdens on every parent with a child of school age. In the last four weeks we have had to treat our son for head lice four times and that is not an uncommon situation. Each time my son has been very distressed about it and despite us assuring him that it is not his fault he still says it makes him feel dirty. While I know that head lice treatment can be provided on the NHS for those parents who are unable to afford it this is not always freely given and is only provided for the child of school age. The problem with this is that the infection will usually be spread throughout the family thus only treating the child will not solve the problem. The nit nurses provided a bottle of treatment to use on the entire family. For those parents who simply do not check their children, whether out of ignorance or laziness, the nit nurse is a good tool for encouraging them to do so.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dawn Jones
  • Make Bullying and Filming Bullying Ilegal
    It is important as there have been a few kids who have taken there own life's, and there will be children suffering in silence terrified to go to school, this is not acceptable and needs to be outlawed as soon as possible
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Allan Parris Picture
  • Help ban the cruelty of Bull Fighting no animal should suffer like this
    There is absolutely no need for animals of any description to be killed so cruelly for plain and simply entertainment of crowds, there is nothing honourable in the way these Matadors dispatch the poor beasts it is plain and simply cruelty, time people were educated to the fact that it is wrong to treat animals in such a manner, at least at the slaughterhouse they are dispatched quickly.
    54 of 100 Signatures
    Created by robert brownlie Leggate Picture
  • Maximum temperature
    Because there is a minimum but no maximum. We are In pain with the heat
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Lea