• Make Mid Calder Primary School playground safe for P1 & P2
    The playground surface is slippery and the surrounding borders unsuitable and a health risk with the children being covered in mud at playtimes. There is a metal pipe protruding from the playground next to the gate and the metal steps leading in and out of the school are slippery in the cold and wet weather. We also feel that the surrounding fence is not at an adequate height to keep the children safe from the busy road. There is inadequate supervision of the playground at morning drop-off.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Doak
  • Heritage Trail for village of Bridgtown, Cannock, Staffordshire
    In the 1970's, a plan was devised to get rid of the core of the domestic side of the village. It was to become an Industry only area. The people who lived on village thought this unfair as they had grown into a viable community. They fought for, and won the argument, The village is fast changing from and Industrial to a domestic landscape and people should know of its Industrial past, the importance of which covers worldwide sales. Its edge tools are still in use and respected throughout the world. Names like William Gilpin and Cornelius Whitehouse Hedgehog tool works. Other tool works included Elliot Lucas hand tools and Whitehouse Brothers. Bricks & Tiles were also made in Bridgtown by Hawkins, Rosemary and Haunchwood Lewis, all of which had a nationwide clientele. More recently Manufactories such as Lucas Automotive Electrical, Schraders valves, GKN Sankey had premises in the village. Now we have Finning (Caterpiller) heavy construction plant and Gestamp - both international manufacturers. Now, some of those sites are being turned into housing developments and smaller industrial units and the Bridgtown & District Local History Society wants to tell the story of this short lived but important village through research and archiving and tell everyone who wishes to know how this place developed through the Industrial revolution in the 1860s to the present day. We already have 3 boards in situ (with the kind backing of the developers, Parish , District and County councils and benefactors from the local community) but now we require funds to complete the task. We are not a large village and the Society is small but we have already shown our dedication to our cause and would like to see it through for the community past and present. This will give the village a standing in the area it deserves.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Brevitt
  • End male nurse & midwife stigma
    Because we feel that even though the stigma of male nurses and midwifes is falling, it's still not enough for the public to know. We conducted an interview and all of the people said we should try to reduce the stigma of male nurses so we feel it's right to start a petition.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joel Adeshugba
  • Closure of special educational needs base Laurence Haines school
    Our daughter attends a speech and language base, she has been there for almost two years, in this time not only has her speech come on (she hardly spoke when first attended) but her confidence has grown too. All the staff are brilliant and have built up a lovely relationship with her. She struggles when she goes into mainstream class in the afternoon with the amount of children and noise. She really wouldn't be where she is today if it wasn't for 'the base' at her school so please please help to try and stop the closure of other bases. Our daughter is one of many children with special educational needs that really need the help, care and support these bases offer. This will have an impact on the surrounding schools and bases for all these children with special educational needs. Why should they be the ones who suffer!!!! Please sign the petition Thank you
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jennifer Herbert
  • Its very important for everyone to know about Mental Health
    This is very important because people are not aware that there is help that they can get everyone has a right to feel safe when it comes to there mental state .
    20 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kimberley McCabe
  • Sandown bay needs a sixth form
    The sixth form at Sandown bay has always been successful. The 2017 results were above average again, despite the turmoil created by the current uncertainties in the future of the school. There is no alternative in the area. Transport issues including costs will put off those who are capable of post 16 study but will have to travel. Younger students need to see a visible 6th form to aspire them to learn and give them an educational goal to work towards.
    551 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Dawn G
  • Basic first aid to become part of the National Curriculum
    Lives could be saved and injuries could be lessened if everyone was aware of even the most basic of first aid. From nose bleeds to broken bones, concussion to knife injury, if people knew the 1st steps, basic ‘what to do’ in a situation whilst waiting for paramedics, further injury or trauma could be minimised.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ali Edge
  • Save Heysham Swimming Pool.
    Cllr Margaret Pattison, Cllr Janice Hanson, Cllr Darren Clifford and Cllr David Whittaker are very concerned with living in a seaside area such as Morecambe and Heysham that children should have a local pool to learn to swim. The pool has 54.000 visitors a year with 16 schools using the pool for swimming lessons and groups helping people to keep fit and healthy, if closed this would effect the health and safety of the people in Morecambe.
    1,066 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Cllr Margaret Pattison.
  • Referendum on the final terms on which the UK will leave the European Union
    The EU referendum represented a low point in post war UK democratic politics. Only now are problems coming to the fore that were not considered in the referendum and not debated at the time. Oeople did not know the consequences of them and Brexit impact reports are being unacceptably hidden from the people. This is unacceptable and we need a final decision when we know exactly what Brexit means and that means the full terms of an any deal.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Roman Haluszczak
  • Remove the new 2017 homework schedule set by leadership and not teachers.
    Most pieces of homework are thought to take 30 minutes to complete, in reality each piece is at least an hours worth. The new rules mean one student must be given a minimum level of homework, this is averaging 2-3 pieces per night. This is potentially 3 hours of homework per evening. Add this to any clubs or hobbies undertaken and there is little time for socialising, relaxing, enjoying a novel or looking further into the topics that we want to explore. Students are encouraged to do extra-curricular activities such as Duke of Edinburgh awards to enhance college applications but when do we fit this in? School ends later than most others at 1605; the majority of students take the bus and arrive home 1630-1650. This is almost 2 hours after the students at Brookfield Community School in Chesterfield (just 1 example). Something has to give and unfortunately this is the erosion of family life. School say that we can complete some homework within lunch but this is only possible if we have somewhere to study. Library? Full. Computer rooms? Out of bounds. Classrooms? Not open. Since the 2017 minimum homework rules students are saying they are behind in their work for the first time ever, they are stressed and anxious. Finally, the teachers perspective is that they now have 200 books per week to mark and have no choice but to do this in their own time. Teachers are also stressed and anxious and it's all because they are having to set homework they may not feel even supports their lesson. They HAVE to....not WANT to. This petition is not to abolish homework completely, just to return to teachers setting homework THEY feel is supportive and recognising when their pupils are overwhelmed. In fact, doing exactly what they are trained to do.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katie Clinton
    The funding of £1m was given to this area in 2012 over a 10 year period and one main priority should be education for our children and young people, there has been a great demand for supplementary education but we cannot afford to fund this ourselves. Whilst the funds for this Big Local Area has been inappropriately allocated to pay Big Local Co-ordinator’s salary, run activities and events that attempt to address short term needs of some members of the community to the detriment of Barnfield children education. We therefore solicit that the Barnfield Big Local funding subsequently be allocated in a way that prioritise our children’s education.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barnfield Resident
  • Downton Little Learners
    - We all feel this is an important group to save as there are not many other groups in Downton. - Some mums that attend the group do not drive so the need to keep this group is vital to some. - As this group is from ages 0-5 it targets a lot of parents. - Groups like this can help Mums and their children to make new friends and grow more confident. - Groups like these can help many people in different ways and we all feel this is a group to be saved for that reason.
    48 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Hirst