• Give Alfie reading his bus pass back
    Alfie is unable to go to school due to how far away it is.
    72 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Groom
  • Stop the closure of Liverpool city libraries
    These libraries provide a quiet place for people to study and work in peace and safety, and the books on the shelves provide a vital lifeline of education to many children across the city region. Without them, many will lose a vital part of their everyday lives!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ryan Campbell
  • Mental health curriculum
    There are charities that are doing amazing jobs getting into schools to run mental health awareness sessions but it is not regular enough or even existent in some schools. I struggled hugely growing up in school and struggled with mental health but did not know what was wrong with me until I experienced a mental breakdown at around 15 years old. I have trained with 'Mind' as a youth wellbeing trainer and delivered mental wellbeing sessions in schools and it really is needed permanently.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reece Kyriacou
  • We need more midwives
    New babies and mother's are leaving hospital too early. This is affected the babies ability to learn to feed. This is potentially lethal and inhibits a new mothers confidence to continue to breast feed. Such babies miss out on the gifts that breast feeding provides such as increased immunity and decreased sensitivity to food allergens aswell as the emotional bond and comfort breast feeding provides.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Nixon
  • Voting for younger people
    Take the EU referendum for example. Many older adults voted to leave the EU, but the people who will be affected in the future by these changes didn't get a say in what happened. If the leaving the EU has its difficulties, then the younger people will be affected. That is why I want you to sign this petition.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Froggitt
  • Open sports centre cafe on a monday
    There is a pre school sports session on and then many use soft play after, would be good to get drink, snack or lunch. Vending machines wouldn't work for hot drinks and the snack one is filled with fizzy juice and chocolate and crisps
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Angela Louch
  • Stop the sale of student loans
    The loans are tax payers money and must not be sold to the private sector who would benefit from them and may rewrite the contracts to further disadvantage the students.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Hutchings
  • Fix the School Curriculum
    A personal experience in mine was that I had been learning (and still am) how to answer question 3 on an exam I will sit once and forget about mere hours after it's completion. Most of the skills we learn in school are learned solely 'to pass exams' which don't assess students on practical abilities.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Logan Richards
  • Voting for 16 Year olds
    16 year old's have just as much knowledge about politics as anyone 18 or over. In the Uk it is a priority to tech Citizenship or some form of politics. In the Scottish referendum 75% of 16-17 year old's voted compared with 54% of 18-24 year old's. This has proven to work in Scotland, so i think that the Uk should apply this voting system as a Law.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Ingram
  • Make Higher Education free in the UK
    Higher education has fees around £9000-£20000 per year. Not everyone can afford this education to pursue their career. Let everybody have equal opportunities to have the education if they want it. Help society understand that all education is equally important.
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sophia Eden
  • More SEN Training for teachers and TA'S in schools
    This very important because we need to help our children cope in society, prepare our children for a happy and meaningful life. My daughter is 12 years old, though out her primary school days struggled with going to school, crying a lot, her anxiety levels were through the roof. Only when my daughter was in year 4 the school had noticed my daughter had communication problems I was never told about until year 5. When my daughter was 3 years old I had taken to the GP, she was very violent so our GP referred my daughter over to the community paediatric services I got my local MP involved. After all those years of stress, anxiety, we finally received a outcome, on the 6th Dec 2016 my daughter was finally diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
    228 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrea Yates
  • Governments '96% project' for school attendance
    There is a 48 hour rule on contagious illness for a reason - so that the whole school isnt infected yet this new scheme penalises those parents who abide by the 48 hour rule putting the rest of the school at risk and not allowing our children to fully recover from their illnesses (reducing their immune systems and need for additional medical care in the future!) The 96% project will also put additional pressure on the NHS for everyday illnesses to be confirmed by already over stretched doctors just so the children arent marked as 'absent'. There needs to be a better way of targeting attendance that doesnt put a huge risk to the health of our schools and add pressure to the NHS, not to mention the cost to our schools in implementing this system.
    525 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Abi Gilchrist