• Decent broadband in rural areas such as Upper Ruxley, Sidcup/Dartford
    People in small towns and villages need internet just as much as people in big towns and cities. Decent broadband connection is essential for everything from paying bills to running businesses. Not forgetting of course that school children and college students need broadband access to do their homework. But for some places in the UK, the internet speed is either painfully slow or non-existent. It's time the government stepped up and fulfilled it's promise of decent broadband for everyone.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ray Tibbles
  • Higher pay for Care workers
    All too often we hear stories about failing care systems. A lot of the time the workers have been blamed for inadequate care.... What you don't hear of, is how little support these workers have. Also, just how little investment goes into training! if any at all. These workers endure incredibly unsociable working hours. Providing high quality care is not easy under this pressure. Higher pay would enable these workers to "share the load". Having teams able to work more manageable hours and still be able to afford to live. Local authorities and care agencies MUST be made accountable for ensuring ALL staff are properly trained regularly. They make massive profits and don't seem to invest in the workforce. This will have a knock on effect to the quality of care people receive. Overworked staff cannot provide the best quality care. I myself am a working private personal assistant. 12 years experience. NVQ 3 qualified. I work within a team which is crumbling because people cannot cope with the unsociable hours or cannot get enough hours to make a decent amount of money. All the while this is going on, the care or a vulnerable, elderly and frail lady has to be maintained. Meaning I work throughout the day until 11pm and start again at 8am. Not easy 7 days a week and juggling a family too! There is a clear link between low pay of care workers and poor quality care. The simple answer to raise standards of care from my experience is to increase workers pay. It is a demanding job role and it should be recognised as such.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alison Tague
  • Sort our roads
    The state of these roads costs the drivers a fortune in car repair and is a danger to the public and vehicles.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Mcdermott
  • End Dodgy Corporate Tax Arrangements - Pay To Play!!
    Shortfalls in taxation (I.e.the funding for public services) is directly attributable to the global tax policies of companies who think HOW they trade doesn't matter. We should not accept tax dodging as an inevitable consequence of free trade. Director and shareholder behaviour will only change when transglobals realise these aggressive and anticompetitive policies are unsustainable. Moving, with immediate notice, to 'name and shame' will help consumers to make informed choices in future, and will cost offending transglobals both new and loyal customers as well as their reputation with shareholders and markets. If shareholders cannot create ethical and sustainable policies on their own account, they will have to be encouraged by Governments to do so. As Government is aware, the EU The Anti Tax Avoidance Directive sets out a comprehensive framework of anti-abuse measures, containing five legally-binding anti-abuse measures, which all Member States should apply against common forms of aggressive tax planning. This includes measures to deter profit shifting to a 'low / no' tax country, to prevent double 'non-taxation' of certain income, to prevent companies from avoiding tax when 're-locating' assets, to discourage artificial debt arrangements designed to minimise taxes and the additional safeguard of the anti-abuse rule designed to counteract aggressive tax planning. As an absolute minimum measure today, Government should immediately escalate a 'name and shame' policy to encourage consumers to be aware, so consumers can use alternative brands or local companies who fairly pay taxes in markets they sell to. With Liam Fox looking to resurrect a new version of the dreadful TTIP or dubious CETA with the US, involving potentially highly contentious ISDS, we should demand to know why so many huge US companies play on this kind of uneven tax playing field, as well as make it clear that this is a global problem which individual nation states ARE willing to take on, in order to protect local competition and essential services for UK citizens. UK Government should take a lead in saying we welcome trade and business, but not at any price. Pay to play!! Irrespective of the status of Brexi by 2019, the UK MUST ensure that it applies the EU Anti Tax Avoiance measure from 1 January 2019 ,which provide the minimum level of protection against corporate tax avoidance throughout the EU, while ensuring a fairer and more stable environment collectively for UK and European businesses in competition with transglobals brands. In doing this, Government will need to distance itself from the antidemocratic influence of the far right press, as their vested interests are in continued tax avoidance loopholes, irrespective of whether their owners are British citizens, foreign born or foreign domiciled. The first priority must be to protect British companies and British public services.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Daniels
  • Petition for a Community Governance Review
    The current parish boundaries were drawn up long before Beverley had a building boom, which saw the settlement grow into the continuous built-up area we now know. The separation into three parish authorities is now outdated, and no longer reflects the community. It also means that some residents living in Beverley, specifically to the North and the South of Beverley, do not have a say on Beverley Town Council because they belong to Molescroft Parish and Woodmansey Parish. In other words, the current community governance arrangements hinder effective local government. Residents on Lincoln Way and the surrounding area are unlikely to consider themselves as living in Woodmansey. Moreover, residents have expressed concern that their interests are not properly represented on Woodmansey Parish, as exemplified in said parish council’s decision to commission a Neighbourhood Plan that covers only the village itself. As for Molescroft, it forms part of Beverley, and its residents ought to have a say on the Town Council; however, this cannot happen whilst there is a separate Molescroft Parish Council. To sum up, the current community governance arrangements hinder community cohesion and effective local government by artificially splitting the town of Beverley into three parts. The above recommendations · improve community engagement · bring communities closer together · create better local democracy · result in more efficient delivery of local services We are, therefore, asking East Riding of Yorkshire Council to undertake a community governance review to ensure that community governance arrangements reflect local identities and facilitate effective and convenient local government.
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beate Willar
    Gay Pride Bradford has been held in the city center for as long as I can remember. Why should Gay Pride not happen when all the others will still be held in Centenary Square!
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Smith
  • Allow carers & disabled to continue claiming benefits while waiting for appeals process
    With many disabled people having to ask for Mandatory Reconsideration followed by appeal they are often left unsupported while gov. depts and legal system is snowed under unable to process appeals fast enough. In the majority of cases the appeals are won which means claimants are caused unnecessary hardship while waiting. Often with disastrous results. Volunteer carers are also effected often having their entire benefits cut to zero while waiting an outcome. This is unfair. If the system is so poorly designed that large numbers are having to appeal only to win their case then it is fair that the claimants should continue to receive benefits while waiting for an inadequate system to catch up. Even when an appeal is won no compensation for extra costs involved is awarded therefor further penalizing the applicant for an inadequately designed and poorly executed system
    51 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pete Ritchie
  • Return the Lochgelly Community Council back to the Community
    Community Councils are a cornerstone of any community and legally are not allowed to be politically motivated. By allowing three activists take up key position in the Lochgelly Community Council for the benefit of local Labour councillors then community representation is lacking and the process of local representation and local democracy is subverted to benefit political agendas to the detriment of the wider community.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jake Paterson
  • Education - Reform the Education System to Stop the Teacher Crisis
    I propose a reformation of the education system, whereby the onus of learning of students is not on the teacher but is back on the students, this is unfair and creates a system where teachers have to do incredible amounts of work, rather than the students. There should be less paperwork involved in teaching and the teacher should be judged on the quality of teaching and lessons as well as the number of consistent or improved grades rather than classes as a whole. Allowing qualified people to teach would be a step forward allowing for greater creativity and well rounded learning rather than gaining a teaching qualification after a number of years after a graduate has already spent many years of study for their first degree. On the job training towards a qualification should also be employed as well as shorter qualification times. A certain amount of discipline should be a key part of the classroom so students can respect their teachers as a whole and the classroom also as a whole can benefit. British education should be comparable to that of an international education, perhaps a return to the older O-Level system would be a welcome return with emphasis on Mathematics, Science and English. We also would welcome breadth and depth in History not just on the World Wars, World History should be taught as well as the British Empire. I have been a private tutor for many years and I have never been as busy as I am at the present. Although good for myself, I want all students to have the great education and understanding that they deserve across the country. Due to pressure from Ofsted reports teachers sometimes have to shift focus on how to teach rather than what they are teaching and many schools are suffering from staff shortages. It is also difficult for me to enter the system despite many years experience since I do not have a PGCE. This could also be said for many well qualified people that have retired from such jobs that would be well suited to teaching, or those that have spent long enough in Education. We want to make the British Education the best in the World again by making it accessible, enjoyable and well rounded and to give our teachers the creativity to teach and let their passions shine through rather than fade over time.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Don Carran
  • Don't shut down Aspirations
    MCCH Aspirations helps at least 10 citizens of Shepway per day who are recovering from mental health issues, back into work and training. For many this is a life line, providing support in their darkest hour to gain hope to be a contributing member of society once again. They get results too.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare Pryke
  • Make Bristol safer for cycling
    Bristol is now the second most congested city in the UK and pollution kills nearly 200 people a year. Yet in the last 3 years just 1 km of truly protected cycleway has been built. Bike Life survey shows that in Bristol – 80% of people support increasing the safety of cycling 70% of people want to see more spent on safer cycling infrastructure The next Council needs to make a comprehensive network of safe, connected cycle routes.a priority.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Space4Cycling Bristol BristolCycleCampaign
  • Rule out privatisation of profitable services
    Last year, the NHS Professionals department (the NHS internal recruitment agency) actually made a profit of 8 million pounds. No sooner is this information available than internal sources confirm a privatisation deal is in the works. (See link at the end) This is a scandalous betrayal of the Health Service, on a par with the deliberate alienation of nurses and junior doctors. (It's worth mentioning that the only reason a department of the NHS can generate a profit is because of the "internal market" system that exists in NHS England - essentially, it's Mum paying Dad to cut the grass, then Dad paying Mum to make dinner: it's a wasteful circle of money that exists only as a precursor to back-door privatisation) Our public money should remain in public services, not go to the cosy friends and relatives of government ministers through privatisation deals. It's our money. It's our service. It's our say. And we say enough is enough. https://www.rt.com/uk/333270-nhs-professionals-privatized-deloitte/
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Douglas Carr Picture