• Stop the 73% cuts to youth services in Southwark
    The council plans to cut £2.5million from the youth service budget leaving less than one million to work with some of the most disadvantaged young people in London. We have 13 youth projects in the voluntary sector which could suffer as well as 8 youth centres as part of this 73% cuts. What will be left for young people in this Borough? The council promised not to cut front line services yet this is being proposed. We would also lose experienced and specialist workers in the sector as the services would transfer to the Environment and Leisure department. This will de-professionalise and de-skill professional youth workers leaving little to no varied provision. They are planning to delete ALL 122 full and part time jobs and replacing them with 42 part time posts. Southwark News report: 19.11.15 Richard Taylor, founder of the Damilola Taylor Centre after his ten-year-old son was killed on the Peckham estate, said this was no time to cut youth services as serious knife crime continued to blight the borough. “Bearing in mind the level of killing, stabbing and violence, this is not the right time. This is the wrong approach and a bad decision for the council. As Jeremy Corbyn has said 'austerity is a political choice'. Southwark must not abandon young people while sitting on millions of pounds of reserves which can be used to support the local community along with the fight to get more money from central government. Southwark Trades Council will be campaigning with the local government unions and community to stop these cuts. We will be lobbying the Council Assembly and have asked for a deputation at the Cabinet on Wednesday 24th November. Please join us. For more information contact Pat Shelley - Head of Youth and Play Services [email protected] or southwark Unison: [email protected]
    35 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Southwark Trades Council
  • Save Our Services - Herefordshire
    So many services are under threat and not always from an inability to fund, but more often from an ideological battle where money is wasted on vanity projects the public never asked for. From Libraries, Museums, to Respite Services ... there is a tendency for people to feel their single issue is more important than another, but all have their own importance, so this is a petition to include some issues not already covered by individual campaigns against a common threat to our daily lives.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Perkins
  • Stop front line council cuts!
    Not only are you making a large number of hard-working people redundant, but also these cuts are affecting the residents living within the boroughs and the way that they access council services. For example; The decision to close cash-offices in councils means that, for our older generation, it it now much more complicated to pay their rent and council tax...they have to have a suitable bank account (using unfamiliar technology) and be able to access and understand the new paypoint system. There is a lot to be said for the human-touch....face to face customer service will always be more efficient and effective than automated systems as less errors will be made by the residents and more help available from the council employees.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie-Anne Hull
  • Pesticide and herbicide free Cornwall
    Many pesticides used in towns have been linked to serious illnesses like cancers and birth defects. Children are particularly vulnerable. Hundreds of towns around the world have already gone pesticide-free It’s time that Cornwall took the initiative and did the same. We need to protect our children from the harmful effects of pesticides. The French government have brought in a law to stop the use of all non-agricultural pesticides by 2020 - so it is possible. If Cornwall were to stop their use it would help protect our children and provide wider social and environmental benefits to all the citizens of this great county.
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nick Mole
  • Retire all horses from police service.
    It is not necessary to control crowds by the use of horses to intimidate them. The horses are in danger as are the humans in the crowd and the riders. There are cheaper and more efficient and more humane methods available. Horses should not be put in dangerous situations.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Norwood
  • Stop G4 Taking Over 999 Response Centers in Nottinghamshire
    because they shouldn't be privatized for personal profit and the risk of public crime rising, and police brutality rising due to more armed police force on the streets.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paula Davies
  • Nottinghamshire Police Needs Local Police Control
    This means local people with local knowledge,there to help when the NEED arises ! Sign this petition to demonstrate the strength of feeling AGAINST a business whose only care is "how much profit"can we make ? G4S have proven,on more than one occasion that they are not a "fit and proper" business to be trusted.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Hind
  • Stop The Midlands G4S 999 Takeover
    G4S are a shady company trying to muscle in on the public sector and have been known to give large donations to right-wing think tanks such as 'Reform', trying to further their position in the prison industry where they already run 5 prisons in the UK. In 2012 G4S were employed to provide security for the London Olympics, in which they did a poor job which resulted in the army bailing them out. costing the tax payer £1000's Among the Olympics shamble they have been in many other controversies such as u the unlawful killing of Jimmy Mubenga in 2010 and being accused of fraud allegations in relation to overcharging for for tagging criminals in England and Wales. It is vital we don't allow a incompetent company like G4S to run a service which could ultimately mean life or death for 1000's of people, it's too risky.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jason Fearn
  • Stop the Privatisation of 999 Control Centres, Put Public Service before profit
    Our 999 emergency Control rooms are currently staffed by dedicated professional public servants, direct employees of the three emergency services, with a wealth of knowledge and experience and direct links and relationships with those first emergency responders to the scene, Police, Fire & Ambulance. Remember when G4S made such a shambles of providing security for the Olympics that the army had to bail them out? [1] Well now the same private security firm could be in charge of handling emergency 999 calls here in Northamptonshire. [2] Putting life or death decisions into their hands is a frightening prospect. Adam Simmonds, the police commissioner in charge of this decision, is elected by local people to serve us. Together we could launch a huge people-powered campaign to pressure him into rejecting this idea. At the moment, police chiefs are scoping out how the G4S takeover could work - it’s not a done deal yet. Before Adam was elected in 2012 he made a strong commitment to 38 Degrees members not to privatise police services in Northamptonshire. He said: “I have no intentions of privatising our police force and therefore I would be grateful if you would spread the word that this Candidate for PCC isn't interested in that agenda.” [3] Together we could remind Adam of his promise, and show him that local people want this privatisation off the table. People-power works. NOTES: [1] The Telegraph: G4S - the firm behind London 2012 Olympics shambles - given police powers: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/supportservices/10070425/Timeline-how-G4Ss-bungled-Olympics-security-contract-unfolded.html [2] The Telegraph: G4S could run 999 controls of three major British police forces: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/11975505/G4S-to-run-999-controls-of-three-major-British-police-forces.html [3] This is a direct quote from an email sent from Adam Simmonds to 38 Degrees members in 2012.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Wells
  • Lynton House Surgery High Wycombe - Stop plans to reduce surgery hours
    Plans to reduce hours by 30% on an already stretched practice is unacceptable. When residents call for an appointment they are faced with a 2-3 weeks wait for appointments. There is also pressure being brought to get people to accept appointments at the Cressex health centre which is not easy to access and is on the west side of High Wycombe in Cressex Industrial Estate The Ryemead area population has increased in last 10 years by more than 1000+ and this will continue as more housing developments come on stream. Some 8 years ago it was identified there was an need for an additional “ 1.5 doctors” to meet the need of the new housing estates being build in the area but this wasn’t taken up by a doctors surgery. Lynton House is the only surgery in the Ryemead ward and its hours need to be increased not decreased to meet the local demand We are calling for this reduction is services to br reversed or to be scrutinized in light of the growing need in Ryemead for an increase in Doctors services at the point of need - in the local ward and community
    70 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Trevor Snaith Picture
    Please reconsider AGAIN on the future of the FM signal switching off. There will be many who cannot afford anew Digital radio,and will all be able to receive a signal. All FM car radios will be made useless,along with the many in households throughout the UK.In our household we have had 3/4 digital radios and all have been hopeless. We are fortunate to now have afforded a Bose Wave radio,which is connected to a proper aerial,with a good signal,and exceptional performance,however,not everyone is as fortunate as us.... A radio is the only contact some people, especially older folk, have with the human voice /outside world...Is this a police state we are living in?...I hope not,especially in my lifetime..I am a pensioner and do have some knowledge of modern tech, how about you? Why do we all have to conform to this decision in the switch off,when nobody as far as I know has been consulted.We are a "free country?" are we not?
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by HOWIE BOLT
  • Open up empty buildings in Powys
    To plead to the Council to open its empty buildings to the homeless in winter. I cannot imagine sleeping rough in driving, biting winds, snow, ice and winter rain. It's inhumane. It's also inexcusable when we have so many empty buildings.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rob Carolan