• Save lives by installing cameras & barriers on Stratford Road
    The council have stated that they will not take steps to improve this area until there have been fatalities. Why? It seems ludicrous to wait for this to happen when there could be improvements made quite simply. There have been several accidents at this site and this whole area is made more dangerous by the lack of speed cameras in this area of the Stratford Road. Residents have described seeing cars regularly travelling at excessive speeds (day or night) which of course will make any incident more serious! They have also described constant skidding, racing, speeding and boy racers/motorbikes doing wheelies around the Island. As a result, residents have heard and witnessed some upsetting road traffic collisions(RTC's) including injuries since the Island has been built. The railings at the pedestrian crossing have been totally destroyed in an incident that happened on a Sunday morning at 7.30am - 3rd July 16.There were actually 2 accidents that morning and one the day before. A temporary barrier has been put up but this has been either blown or knocked down leaving pedestrians totally exposed to danger! This crossing is now too dangerous for people to use, which is potentially lethal considering the speed of the vehicles travelling here. THE COUNCIL CLAIM THAT THEY CANNOT REPLACE THE RAILINGS DUE TO COST - we would like to ask them to reconsider. This is an accident hotspot which could have a tragic incident at any moment. We would like to ask you to make it safer BEFORE a death occurs.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Louise Freeman
  • Sack the Transport Minister - Get our train system back
    This is important because it should be possible for all sections of society to travel peaceably and with reasonable certainty to their destinations safely and on time. The present minister has been instrumental in promoting the railway companies to engineer strike action which she can avoid instantly by telling them to stop all such actions and leave the system as it is. By not doing that and avoiding her direct responsibility in this she has forfeited her right to be a minister of the crown, as she has clearly demonstrated that she is prepared to let millions of the electorate suffer day in day out for ideological reasons only. This is an abdication of her supreme responsibility as a Minister of the crown. We the electorate are now no longer willing to tolerate her and the railway companies able to inflict this economic and human stress on the population.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerard sauer
  • UKIP MEP'S: Donate EU salary to the NHS
    Although not part of the official campaign, Nigel Farage and UKIP did nothing to dispel the claim that we could give £350 million a week to our NHS. Already however, it has come to light that this is unrealistic, which has led many voters to feel they were misled by those who promoted Leave. Although it is not much, it is better than nothing. MEP's earn around €96,000 per year. Although the UK has voted to leave the European Union, until Article 50 is triggered (which as it looks now, could take some time), the UK will still send MEP's to European Parliament. Having campaigned as they have for the UK to leave, and against the European Union, it no longer seems fair they still take their approximate €96,000 yearly salary, plus expenses. Either they should stop claiming EU money, or it should be put to better use. We are asking them to give it to the NHS as a gesture of how committed they are to improving the service.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ethan Warren
  • Hold an open democratic election for the job of england manager
    The role of england manager is a public role not unlike a politician and therefore should be democratically elected. We demand an open election to democratically select the next england manager after the immediate dismissal of the non-performing Roy Hodgson.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aaron Richmond
  • Stop the Closure of Rye Lane Crown Office
    To protect professional postal services in the community.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mole Meade
  • Keep UKIP OUT of No 10
    As British and most of all being human, we have no room in our society for racism, it is a backward policy. We have hope that entry of a racist party into Downing Street is not possible, as the electorate is now becoming more cautious. However the result of the 23rd gives us cause to act. We need to protect this country for the greater good.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ina Shambles
  • Removal of Webspace & Email Address's
    Lot's of people of a certain age still use email to communicate to the wider world. Email is an old friend, it's more personal than a text and you have a permanent record of whats been said if required. Why are the big companies like BT, EE and Virgin Media removing this service for their customers saying it is no longer required. Lets prove them wrong. Please support this campaign. Thanks
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ronald Dryden
  • Private and State: Make Education Spending Fair
    It is utterly immoral that one child can have more spent on their education in one year (£24000 at the most expensive public schools for non-boarding pupils) than is spent on another child for the whole of their secondary education (it can be as little as £4000 a year). I went to one of those expensive schools (albeit back in the 1970s) and have worked all my professional life in the state system. The unfairness of a society in which one school can barely fix a roof while another is busy putting in a second theatre or an olympic swimming pool. Why on earth do we tolerate it? It doesn't have to be this way. Finland, one of the top performing education systems in the world, has no private schools at all. For many successful systems private schooling is very unusual. We may not be able to shut private schools, but who could resist the moral case for a system where all children had the same money spent on them, to give them all the same start in life?
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Kinder
  • Stop Scottish Councils Investing In The Arms Trade
    Weapons kill people. The companies that manufacture weapons profit from selling them to states which kill people. A more peaceful world means less weapons are required which, in turn, would hurt the profits of arms manufacturers and the dividends of public money investments. We should not be relying on dividends to help fund our local authorities when those dividends only increase as more weapons are sold. This is morally wrong! The article which spurred this petition can be found here: https://www.commonspace.scot/articles/8521/killing-name
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Hunt
  • Keep our public loos!
    I'm sure many people reading this have been in a situation where they have needed a loo and there is nothing nearby. Also the health and hygiene implications of public having to go in the street. Let's get the government to listen and take action.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelvyn Frost
  • keep the mobile household refuse sites in Selsey and Witterings
    The removal of this service will cause more flytipping. Alternative site is 11 miles away putting more traffic on already overstretched road network. Many users of site are elderly, they will not want to drive that distance, also the mobile tip on a friday keeps them gardening and socialising
    159 of 200 Signatures
    Created by lynne seabrook
  • BBC apologise; Eurovision refugee tribute omission
    BBC is supposed to be impartial and to choose not to broadcast this part of Eurovision, which covers refugees is highly questionable, could be seen as politically motivated or even worse censorship.
    67 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Terezia Brunklaus