Make buses in Leeds accessible for all.This is important because everyone should have the same basic right to benefit from using public transport. Disabled people should not have to find going on buses difficult or even impossible. Trains already provide pre-booked assistance and announce the names of stations and what platform they will arrive at. I am simply requesting that First Group follows the basic steps I have laid out above so that they can help improve the quality of transport for all people, so that society as a whole can reap the rewards that come from the inclusion of minority groups such as the disabled. I am not asking for preferential treatment for disabled bus passengers, merely that we are enabled to use buses like everyone else. As it stands I, and many other disabled people find it difficult to use buses and either have to rely on the good will of drivers and/or the public or support from friends and family in order to travel. I do not want to make this a one issue cause by only talking about myself, but I will simply give it as an example, due to my visual impairment I cannot rely on sight to see what stop I am at while on the bus so if I am not told in advance I will miss the stop. Finally by not ensuring that their buses are accessible, First Group are violating Article 9 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of People With Disabilities (UNCRPD), clauses 1a, 2a, 2b, 2e, 2f along with Article 19, clause c and Article 20 clause a and clause d. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/CRPD/Pages/ConventionRightsPersonsWithDisabilities.aspx#19288 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Peadar O'Dea
Cheshire East's withdrawal of some supported bus servicesThe saving of £1.6 million would be counterproductive as cutting bus services in Cheshire East will have undesirable consequences and cause distress and inconvenience to many residents. We believe that the following groups would be more adversely affected; the elderly, disabled and infirm, the young and people on low incomes. Getting to work, shops, schools, colleges, doctors, banks, social events and hospital appointments would be made more inaccessible. We also believe that trade in towns and town markets will be affected. The stopping of evening services will have a negative affect on restaurants and pubs and other social groups. We are concerned that the withdrawal of bus services will result in more cars on the road and significant reduction in air quality. Many of the towns and villages are growing in size and as a result we should be given improved services not declining ones.797 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Paula Eaton
Cheshire East: Save The Millbrook UnitThe proposed closure of the Millbrook Unit has serious implications for the health and wellbeing of thousands of Cheshire East residents across the entire borough and threatens to damage the lives and treatment of so many. Government and council funding cuts have left our local health services stretched to the max, with mental health provision now dangerously poor. The closure of the Millbrook Unit would mean patients and families having to drive over an hour to access the care and treatment they so desperately need and deserve in Chester or on the Wirral. At a time when we are facing a crisis in mental health, we cannot allow this to happen. (Petition organised by Rob Vernon on behalf of Macclesfield Constituency Labour Party)2,637 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Rob Vernon
Save Horfield Library in Bristol.Our libraries do more than simply loan books. They provide events for children, internet access for the elderly, book clubs and more. They’re places for the whole community to come together and learn. Libraries are a door into the world, we need to protect them for future generations.90 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Muhammad Asghar
Stop the St James's Surgery relocation to North LynnMany elderly patients who live opposite in the care homes will now have further to travel with no easily accessible bus routes. It's current location is close to the center of town and therefore easier to get to a chemist after your visit to the surgery.109 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Francis Bone
Reinstate the 46 or 47 Bus to travel through Little Irchester/IrchesterThis is an Important Bus Service As the Route has Elderly/ Disabled People and we don't think this fair a 1 hour bus service is quite Inadequate14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Les Harvey
Henllys Bus RestorationTo restore the service that was unilaterally taken away to the isolation and disenfranchisement of the community around Henllys and their friends and family from elsewhere. To restore accessibility to The Dorallt Inn, The Court Henllys Hotel, The One Stop Shop, and the Henllys Village Hall for the Cwmbran community and elsewhere.213 of 300 SignaturesCreated by paul minty
Save Morriston Crown Post OfficeThis is vitally important to safeguard the service currently enjoyed by the people of Morriston and throughout Swansea of it`s last remaining crown post office. Also to safeguard the highly trained staff and keep the footfall it brings to the shopping area of Morriston.375 of 400 SignaturesCreated by Cwu South West Wales
Tax Abuse and AusterityIn the continuing debate relating to public sector pay caps, the rhetoric is being consistently presented that the choice is between responsible restraints or tax rises. What is being quietly ignored is the vast amount of money, counted in many £Billions, that continue to disappear from the UK into secrecy jurisdictions each year. Austerity is an ideologically motivated policy designed to transfer wealth from ordinary people (in this case nurses, teachers, police and fire officers, etc.) to the pockets of the wealthy, and it continues to work just as designed. Ordinary people continue to suffer real-terms pay cuts whilst businesses and wealthy individuals carry on cheating the system.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Graham Driver
Save Orsett Hospital from closingThe services they provide is very important to the people of thurrock, and closing Orsett will put even more pressure on Basildon Hospital which is under immense pressure already not helped by the proposed closure of the A&E at Southend Hospital. With thousands of new homes planned for the borough, it would be better to save Orsett Hospital and expand some other services, to help cope with a rise in demand in the area.4,779 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Colin Stevens
Keep Batley Tennis Centre usage for TennisBatley ITI Tennis Centre was purpose built for grass roots tennis and as an indoor tennis training centre, and is the only indoor Pay and Play Centre outside of Leeds suitable for players of all levels and abilities. The centre is only in decline because KAL have not appointed a suitable dedicated tennis manager at the centre who would develop grass roots tennis in the locale and surrounding areas and build the centre back to its former popularity with mini-tennis training and tournaments and adult classes and sessions for all. The centre is also the home ground of Batley ITI Tennis Club who have mens, womens and mixed teams playing competitively in the HADTL league and the Wakefield Tennis League, and these members also pay and regularly attend the Pay and Play Sessions. The Club was born out of the first users of the Tennis Centre when it opened as an Indoor Tennis Initiative over 25 years ago and the club members are dedicated pay and play attendees at the Centre on a regular weekly basis. We believe the Centre should remain a dedicated Tennis Centre and by carefully selecting a Tennis Business Development manager in co-operation with the LTA, the Centre can return to a thriving tennis centre of excellence once again. It would also pay for itself that way. The costs involved in attracting the right personnel to run the centre are far less than the costs involved in changing the use of the centre to be a multi-sport non-tennis environment. Let's keep Tennis a grass roots sport in Batley available for every child to be able to experience tennis. Please keep Batley ITI Tennis Centre open for Tennis for all, as that is what it was built for, and let's rebuild the centre attendance up to its potential again by working in close association with the LTA to bring in the right Tennis Development Manager.1,048 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by Lisa Hunter
Scrap the public sector pay capWe all saw the brave police tackling the terrorists at London Bridge, the firefighters rushing in to tackle the Grenfell fire, the paramedics running to help the people caught up in the Manchester terror attack. And every day nurses working round the clock to keep our NHS going. Our public sector workers keep the country ticking over, from the emergency services who are there when we need them to the teachers who pass on knowledge to future generations. These people shouldn't have to worry about whether they can pay their rent or the electricity bill at the end of the month.274,597 of 300,000 Signatures
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