Make London's Buses Accessible For EveryoneSo that blind people can feel comfortable when travelling on public transport and it allows them to have equal opportunites as other people.There have been many times where blind people are disoriented and need to stop fearing getting onto the wrong bus when travelling on public transport. These changes will allow them to know what bus has arrived at the stop. Thank you.53 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kristina Mihaylova
Save Somerset's librariesLibraries are places of learning and sources of information. They provide a valuable community resource. In these times of "austerity" they provide for families who otherwise couldnt afford the resources to teach their children, and for those on low incomes trying to better themselves. These are the reasons why the Victorians established public libraries and the benefit of all they should be kept Open, free and public. "Google Can Bring You Back 100,000 Answers. A Librarian Can Bring You Back the Right One." Neil Gaiman3,121 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Kris Scotting
Save Bodlondeb Residential Care HomeBodlondeb provides a beloved home and essential care services for our elderly and vulnerable residents in Penparcau, Aberystwyth and it also serves the North Ceredigion area. The council's planned closure of Bodlondeb will force the current and future residents into the insecurity of private care home provision which may be many many miles away from their beloved community, family and friends. The closure of Bodlondeb would also mean the loss of 33 good and secure local jobs. The campaign to save Bodlondeb is receiving massive public support but the council seem determined to move forward with their plans. If Ceredigion Council do manage to close Bodlondeb they have said that they plan to close four more council care homes in Ceredigion in this wave of closures so please can EVERYONE in Ceredigion sign this petition to ensure that we keep Bodlondeb and our other public sector care home provision in Ceredigion open. The Save Bodlondeb Campaign is a community, union and cross-party campaign. We the undersigned oppose the closure of Bodlondeb without an appropriate replacement facility. We call on Ceredgion county council to ensure that there is continuing and unbroken provision of public residential care for the elderly in the Aberystwyth area as Bodlondeb has provided for over 50 years. Rydym ni, yr isod, yn gwrthwynebu cau Bodlondeb heb gyfleuster amgen priodol. Rydym yn galw are Gynor Sir Ceredigion i sicrhau bod darpariaeth di-ddor o ofal breswyl cyhoeddus ar gyfer yr henoed yn barhau yn ardal Aberystwyth fel mae Bodlondeb wedi ei darparu ers dros 50 mlynedd.675 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Dinah Mulholland
Save the South Woodham Ferrers Fire ServiceThe South Woodham Ferrers Fire Service is the final 'Full Time Day Crew' operating within the Dengie Peninsula. With the downgrade from 'Full Time Day Crew' to 'On-call', we will likely see a drop in both availability and vital response times based off of current trends for the area. The Burnham-On-Crouch Fire Station facilitates an 'on-call' Service who in 2017 have been unavailable 39% of the time. Similarly, Tillingham 'on-call' Fire Service is unavailable 17% of the time. This is all due to a lack of available on-call firefighters during times of incident or emergency, and when these 'on-call' Stations are without adequate cover, it is currently the South Woodham 'Day Crew' who travel out to ensure the Stations are manned. Again, this is not an attack on 'on-call' Fire Stations, just highlighting the frequent levels of unavailability in comparison to Full Time in respect to our area (Dengie). A massive 44% of the South Woodham Ferrers Firefighter's activty is in neighbouring towns, highlighting how they currently plug the shortfall in required 'on-call' Firefighter cover. Only last month on 21/07/2017 our Firefighters had to race to Burnham-On-Crouch in order to free two people who'd been trapped in a car following an accident. So not only are we going to adopt the same model that currently sees select Dengie Stations regularly unmanned, but lose the Fire Service that is currently filling the gap in neighbouring town services. Despite our efforts, we have currently failed to obtain any detailed risk assessment carried out pertaining specifically to this downgrade. You should also know that in 2017, 64% of incidents across the Maldon district are responded to within 15 minutes. This has decreased from 72% the year before, and is far worse than the Essex average. All of the information above was obtained via the Freedom of Information Act. If anything we have stated is incorrect then we are happy to amend. This is illogical and dangerous, with us potentially sleepwalking into disaster.4,785 of 5,000 SignaturesCreated by Kyle Jannece
Stop the closure of the Forfar and Kirriemuir recycling centres.The previous council administration in Angus went ahead with a re-organisation of recycling facilities across the county. As part of that, they planned to close Forfar and Kirriemuir recycling centres and build a 'superskip' at Padanaram. This would have cost thousands of pounds, led to a worse service, and it would have caused an increase in fly-tipping. It would have also blighted the local community in Padanaram. The plans simply didn't make sense. Following the council elections and public opposition, the new administration decided to pause the plans for 10 weeks to look at everything in detail once more, setting up a Members and Officers group which will come up with a new report. This is a welcome delay, but we are pushing the council to go further. If we can show public opposition to the plans in Forfar and Kirriemuir we can change these proposals. We don't believe the merger makes sense and at a time of cuts in public funding, won't save money. Please sign, and show your opposition to the plans.293 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Braden Davy
Stop Closure Of Wrenthorpe Local SurgeryOutwood surgery are going to put out a consultation document in reference to closing Wrenthorpe Surgery. I believe they have already decided to close the surgery as they have been running it down for at least the last two years, a worry that I have expressed to my local councillor on regular occasions. The reasons for closing the surgery are purely monetary, no matter what they say. I believe that it is part of the "privatisation of the NHS" policy by selling off NHS properties. Make no mistake that this will also end up in the closure of our local chemist which will cause an extra burden on the sick and elderly in Wrenthorpe. This will not only affect Wrenthorpe but will be part of a bigger issue that will see centralisation of doctors services throughout the Wakefield area based purely on financial interests.. We must make a stand now. Stop the creeping privatisation of "OUR" NHS459 of 500 SignaturesCreated by David McLeod
Bring Runwood care homes and Sita Suez bin collections back under local authority controlTwo separate issues in two different services have arisen in the last few weeks and months with one single common cause of the problem – private companies running vital public services. Runwood Homes, a company who made £14 million profit out of care provision last year run six ex-council care homes across the borough, after the council gave them the contract two years ago. The period of pay protection is due to end and Runwood are looking to tear up existing contracts and re-engage workers on inferior terms and conditions, including cuts of up to £900 a month in pay and cuts to holiday and sickness provision. We believe this could ultimately lead to inferior care to our elderly residents which is unacceptable. Sita Suez have run the waste and recycling services contract for Doncaster Council for a number of years and have a history of poor industrial relations at the Doncaster depot which has led to a number of disputes, meaning bins left unemptied across the borough. Doncaster Council have recently completed the tendering process for this service and has been won again by Sita Suez for 8 further years. Two weeks into this contract, Sita Suez have announces 112 redundancies in the service along with sweeping changes in how the service is to be delivered going forward including; • Bin collections dropping from 5 days a week to 4 days a week • An aging workforce having to work 10 hours a day • Potentially dangerous practices with HGV drivers having to operate in residential streets for longer, when our kids and grandkids might be out playing after school. There is no economic or social rationale for private companies to run public services. In other local authorities services are being brought back in house for the very reason private companies generally provide a poorer more costly service, for the simple reason that private companies have to make profit to appease shareholders. Doncaster Trades Council say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. The last straw should have been the disastrous decision to allow private equity owned Care UK to run services to care for our adult population who require care for severe learning disabilities. We cannot take this any longer. Sign the petition to the elected Mayor, Councillors and MPs and Chief Executive of Doncaster Council to demand that the council cancel contracts with both Runwood Homes and Sita Suez to protect, local services, jobs and terms and conditions of workers in both services113 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Jon Moorcroft
Bathampton Toll - Another Tax on people, simply trying to get to work!I am extremely disappointed to see that The General Estates Company (http://www.general-estates.co.uk) who own and operate the Bathampton Toll Bridge feels there is justification in increasing the charges from 70p to 80p each way – a 12.5% increase, way above the current rate of inflation at 2.6% and certainly higher than the increase many have received in salary over the last 4 years, since last it increased. Firstly, I have requested from several sources what possible justification there could be for increasing this cost? The Bathampton Mill bridge has for a long time been more expensive, per distance travelled than The Seven Bridge, The Clifton Suspension Bridge and even The Dartford Crossing bridge on the M25. During this time of austerity and nationwide uncertainty, when the cost of living in has never been higher in recent history, how can anyone justify this unfair price hike? The toll bridge takes £1000's of every day from people just trying to get to work, taking their kids to school, operate their business... basically just trying to get on with their busy lives. It is an unjust Tax on honest, local people, when the alternative routes through Bath, Bradford or Limpley Stoke are by no means acceptable alternatives. Yet again we are penalised for simply trying to get to work!! I am sure that many local people chose to cycle or walk when it is viable, but since public transport does not offer an alternative option, the toll bridge is often the only route, unless you have time to drive into Bath or Bradford instead. I have had enough!!! As well as starting this petition, calling on a halt to this increase, I will also pursue a complete stop at best, a reduction at least to the charges to residence of the 3 boughs of Bathford, Batheaston and Bathampton. I will also be making formal complaints to MP's as well as Bath, Bathampton and Batheaston Councils to stop this unjustifiable increase and yet another increased tax on local people. Please support this cause and stop this frustrating and expensive toll.197 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Matthew Chiles
Funding for New Ferry gas explosionJake Berry MP (Tory minister for the so-called Northern "Powerhouse") has advised cash strapped Wirral Council to use its own resources and reserves to help victims of the huge explosion that tore through the centre of New Ferry, Wirral earlier this year. 33 people were injured 2 seriously, many businesses were destroyed, a further dozen shops and services put out of action and 30 families displaced from their homes. With so much of the town centre destroyed, shoppers have stopped going to New Ferry and the surviving businesses are suffering from loss of trade and facing financial ruin. Insurance companies have been very slow to act and indeed reluctant to pay out (with nobody having yet been found guilty of causing the explosion), leaving residents and businesses without sufficient financial support with which to rebuild their lives. Many people are not only suffering financially, but also emotionally with depression and the equivalent of post-traumatic stress disorder. The government has shockingly refused to call the explosion a NATIONAL INCIDENT, what on earth does constitute a "national incident" then ? Despite pleas for funding assistance from local MPs, businesses and residents, the government has turned its back on this devastated community, citing rules and regulations for not offering any disaster relief funding to help those affected. New Ferry, Wirral - a deprived community in a Labour controlled authority - is being treated entirely differently to other communities in the UK that have faced similar, and seemingly less significant, disasters. Jake Berry's refusal of assistance is an absolute disgrace and makes a mockery of the title Northern Powerhouse. New Ferry should be treated the same as other communities that have recently suffered (as should every community in the country should a similar disaster befall them), and the rebuilding of its centre should be funded by the British government A.S.A.P If you agree that New Ferry (and every other community in the country affected by such an economically damaging disaster) should be treated fairly and given government support, please, please sign this petition, thank you2,123 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Kevin Pulford
Stop Criminalising the Homeless and Allow Due Democratic Process to Take PlaceOn the 6th April 2017 a petition with over 5000 signatures was presented to Brighton and Hove Council. Over 3000 signatures were signed on the streets of Brighton and 2200 online. The petition was against the implementation of PSPO’s. PSPO’s give Council workers and the Police the power to give Homeless people and Travellers an on the spot £100 fine for occupying a tent, vehicle or caravan in 12 locations across the city. Failure to pay the fine can lead to prosecution and a further £1000 fine. People breaching the order must provide a name address and date of birth. Failure to positively identify someone can lead to arrest. So effectively you can be fined, arrested and prosecuted for being homeless and having no money to pay for the ‘crime’ of being homeless. Brighton and Hove council voted for the petition to be noted but not to be forwarded to the Policy and Resources committee for further debate. Usually any petition with over 1250 signatures is debated at committee. Despite opposition to this legislation from Liberty, Equality and Human Rights Commission, local charities, specialist lawyers and the local community, Councillors blocked due democratic process by voting against the legislation being debated by the Committee that decided to implement it. It appears that Brighton and Hove Council want to sweep away homeless people and Travellers from our city through criminalisation and attempting to block any debate or opposition to the legislation. This will not work, it cannot work and we are standing against it. PSPO’s should only be used to target specific behaviours and not specific groups. This statement has been echoed by Sussex Police as well as human rights lawyers. This legislation is a direct assault on the homeless community and Gypsies and Travellers. PSPO’s have been misused in this context as living in a tent, caravan or vehicle are not anti-social activities in themselves. Article 8, of the Human rights act the right to a private and family life, is being infringed by this use of PSPO’s. Under the European convention on Human Rights, all public bodies owe a duty to facilitate the Gypsy way of life. This legislation is an attack on the Gypsy way of life and therefore in breach of Equality Duty and The European Framework Convention for the protection of Minorities. This policy is unlawful and need to be brought back to committee to be looked at again as it stands Brighton and Hove Council have blocked any further debate.282 of 300 SignaturesCreated by NFA Residents Association
More money for transport in the NorthWe call upon the transport secretary to: 1) Pledge his immediate backing for the Northern Powerhouse Rail programme including a new state-of-the-art 30-minute rail link between Manchester and Leeds – a ‘Crossrail North’; 2) Make an immediate commitment to at least £59 billion ‘catch-up cash’ over the coming decade to support the transport priorities being developed by Transport for the North; 3) Give Transport for the North the same powers as those enjoyed by Transport for London so that it can also raise private finance towards its own transport priorities. The government has announced its backing for the £31bn Crossrail 2 rail scheme in London just days after it has cancelled plans to electrify key rail routes, and rowed back on its long-standing commitment to electrify the trans-pennine link between Manchester and Leeds. Crossrail 2 was NOT in the Conservative Party Manifesto - whereas Northern Powerhouse Rail was! New analysis by IPPR North shows that over the past decade public spending on transport in London has been more than double that in the North – the North would have received £59bn more in investment over the last decade if it had received the same per person for transport as London. This is set to get worse, with planned public and public/private expenditure set at nearly £2000 per head, compared with £400 per head in the North BEFORE Crossrail 2 is taken into account. This is not just a matter of fairness. This is not special pleading. Transport investment needn’t be either/or. But lack of government spending on Northern transport is holding the whole economy back. Northern prosperity is national prosperity.88,363 of 100,000 SignaturesCreated by Ed Cox
Save Farnworth JobcentreThe Department for Work and Pensions has brought forward the proposed closure of Farnworth Jobcentre without any meaningful consultation with the local community. The Government claims that it is closing this Jobcentre as part of its "continued drive to deliver public services in more innovative and cost effective ways” without seeming to consider the impact on the local community. Farnworth is a deprived area, and residents rely on the support provided by their local Jobcentre, not only for help in finding employment, but also for benefit advice, access to computers and telephones. Farnworth Jobcentre is extremely busy and is valued by local residents, and to remove yet another service from Farnworth town centre means that unemployed and disabled residents will be further disadvantaged and could be pushed even further into poverty. Farnworth Councillors and I have been contacted by numerous constituents who are very concerned at the impact that this will have on them: Many unemployed or disabled residents of Farnworth, Kearsley and Little Lever simply cannot afford to travel into Bolton town centre. Even if some residents can afford the up-front cost of travel, the cost of reimbursement would be prohibitive as there is a high number of people who sign weekly, and some who sign daily. The closure of Farnworth Jobcentre would not result in savings to the public purse. In addition to the travel cost, it will also take residents considerably longer to travel into Bolton, increasing the likelihood of late attendance or missed appointments, which could lead to benefit sanctions. It would also cause greater inconvenience, including less time to spend searching for employment. People who have caring responsibilities are concerned that they will not be able to get to work on time, because of the extra travel time to get to Bolton Jobcentre. Residents with mobility problems will find it more difficult to attend Bolton Jobcentre, particularly those who are not able to use public transport and do not have access to private transport. The Government is currently consulting on health and disability issues, yet is at the same time making access to services more difficult. Bolton has two Jobcentres only a few hundred yards apart, yet Farnworth will be left with none. This simply makes no sense. Surely it would be better to close one of the Bolton Jobcentres and keep the one in Farnworth open? The Government requires claimants to attend more frequent face-to-face interviews than ever before, so it is vital that this service is retained in Farnworth We call upon the Department for Work and Pensions not to close Farnworth Jobcentre and ensure that its services are retained in Farnworth town centre.422 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Yasmin Qureshi MP
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