• Public Sector Pay Rises
    The PM claimed we're all in this together. Now is the time to prove it. MP pay rises should be limited to the average of all other public sector pay rises. If we truly are all in this together, then why can MP's receive higher pay rise percentages than nurses, teachers, firefighters, etc? Now is the time to demonstrate that MP's truly believe we are in it together as a nation and agree to link pay rises to those in the rest of the public sector. Or is it as Orwell eloquently said in Animal Farm ... "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others"?
    83 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Richard Clegg
  • Save our BBC
    The new government is saying they have a 'mandate' to make changes. They do not have a mandate as less than 37% of the population voted for them. Attacking the BBC's licence fee arrangement is undermining our democracy and also undermining the cultural heritage of the UK. I don't want a television service which looks like that in the US.
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by James Love
    Channel 4 are contributing to the erroneous and damaging view that people on benefits are living 'the life of Riley' and draining our system. They clearly and shamelessly, continually concentrate camera shots on people smoking, drinking and breaking the law as if this is a normal and continuous action of EVERYONE on benefits. They never concentrate on people who have been made unemployed through no fault of their own, disabled people, vulnerable people who are unable to battle through the over-complicated and deliberately awkward benefits claiming process such as special needs individual or those who have never been faced with having to fill in deplorably convoluted claim forms before and are undoubtedly contributing to an erroneous image of what 'Austerity' will achieve.
    4,024 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Graeme Pryce
  • Protect the BBC
    The BBC, particularly its radio service, is essential intelligent conversation for the whole nation.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Christopher Bucklow
  • Keep A-levels and GCSEs at City College Plymouth (Goschen).
    This enables people, who perhaps weren't so successful in previous educational facilities, to have a second chance. This would allow people to have the chance to leave their schools and enjoy a new experience in a different learning environment. Signing the petition would ensure job security for teachers, and help students to realise their full potential. Plymouth City Council have just granted a further £4 million funding to the College but despite this, A-Level and GCSE progammes are still being cut and over 200 students that applied to study in the upcoming academic year are left unable to access the subjects they need to get into university and other areas of higher education. This will continue to effect students for years to come if nothing is changed.
    1,168 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Adam Bassett
  • the homeless period
    The main cause of vaginal infection is poor hygiene for homeless woman this is not an option they either eat or buy Tampax or sanitary towels food being the main priority for some otherwise the hunger pains are terrible. But which is less dignified? Stealing tampons and towels or not having one at all? Why should homeless woman have to rip clothes etc to stick between their legs because they have nothing? Something needs to be done and so I'm raising awareness @i have a name project and @the homeless period.
    329 of 400 Signatures
    Created by amber childs
  • Northern Ireland Licence Fees
    Driving is a skill that most people will need in there life and to be charge almost double the price of the rest of the UK, Northern Ireland is being treated unfairly and it will put off people wanting to learn to drive. Not everyone can afford £62.50 for a first NI Provisional so it would be beneficial to reduce the price so that it is in line with the rest of the UK at just £32 for a first GB Provisional
    3,115 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Russell Hearn
  • Open letter to Philip Dunne, Ludlow Conservative candidate
    Philip Dunne is the only candidate that is sitting on the fence about this important issue. We have great concern for the NHS as a whole, and ask that he watches the powerful film Sell Off, made by senior doctors who describe the threats to our NHS. You will find this online.
    382 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Pete Gillard
  • Save the Police Ambulance and Fire Service
    There is a very important issue that has not been raised in the press, possibly because the media is covering up for the establishment and dont want to to rock the corporate boat that they are all in it together, the rest of us are not of concern. I should point out that I was a Police Officer and have been retired for nearly 10 years. I know that things change, but I have it on very good authority that the system is now broken. There is a fraction of Officers to police an area where there was enough work 10 years ago to keep 50 Officers busy, now there is less than 25, and the area is bigger. The rate of recorded crime is falling, because there are no proactive operations to arrest people who are committing crime, and because the public believe that the Police will do nothing, they are not reporting the crimes that are occurring. Because Officers are rushing the public and making more mistakes, there are more complaints against the Police. That leads to greater stress and more Officers being long term sick, which increases the strain on the people left. The Police are being passed jobs by the ambulance service because a patient has chest pains and they have no resources available, so the Police are not able to do the job as they should . Whilst the wheel is still on at this moment, it is only because of the professionalism of the Police Officers who are doing their best, but it wont last. This Home Secretary has made some big promises to the public, that front line services will not be effected, well that will be tested in the next major incident or public disorder and we will then see this illusion for what it is. The cuts experienced so far will continue for another 5 years if the present government is returned to power, and there will be no going back from that situation. The bankers have had their bonuses and the rich their tax cuts, but I was not aware that it was on the back of the destruction of our public services.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Richardson
  • Bring abortion to Northern Ireland
    You can only have a medical abortion in Northern Ireland. It is only done at a independent clinic in Belfast, and only up to nine weeks in the pregnancy. Women should have the right to decide what to do with their bodies. Stopping abortion here is forcing women to fly elsewhere to get an abortion or forcing them to have a child they do not want, or in some cases seek out illegal means. A pregnancy does not only affect a woman physically but affects a woman's education, her employment, and her entire family and social life. Preventing women having the right of abortion makes women carry all the adversity and blame for unwanted pregnancies. Motherhood should be a choice.
    171 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Aislinn Mullin
  • The Aberdeen Half Marathon. Votes for yes.
    There is a massive running community in Aberdeen, and also within the surrounding areas with many running clubs based at all around the area. Aberdeen could only benefit from a high profile mass participation running event. This opportunity to have a half marathon in Aberdeen should be seized with both hands and promoted as a positive, healthy choice, life enhancing thing for anyone who wishes to participate, not to mention the massive benefits to 3rd sector charity organisations such an event brings. There are also massive benefits to local tourism, new high profile races can attract runners from far afield, so hotels and local businesses will see a knock on benefit. If other cities can host such an event, why can't Aberdeen?
    956 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Greg Urwin
  • Save The Woolwich Free Ferry!
    There has been a free ferry running here for over 100 years and an established ferry service on the route since the 14th century, with mentions of one in the Doomsday Book. London has many traffic congestion problems, but the problems of the Woolwich Ferry are not it's own; it is an effective and much used (2,000,000+ journeys per year) piece of infrastructure in its own right. The problem of the Woolwich Ferry are in reality the problems of the Blackwall Tunnel and it is only when the Blackwall Tunnel fails that the area around the Woolwich Ferry becomes overly congested. To close one thing that works well because something else does not is evidence of poor strategic thinking. Even if a new bridge or tunnel are built as proposed by TFL, congestion is only going to increase year-on-year in East London. this means that the Woolwich ferry does not stop being relevant or strategically important, both as a crossing in it's own right or as an additional means of easing congestion when a single car or lorry (inevitibly and regularly) breaks down in the existing tunnel (or on a new bridge) and brings this part of the capital to gridlock. If East london actually needs additional crossing capacity, why dispense with this vital piece of existing infrastructure? There is a historic precident for the Woolwich Ferry and currently TFL has an obligation to provide this service. This obligation should remain for the benefit of both vehicular and pedestrian transport, the latter of which would be severely disrupted by the provision of vehicle only crossing points. Furthermore the obligation to continue the service is important because a FREE ferry service is the only egaliarian means of river transport in East London- it's dissapearance would mean that all traffic on the river would become a privatised, fee paying entity. In an area which has so much maritime heritage, this you be a tragic development and a loss to future generations.
    11,272 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Graham Ward