• We need Housing for ALL - Stop Social Cleansing
    Evictions are at a record high. Council house building is being destroyed and sold off with waiting lists growing. Housing has become insecure, often unsafe and unaffordable Companies are exploiting workers in homeless organisations and Housing Associations, organisations which are often seeing surpluses, yet cuts to pay and important services are being cut. Companies who have blacklisted workers in trade unions are being contracted for public contracts, we say NO. All of this and sadly, too much more, are reasons for our manifesto demands at this key time: 1. Stop the cuts - Austerity for the 99% ! 2. Build and repair over 300,000 Council houses per year, incorporating improved accessibility and environmental standards. 3. Stop the transfer of council stock to housing associations. Stop the social cleansing 4. End the right to buy - We lost over 44,000 homes in 2013-2014 5. Bring in Rent Controls and establish a national register of private landlords to protect tenants 6. End unfair benefit caps and other benefit cuts such as the Bedroom tax and cuts in council tax benefit. Restore and increase the Independent living fund. 7. Protect Supported Housing - Stop the cuts and ring fence services which are vital for some of the most in need of specialist support 8. Decent Pay and conditions for workers in housing and social care 9. Bring in an £10ph National Minimum wage 10. End the Blacklist - restrict commissioning of social housing and maintenance services to providers who have signed up to the Joint Industry Board National Agreement for Engineering Construction. Act to remove approved providers found guilty of blacklisting. 11. Nationalise the Banks - Taking over the banks on a permanent basis would enable investment to be planned in line with democratically decided priorities including housing that working people can afford. We must put a stop to the disaster of austerity and build secure homes for the 99% The full manifesto can be found here - http://www.housingworkers.org.uk/readnews.html?con_id=172 Please cut and paste the full manifesto or add the link and ask your MP's and councillors to pledge their support. https://www.writetothem.com/ And if your looking to find out candidates for local or general elections please use - https://yournextmp.com
    181 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Unite Housing Workers
  • NO to poison parks in Falmouth, Cornwall
    The community of Falmouth, Cornwall, is facing a very real health issue and NEEDS YOUR HELP! As of March 20th 2015 GLYPHOSATE, the active ingredient in RoundUp weedkiller, was re-classified as “probably causes CANCER” by the WHO (the World Health Organisation). Most of the community are unaware this weed killer is used in ALL parks and play parks in Falmouth; including Kimberley Park, The Bowling Green Play Park, The Princess Pavillion and The Dracaena Centre. GLYPHOSATE stays active in soil for up to 6 months. This is scientifically proven; Neutralization upon contact is a marketing myth. Children and dogs may still come into direct contact with the chemical (and may ingest it) when playing in areas, which were sprayed weeks or even months previous. Babies may crawl and dogs may sniff where GLYPHOSATE is used The areas are UNMARKED and NOT cordoned off; there are no warning signs! This chemical is also scientifically linked to Autism and Parkinsons; though the more common effects include Asthma, Eczema and Allergies. Please see links below for further details if required. It's imperative to the health and future of the community of Falmouth, Cornwall, that WE help ban this unnecessary chemical, from one public park at a time. This isn’t political; it’s just practical. If you're happy to have dandelions instead of probably CANCER, please sign this petition and share it with your friends. Thank you. http://www.iarc.fr/en/media-centre/iarcnews/pdf/MonographVolume112.pdf http://www.epa.gov/safewater/pdfs/factsheets/soc/tech/glyphosa.pdf http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-news/11487118/Weedkiller-alert-over-cancer-link.html http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/mar/21/roundup-cancer-who-glyphosate- http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/health-and-families/health-news/roundup-weed-killer-can-probably-cause-cancer-warns-who-10124812.html http://www.i-sis.org.uk/Why_Glyphosate_Should_be_Banned.php http://people.csail.mit.edu/seneff/glyphosate/Seneff_AutismOne_2014.pdf http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2315057/Is-worlds-popular-weed-killer-causing-Parkinsons-New-study-shows-Roundup-herbicide-linked-cancer-infertility.html http://www.foe.co.uk/sites/default/files/downloads/impacts_glyphosate.pdf
    498 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Pesticide Free Cornwall
  • Save the 505 Chingford to Harlow bus service
    The 505 bus service is under threat on the grounds of running at a loss and being underused. Public transport is a public service - financial viability shouldn't be a consideration. Epping Forests' bus services are already few on the ground but are vital for the many residents who don't drive, the elderly, disabled people, students and the low waged/unwaged. We need more services, not fewer. The 505 service is currently operated by Arriva and Network Harlow. Arriva made £373 million profit in 2013. If they are unwilling to continue providing the service Essex County Council needs to find an alternative company to run the route, with subsidies if necessary, or set up a not-for-profit operator to take it over. The Epping Forest Guardian covered the situation here: http://www.eppingforestguardian.co.uk/news/waltham_forest/11858552.Decision_to_scrap__life_line__bus_service_criticised/
    686 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Dave Plummer Picture
  • Police Scotland stop training Sri Lanka's police now!
    The Sri Lankan police has a long history of human rights abuses and vicious attacks. Amnesty International’s latest annual report into Sri Lanka alleged that unlawful detentions and torture by security forces were carried out routinely. Since 2007, the Scottish Police College has trained thousands of Sri Lankan officers - including some senior commanders. But training has failed to protect human rights in Sri Lanka. Siobhan Reardon, Amnesty International's programme director in Scotland, said: “Human rights campaigners and family members of people subjected to enforced disappearance were threatened and arrested, and fatal attacks on religious minorities went unpunished.” Also a UN report commissioned by secretary general Ban Ki-Moon found that as many as 40,000 Tamil civilians may have been killed in the last months of the civil war in May 2009, mostly through indiscriminate shelling by Sri Lankan security forces. The police training reform project is funded by the Foreign Office (FCO), was supposed to embed "international standards in police training." But a recent FCO report found instances of torture, deaths in police custody, police abductions and instances of suspects shot and killed as they attempted to flee. The current contract will end on 31 March 2015, but it could be renewed. Police Scotland should not enable human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. Please listen to the Scottish public, Tamil community and human rights campaigners. Please sign this petition and stop Police Scotland enabling human rights abuses in Sri Lanka. Tamil Solidarity and a number of diaspora campaigners support this petition.
    870 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by TU Senan
  • PIP Assessment
    The sick and disabled people applying for PIP fill in a very long application form, which often repeats itself and so the individual(s) applying must repeat the answers. Even with getting professional help filling in these forms, does not guarantee, a fair and balanced end result. Many applicants are requested to have a one to one assessment and the results of these assessments seem to be down graded against the applicant
    1,265 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Peter George
  • A Cure for Crohn's
    There are currently 115,000 people living with the condition in the UK. Crohn's disease can affect people of all ages, including children. However, most cases first develop between the ages of 16 and 30. The number of teenagers with Crohn’s disease has jumped more than 300 per cent in the last 10 years because of junk food and the overuse of antibiotics. According to figures from the Health and Social Care Information Centre, some 4,937 16 to 29-year-olds were admitted for treatment in England between 2003 and 2004, but last year the figure rose to 19,405. People with Crohn's disease can experience periods of severe symptoms followed by periods of remission that can last for weeks or years. The symptoms of Crohn's disease depend on where the disease occurs in the bowel and its severity. In general symptoms can include: Chronic diarrhoea, often bloody and containing mucus or pus Weight loss Fever, abdominal pain and tenderness Feeling of a mass or fullness in the abdomen Rectal bleeding This research is based on the same approach as the cure found for smallpox. Edward Jenner introduced a new term to the language when he ‘vaccinated’ (Latin vacca, cow) a boy in 1796 with matter taken from a cowpox lesion on a milkmaid’s hand. Jenner’s technique, in which he introduced a weaker viral type into the human body, was much less risky than the hitherto inoculations of Variola major. A set of similar circumstances has again led the medical profession to discover an immune system in cows and the research and trials in America and Israel are based on this finding.
    433 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Roy Wallis
    Both my sons went to Castle Nursery School a few years ago and I can't tell you how amazing this nursery is, they gave my boys the very best start to their school lives and Ofsted rate them as 'outstanding' too. Our children deserve the best as they only get one chance. Every parent should have the choice to send their children to and outstanding provider if they wish. But not only this Castle Nursery is also in the Arboretum Ward which is the most disadvantaged area in Derby and currently does not have enough childcare places for the children living in the ward. Derby City Council should be making residents aware that they can access this oustanding nursery not taking it away just because families don't know about the nursery or don't know they are entitled to 15hrs free childcare. Please help me make Derby City Council accountable for their decisions and make it known that we are not going to let them take away yet another invaluable provision just because they have mismanaged their budget. Thank you
    325 of 400 Signatures
    Created by GM Hall
  • Allow Carers use of the Blue Badge Scheme
    When the Blue Badge Holder is admitted into hospital, his/her carers responsibilities are reduced, however, in order to visit, the disabled person in hospital, the carer must pay full parking charges, which can be £12 a day. The carer may only use the Blue Badge if the disabled person (Blue Badge Holder) is being dropped off or picked up. As Carers Allowance is only £61.35 a week, after some 5 days of visiting the carer is "out of pocket", whereas some hospital car parks are free for Blue Badge Holders.The financial burden, upon the carer, when the disabled person is discharged from hospital, can be quite harsh, especially if the carer has had to pay for parking.
    739 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Peter George
  • Campaign to save RUH Hopper Bus
    Any cuts to this vital service would cause real hardship to the less able in many parts of Wiltshire
    2,063 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by TERRY CHIVERS
  • Ask leaders: What will you do for children in care?
    The forthcoming Leaders' Debate presents a vital opportunity for the voting public to hear how the different political parties would act in government over the next five years, if given the power to do so. Among the millions of children and young people who are affected by government policies every day, one group in particular rely more directly on government than any other – the 68,000 children in care*. For these children and young people, too-often invisible in political debates and without a vote of their own, the state has a special responsibility. Anyone seeking government office, not least hoping to be Prime Minister, takes on a ‘corporate’ responsibility for all children in care. We believe it is our duty as voters to hold our politicians to democratic account for their role as corporate parents to these children. If we don’t, who will? This General Election should be the first in which the nation publicly asks its politicians how they will live up to their responsibility to be good parents for our most vulnerable children. We call for the Leaders' Debate on 2nd April (and other leadership interviews) to include one simple question to all parties: ‘What will you do for children in care?’ *There are 68,000 children in care in England.
    878 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Chloë Darlington
  • KEEP TUSH CO-OP HOUSE SHARING - We are family like community for 35 years.
    We undesigned Angelus Sumesar-Rai, Prosper Rich, John Xuereb at 62 Bruce Rd E3 3HL and John Hayes at 34 Mount Terrace E1 2BB ask Tower Hamlets Mayor and cabinet members for TUSH Housing Co-operative house sharing to continue as we are family like community. As TUSH housing co-operative for 35 years with our own hands we have made empty derelict houses into our homes. 3 long-standing community members together with our pets are threatened with eviction by Tower-Hamlets council wanting to destroy our family like way of living. We who at present share 62 Bruce Rd E3 3HL are: 82 years old Trinidad Indian gentleman Mr Angelus Sumesar-Rai for 30 years a part of Bruce Rd co-operative family and one of the founding fathers and to this day performer at Notting Hill Carnival. Mr Sumesar-Rai shares house with 2 approaching 60 years of British citizens Mr Xuereb and Mr Rich. Together Mr Xuereb and Mr Rich spent 1000's of hours voluntary labour on co-op houses restoration, gardens cultivation, and as pets lovers fostering local wildlife. Mr John Xuereb as his parents is himself born and bred in East London, working class, driver, carpenter. Mr Prosper Rich home at 66 Bruce Rd had a fire 5 years ago. Tower Hamlets council delayed fire repairs for 4 years and kept the property empty for 5 years just to prevent Mr Rich and other residents to return to their home. We current TUSH housing co-op members request the Mayor and the cabinet of Tower Hamlets council that we are allowed to continue our family like communal living by staying where we are as TUSH housing co-operative. It makes sense for us to stay together without any cost to the council rather than to break our community down into separate flats with bathrooms, toilets and living rooms. We realise that 82 year old Mr Sumesar-Rai greatly values his independence and if he needs support he trusts us to help him as we know him for so long. Please agree for TUSH co-operative house sharing to continue as we are family like community. Signed: Angelus Sumesar-Rai, Prosper Rich, John Xuereb, John Hayes. 17-03-2015
    391 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Angelus Sumesar-Rai, P. Rich, J Xuereb
  • Loughborough Vulnerable need a night shelter
    We have a charity that helps vulnerable people in the day throughout the week. This project is self-funded, and since it started 3 years ago one of the heartbreaking facts we have encountered is that vulnerable people are lost every year from the cold and heat. They die from extremes in weather while sleeping outside, often alone, with nowhere to go. When housing is available, many can't cope with the day to day management of a home, and they barely survive - often failing self care . Young and Old need somewhere to be. The most important reason for this petition is to help people live. The things that defeats the vulnerable the most - which is to them like a living death - is loneliness: having no where to rest to feel safe and cared for. This leads to greater mental distress and physical deterioration. Charities pick up the slack were they can were the vulnerable of our town are concerned, but this is not enough. We who have signed this petition call for the town to have a permanent night shelter that is both a secure and safe resource for all in our community.
    151 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Diane Woodcock