STOP CONCENTRIX ASSAULTING SINGLE MOTHERS FOR PROFITWhy should a private company have the ability to spuriously withdraw benefits from single mothers? Threatening them in the process. If they have taken on the job they expect to profit and the only way they can is by cutting benefits by hook or by crook. This is another scandal of ASOS proportions. Read more here: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/people-in-need-at-risk-of-losing-tax-credits-after-being-wrongly-accused-of-cheating-10060745.html183 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Gareth Brown
Stop #PFI contracts from bleeding East London hospitals dryBarts Health NHS Trust is the biggest hospital trust in England, running six hospitals including Whipps Cross, Newham University and The Royal London. It has the biggest health PFI and the biggest deficit. We the undersigned note that: a) Barts Health NHS Trust is in financial crisis with a £93m deficit, the Chief Executive recently resigned, and pending reports on the quality of care and worsening A&E waiting times soon to be released; b) Barts Health NHS Trust is paying £43m a year in interest payments to private investors on the PFI contracts; c) This is a main cause of Barts Health’s deficit and its £58m of cuts last year, including the loss of 10% of posts and the downbanding of staff; d) The PFI contracts make our hospitals outsource key services (like domestics services and catering) to private providers; even when it is more expensive. Barts Health saved 7% of the costs of some services provided under the PFI (or £4m per year) by bringing them in-house. - Learn more about Barts PFI at www.peoplevsbartspfi.wordpress.com - Learn more about PFIs at www.peoplevspfi.org.uk791 of 800 SignaturesCreated by Cameron Stocks
A call for fair private rents, new social housing and secure tenanciesEveryone needs a decent secure affordable home in which to flourish. We therefore call on Brighton and Hove Parliamentary candidates to campaign for the following changes, and to vote for them if elected: • Bring back fair rents - a “Living rent” (achieved by rent controls) • Protect private tenants with long secure tenancies • Institute registration of all private landlords to ensure minimum standards of fire safety, energy efficiency and a decent home standard for private housing • Abolish the Right to buy and lift borrowing ceilings and restrictions so councils can again build social rented housing • Link rents policy to affordability not the market • End discrimination against tenants on benefits3,112 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by diane montgomery
Save Duncan Place Resource CentreDuncan Place Resource Centre has been an active and thriving community centre for over 3 decades. The centre has a large and diverse user group which accommodates all ages, abilities, sexes and ethnicities despite it's lack of capital investment from local authorities. The centre has offered training opportunities to locals since being built in 1915. There are no other centres anywhere else in the capital, and Duncan Place Resource Centre is almost the last community asset in Leith, with many having succumbed to development and regeneration.452 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Simon Sawers
All Scottish Public Libraries should hold copies of 'The National' for public reference'The National' is the only daily newspaper published that supports Scottish Independence.. In not carrying this title, public library services fail to present to the public a balanced view of the current political debate in Scotland.295 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Sean Gill
WE ALL NEED A PAY RISEIn your own words, this £2,000 payment was to "suitably reward our staff for the transitions they have and continue to make". May we respectively remind you that we are also your staff and we equally contribute and adapt to change. Such a contemptuous approach only serves to undermine our contribution. This would be difficult to accept at any time but on the back of year on year pay cuts, additional unnecessary pension contributions and in the middle of our campaign for fair pay makes it even more disdainful. Non-Operational staff have equally shown continued commitment, flexibility, adaptability and drive over many many years but regardless will not receive this payment. Surely this cannot be right. The importance and value we place on teamwork within the Scottish Prison Service is steeped in history yet it would appear you are now prepared to cast this aside in favour of a divisive, fragmented and financially motivated approach. Inevitably this cannot be good for the long term future of the SPS. We cannot underestimate our strength of feeling and injustice. What we are asking for is simply Fair Pay for All;- Mr Mathieson, it is in your gift to make this happen, your recent actions have clearly shown that you are not constrained by Westminster. Mr McConnel, your early messages showed an acknowledgement of unity, togetherness, shared values and goals. Please don't lose sight of this now.463 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Glenn DiCiacca
Save Robbie Clark, 96 Yr Old War Hero from EvictionOne of Britain’s oldest surviving prisoners of war faces being forced into a care home against his will after Brent council refused to pay for his home help. Robbie Clark, a 96 year old War Hero and ex POW, has spent almost all of his life savings to pay for 24-hour care at his home in Burnt Oak, North London. Now the veteran, who was one of the British soldiers who survived Hitler’s 1,000-mile death march across Europe in 1945, only has enough money to last another three months. Mr Clark’s son Mike, 58, has been in a two-year battle with Brent Council over funding his father’s care since the pensioner lost the use of his legs after a heart operation in 2012. Brent Council solicitor Fiona Bateman said in one letter: “The local authority believe it is entirely correct that residential care remains the preferred option to ensure that Mr Clark has access to 24 hour care and support that he requires. His family said he may have to sell his home and they fear being in a care home would kill him. Mr Clark, a father of two with four grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, said: I have been in my own place all my life. I have got everything here. My family are near and my friends are near. I am nice and comfortable here and I’d not get that in a care home. It would remind me of being a prisoner of war.194,166 of 200,000 SignaturesCreated by David Jackson
End the Bus Cuts in Brighton and HoveThe proposed cuts to bus services in Brighton and Hove will detrimentally effect some of the most vulnerable areas of Brighton. Particularly the Meadowview area which is home to many low income families and pensioners who will be left completely cut off from the city. The cuts are to affect mostly evening, bank holiday and weekend services leaving many members of our community completely stranded after dark, unable to safely return home, or forced to walk a badly lit and sparsely populated stretches of road. Many of us who regularly use the bus services to Meadowview are disabled and are unable to climb Coombe or Bear road. We strongly oppose the proposed measures as they will affect some of the most vulnerable people in our area leaving them further disenfranchised and segregated from the wider community. Cutting bus services in a city which takes pride in its stance on social inclusion and sustainable development is reprehensible and will have a detrimental affect on some of the most vulnerable members of our community and our environment. We urge you to reconsider the proposed cuts and seek and alternative.432 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Rebecca Freeman
We request an immediate investigation into the sale of the land at Hartlepool hospital.Hartlepool hospital has systematically been stripped of it's A&E department and virtually all of it's clinical and surgical services, on a vague promise that an alternative hospital would be built on land at Wynyard. Now, the North Tees and Hartlepool Trust, our local Hartlepool MP, Iain Wright and the Hartlepool Borough Council are all on public record saying this will never happen. It was completely foolhardy and indeed negligent of Hartlepool Borough Council to allow the sale of this land to happen under these circumstances. I believe it was complete madness to allow a perfectly good training hospital to be stripped of it's staff, resources, assets and have the very land it sits upon sold from under it, without a cast iron guarantee of a replacement. I feel that this has been done surreptitiously, without the prior knowledge, consultation or consent of the people of Hartlepool3,065 of 4,000 SignaturesCreated by Jim Gillespie
An end to bullying in public serviceIt has become an epidemic. As a trade union rep for the past 24 yrs and the last 20 in local authority I have dealt with many cases of bullying, from Heads in schools or Managers in social services to local government officers.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert J Adams
End the Government’s attacks on unemployed, sick and disabled peopleWe consider these measures necessary to alleviate the suffering imposed on some of the poorest members of our society by some of the richest.109 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Thomas Cockburn
Stop the penalisation of long-term, legal migrants.Without warning, the 2014 Immigration Act imposed upon long-term, legal UK migrants the requirement of a No Time Limit Document, to present as legal proof of their Indefinite Leave to Remain, when seeking employment, (in some cases, housing) or access to benefits, for which some have been paying for decades. The postal application for an NTL Document costs £104.00 and takes and unacceptable SIX MONTHS to process. (There is a Premium One-Day Service which costs a casual £504.00 for the privilege of jumping the queue.) Without the NTL Document, long-term, legal, migrants (In my case - as a Canadian national, I have lived in the UK 34 years, payed taxes and NIC, and I am on the electoral-roll.) are held in a limbo where we can not take up new employment, nor access benefits such as job-seekers' allowance (despite funding NIC for decades) In a bid to see that we law-abiding, non-threatening people can be allowed to carry-on taking part and contributing to UK society, (as we were doing, unmolested, before May 14, 2014), I have contacted all parties at Westminster regarding this issue, and I have even spoken with the Deputy Prime-Minister about this. After months of having this life-affecting issue treated with indifference, or trivialised, it is apparent to me that to put right this collateral damage, caused by the 2014 Immigration Act, the government would have to 'spend money', a notion anathema to it's ethos. (particularly where 'people on the pavement' are concerned.) Additionally, this is an IMMIGRATION issue which is the Coalition Government's Achilles-heel. Those of us thrust into poverty or financial-hardship by this sloppy-legislation are battling with an ideologically-obdurate government, committed to BURYING this embarrassing issue. Through this legislation, Theresa May's headline-grabbing "hostile environment" is penalising innocent people! There are thousands of us affected by this (Some ILR holders won't be aware of this issue until they apply for their next job) I invite anyone, adversely affected by the 2014 Immigration Act, to join me in plying pressure on this government, and the government elected in May, to do the decent thing, and treat legal, law-abiding immigrants fairly.122 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Stuart Calvert
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