• Save Swansea Tidal Lagoon before it is too Late
    The world summit on climate change COP 26 is happening in Britain in November this year. After 8 years of research and planning everything is in place to build a breakwater with turbines in it at Swansea Bay. http://www.tidallagoonpower.com/projects/swansea-bay/ Tidal Energy is zero carbon, simple and reliable will last for at least 120 years and breakwaters protect against rising sea levels. In comparison with nuclear costs are minimal. Government says offshore wind is cheaper, but that is not a reason not to invest and do both when climate is at stake. In fact, wind was judged by government to be 'uneconomical' when first created. Private fundraising is needed to make this happen before they lose their licence to build in June 2020. Ideally I would like to find an Environmental Charity who I could give money to in order to invest in them despite all the odds and also get press involved.
    23 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cathy Citizen
  • reforest our uplands against climate change
    Catastrophic flooding is rapidly increasing due to climate change. Building defences & piling up sandbags is a short term measure that does nothing to tackle the cause, & reducing carbon emissions, however fast we might do it, is too slow a process to help people being flooded now. But reforesting catchment areas can do both things at once. Many of our uplands are kept as short grass or grouse moor, because its been profitable for landowners to do so. Rain that falls on these areas runs very quickly down to the lowlands, all at once. But trees, & their roots & associated fungi & microorganisms, soak up water & slow its passage, reducing peak flood levels & making rivers flow more evenly. And planting trees also soaks up the carbon dioxide thats causing the problem, as well as healing our damaged local ecosystems. Trees aren't incompatible with farming, but crops are different, & yields may be lower, so landowners need help & encouragement to make the change. This isn't an alternative to flood barriers, or reducing emissions. Its one of several things we need to do all at once to clear up the mess we've created- & we can do it, with the right legislation, without anyone having to sacrifice anything & with good results visible in just a few years!
    63 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rich tetlow
  • Bring back proper street cleaners
    So we can take back some pride in our surroundings, everywhere looks so run down and dismal. Its a issue nationally, but no-one to pinpoint in government as they don't accept responsibility for their actions these days!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Ball
  • Stop HS2 and spend the money on flood defences.
    In 2015 /16 disastrous floods hit parts of Britain. People's homes and livelihoods were wrecked. The cost to the country was enormous. Now in 2020, the same thing has occurred again. Although the government has invested around £4 billion for flood defences around the country, it has not been nearly enough to prevent further flooding. The flooding of people's homes and businesses is wrecking lives, causing misery and spiralling costs to individuals, companies, insurance companies and to the country as a whole. The problem of flooding is not going to go away. Climate change is bringing ever-increasing rainfall and adverse weather and it is clear that the government's current flood defence plans and budget are inadequate. We need more money to be spent on all affected areas, with proper planning and a better, fully-funded strategy. We cannot afford to spend billions on HS2 and yet leave so many people desperate because they have lost everything.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Liz Brynin
  • Single Use Plastic on Airlines
    Every day British Airways oblige their passengers to tag their hand luggage with single use tags that are only to identify hand luggage that has to be placed under the seat. Millions of non recyclable plastic tags are handed out everyday and are then put into the trash ( garbage).These tags are a nonsensical waste of single use plastic.There are many companies that now produce compostable or biodegradable tags that British Airways ( and other airlines could use ). Please sign this petition to stop this wasteful procedure.
    73 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Clare De La Poer Beresford
    The site is near schools, homes and businesses. The incinerator produces electricity from all kinds of rubbish, including plastics. It's the CO2, other greenhouse gases and the fine particulates that are produced that are particularly harmful to the atmosphere and to people living locally and downwind. Wisbech also doesn't have the road infrastructure to cope with the vast number of lorries which will need to travel in and out of the area. This will also affect all the surrounding villages and local nature reserves. Our MP Steve Barclay and local councillors are also against the incinerator.
    584 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Maureen Robertson Picture
  • Do NOT scrap the EU Birds and Habitats directives
    Birds need these protections to remain in place. We have lost a huge number of our birds in recent years, scrapping the EU directives will further harm birds. Together, the EU Birds and Habitats Directives enable all the EU Member States to work together within the same strong legislative framework in order to protect the EU's most vulnerable species and habitat types across their entire natural range within the EU, irrespective of political or administrative boundaries. For more info. see website: https://www.birdlife.org/europe-and-central-asia/birds-and-habitats-directives
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Emmett
  • 2020 UK Waste Management Implementation Plan
    - Local Authority and Waste Authorities need to be able to recycle efficiently, effectively, and economically; and this means having suitable and timely labelling for consumers to be able to simply and efficiently separate eg all plastics, wet/dry, and for these then to be sorted by state of the art technology for recycling or storing. - Did you know that 'not yet recyclable' labelling means that only 25% of local authorities are recycling these items, and 'widely recycled' that only 75% of these items are recycled locally? - In all liklihood, between 25% and 100% of 'not yet recyclable' labelled items are not sent for recycling, and up to 100% 'widely recycled' items include non-recyclables are mixed and not separated out. - Where unrecyclable items were once sent to unsorted landfill, landfill is now well regulated, although inspections are fewer due to cuts in local authority and failure of privatised services, only non-hazardous inert waste is now landfilled (with exceptions, nuclear waste). - Organic waste can be used for fertiliser. - Incineration is now the preferred 'ecological' waste disposal method in the UK&EU, and much of the rest of the world (eg India). However any new construction sites are now under moratorium in the EU for incineration; although this is not the case in the UK anyway (ignored and as other places loosed regulation and oversight inspection for the free market. There are several (at least 6) new incineration energy from waste sites to be opened in the UK 2020, to add to the well over 40 energy from waste plants in UK (2017). - Incineration as an Energy from Waste producer, is the least economic, efficient or effective generator of electricity, despite DEFRA approving many projects and others in the planning and building phase (Edmonton, Isle of Wight) with independent Environmental Assessment. - The most economic, effective and efficient renewable energies are from combined wind wave and solar. This 38 Degrees petition asks that in a timely manner, say before 2021, UK gov. post Brexit, to transfer all EU directives on incineration and landfill, regulate and inspect all UK sites and meet 2020 UK Waste Management Implementation Plan targets, with improved plans for 2021 on. - Local Waste and Energy Authorities and Councils to work together to provide an economic, efficient and effective source of energy and waste that is top of the market in tech,. price and delivery, employment and labour rules and regulation simplified, recycled recyclable circular economy. - To improve on these targets in subsequent years, through economic, effective and efficient use of technology, in re-cycling and storing (including all plastic), landfill (where inspected and regulated for purpose), restricted bio-mass (fertiliser) or incineration (medical restricted to hospital sites, not transported). - Renewable energy (solar, wind, water, other renewables) to replace in a timeframe mutually agreed for existing stocks to be run down and oil and gas imports ended, transport and industrial processes, trade digital and electric, circular battery re-charging (e) vehicles; to address and meet climate change crisis targets, clean air, and for everyone. - Retail products to be labelled simply recyclable or non-recyclable and local waste authorities and retail and their manufacturers to be responsible for meeting 0% carbon, toxic emission (NOx SOx etc.). - Stores to have their own store returnable reusable and recyclable bins at all stores. - For 'not-currently recyclable' and 'widely recyclable' to be replaced with 'recyclable only' or 'not recyclable only'. - All stores Tesco Sainsburys Waitrose etc. to abide by a PPP Polluter Pays Policy to re-use, recycle or store for future tech. (carbon capture) with collection points at all stores.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malcolm Stow
  • Tameside Council should declare a climate emergency
    The planet faces dangerous levels of global warming. We have recently seen bush fires on a massive scale in Australia, droughts in Cape Town, forest fires within the Arctic Circle, the melting of the polar ice caps, more violent storms in South East Asia, increased flooding across the UK and locally we had the moorland fires above Mossley in the summer of 2018. The poorest on our planet will suffer the most from sea level rises in Bangladesh and extreme drought in Africa. Local councils from Camden to Oldham have issued a climate emergency but so far Tameside has not declared one. We the undersigned strongly urge Tameside Council to declare a state of climate emergency in line with national policy
    82 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Natasha Brison
  • Consider elderly, Firstbus!
    Late November 2017, a local resident had tumbled into a garden which didn't maintain railings. In pictured item. it can easily be seen by traveling bus drivers.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian Burton
  • Save the Planet - Shut the Shop Door
    Climate change is the number one 'Hot Topic', excuse the pun. Shops try to make customers feel comfortable by having hot air blasting down on their head as they walk through the doorway. It is all wasted. Not rocket science, if I want to go in the shop, I will go in. Put a welcome sign in, save money AND the Planet's precious resources.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jill Timms
    The storm names from the latter part of the alphabet go unused each year. the latest storm name ever used was Kate. It is unfair for these perfectly suitable names to be cast aside in this way. We should start next year's storm season by continuing where we left off in 2015 and continue till all the names have been used. Then we can start again at A and continue through to Y regardless of how many years it takes., before starting again at A.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Martin Gittins