Wider use of Solar PanelsThe need for this is help reduce the generation of electricity using fossil fuels. Surely anything that helps reduce pollution can only be good for the environment.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Skinner
Biodegradable wrapping for bouquetsWe need to reduce the use of plastic, and flowers can be composted if they are not encased in plastic.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tricia Smith
Safer cycling in West OXFORDSHIRE with better road surfacesSafe cycling provides an opportunity to enhance and enrich well being, to challenge loneliness, to improve quality of life and provide significant improvements to physical and mental health.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by David Durow
Tidal Energy not Carbon or NuclearNuclear radiation causes cancer, mutation and death. Nuclear power stations are easy targets for terrorists. While tidal generators can go on indefinitely, nuclear plants are designed to be decommissioned after only 40 years. There is currently no technology to make safe radioactive waste safe - plutonium has a half life of 24,000 years.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Cathy Citizen
bring back the milkman and glass bottlesbecause plastic causes so much pollution and there's no need for milk to be sold in plastic bottles cartons and glass is better and safer,7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tina Miles
Betting shopsThe betting shops help to keep people with gambling addictions forever victims.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hazel London
Government Subsidised Solar PanelsThis would be a low cost and fast-acting solution to free up resources for cash strapped hospitals and communities in the UK, with enormous benefits to the environment should the government be prepared to subsidise the currently prohibitive costs on solar panels, as has already been implemented with home insulation schemes.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Abigail Webster
Plastic and foil laminated seal inside milk bottle topsThe efforts to reduce global warming are hampered by actions such as putting unnecessary plastic seals under milk bottles. 1. It is futile to prevent leakage since the bottles do not leak once the seal has been removed and the cap securely replaced. I have never succeeded in losing one drop of milk even though I have tried to by swinging the bottle around. 2. To prevent tampering surely another method should be used which doesn't involve the use of plastic. 3. It is difficult for the elderly and those with arthritic hands to remove the seal.62 of 100 SignaturesCreated by John Hart
Ban plastic caps on detergent like bold 2 in 1With the amount of plastic waste, do we really need more? Walk up and down the supermarket isle for your washing detergents or fabric softeners and the vast majority of them will have a removable plastic head so you can measure the amount of liquid/gel you want to use. Do we really need all these plastic heads? can we not re use the ones we all have lying around our houses?6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Rick Massey
Work from Home to reduce Car EmissionsReducing CO2 emissions must, logically, be every countries number one priority. All other policies are irrelevant if we don't have a planet!27 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stuart Murray
Save 67 centreThe 67 Centre has been part of the community for over 50 years it has been changing young peoples live and giving them a safe place for them to gather and should be kept as a sanctuary for the next generation. It is also part of Brighton history, because a famous band called the piranhas once played there in the 70's providing young bands from Brighton to perform. In Brighton/ Moulescoomb there isn't a lot of places for the local teenagers to go to but the 67 centre was always there and this allowed kids to stop causing havoc to the locals and lets them chill with there friends and have help from people who are willing to sit there and listen, with the youth group they also help people who have financial constraints to entertain the children and allowing them to go on trips and do activities that they may not usually get to do. The 67 centre allow many young people to make friends with locals that they might have never met, Why would we want to take that away from the younger generation, we have to help save the one place the teenagers have left that isn't taken over by people doing drugs. This petition is to save the 67 centre,if you agree with us to help save it please sign this petition and let us keep the 67 centre!9 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Willow Carney
No more building on green field sitesOur countryside is being eroded little by little, and our cities are being abandoned. We need a total moratorium on building on green field and green belt sites until ALL the disused sites and derelict buildings have been put to use.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Julia Chantrell
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