• Stop Heinz selling multi-packs wrapped in plastic
    I was shopping with my son the other day and we saw that Heinz soups and beans are available as single cans or multi-packs. The multi-packs are wrapped in plastic yet sell for less per individual item. We feel that it is morally wrong that individuals have to make a choice between buying affordable food with a higher plastic footprint or spend more on a product with less packaging. We are asking Heinz to cut stop this wasteful practice now.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Heath
  • Trees for Schools
    Children are more vulnerable to air pollution than anyone else. In London there are already kids who don't go out on days when pollution levels get too high. Poorer families are more likely to live in highly toxic areas and can't afford to move out, which makes this a social justice issue too. Planting trees outside of our schools is one of the ways we can make a difference. Please help!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nina and Rowenna
  • Make Edinburgh Fringe Paperless
    Flyering in Edinburgh during the Fringe is out of step with the desirable direction Scotland is moving in, and it is a practice that is inconsistent with care for our domestic ecology.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Henry Mulligan
  • Stop making the problem worse
    Continuing to build to current standards creates buildings that release much more CO2 than necessary. This is unacceptable given the recognition of a Climate Emergency. The technology exists to build very low energy buildings. A small estate of Passivhaus homes has been built near me. In 2015 a small very low energy home designed by Swansea University was built within the budget for this size of home https://www.swansea.ac.uk/press-office/news-archive/2015/uksfirstsmartcarbonpositiveenergyhouseunveiled.php The Chinese are building Passivehaus flats https://passivehouse.com/.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Stott
  • Stop the UK sending our plastics abroad to dispose of
    Eastern countries are not using the proper procedures to destroy the plastics and there are risks of harmful environmental contamination . We should be helping these countries , not using them as a dumping ground .
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nola Knowles
  • A more sustainable Transplant Games in 2020
    in 2019 UK Parliament has declared a Climate Emergency and there is a pressing need for each and everyone of us to take account of how much energy we use, how much waste we generate, of what the social and environmental cost of our actions is. The Transplant Games is a world leader in awareness raising about organ donation, it can be world leader in sustainability too. Please will you consider this petition and make Coventry 2020 the most sustainable Transplant Games there has ever been.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robin Layfield
  • Ban tvlicensing.co.uk from sending junk mail!
    Jeremy Corbyn said "This is no longer about a distant future, we're talking about nothing less than the irreversible destruction of the environment within our lifetimes." If this is really what he thinks, this is one way of stopping a tremendous waste.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dimitri Katz
  • Plant trees on your street!
    It will help fight the climate emergency.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gerard Rosenberg
  • 27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Claire Cooper
  • To Stop Cutting Road Side Verges!
    Plants planted in verges provide a motorway for insects and bees. Secondly they trap particles of pollution in their leaf surfaces, and absorb gases through their pores on the leaves. This pollution especially from car exhaust gases is toxic and especially harmful to children and elderly people.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Russell Dufton
  • 36 of 100 Signatures
    Created by margaret baugh
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by WAYNE NORMAN