• Free UK Public Transport to reduce Climate Change
    We need to reduce Climate change and the UK needs to play it’s part in doing so and offer an alternative to taking the car every where we go. The government want’s us to chance our vehicles away from Diesel and Petrol at our expense with very little or no incentive to do so.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Lee
  • Remove plastic packaging from celery in the UK
    Us and our families drink celery juice every morning for its healing properties and use 2-4 bunches each per day. Between us that is 2,920 packets thrown away a year, minimum. Most of our celery is bought from Sainsbury's and if they stop putting it in plastic we will commit to buying all our celery from them , as will our families and encouraging our followers to do so also as we are documenting our healing via social media and a blog. Of all the all the Americans we see posting about juicing, their celery is always tied with string in the stores so why in the UK are we causing ours to sweat in plastic and damaging our environment in such a catastrophic way?!
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by sophie furnell Picture
  • Support clean air for Bath
    We have heard plenty from those unhappy with measures intended to improve air quality. The council needs to know there are also many people who support cleaner air for Bath, even if it does come at the price of some personal cost or inconvenience.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Guy Hodgson
  • Abandon the Library Consultation
    Libraries matter to communities. To make informed decisons about libraries the Council needs to know what people think. But this consultation will not do that. The consultation is stuff full of jargon. The language is confusing. It should be in plain English. Readability of text can be measured using a SMOG test. That's "Simple Measure of Gobbledygook". The Sun newspaper has a SMOG value of less than 14. The Express is less than 16. The Guardian and Telegraph is around 17. The SMOG value of Worcestershire County Council's consulation is an amazing 44! Ordinary people have little chance of understanding it. But a good consultation should be about getting ordinary people's views. The Council should therefore abandon it and do it properly!
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Barlow
  • Lower the Speed Limit on the A6 in Westhoughton to 30mph
    The stretch of the A6 between Wingates and Chequerbent roundabout currently has a 40mph speed limit. This is a built up area which in recent years has had a lot more housing built nearby thus making it very busy with school children and families crossing the road at peak traffic times. Remember the advert which stated "at 40 miles an hour, there’s around an 80% chance I’ll die. Hit me at 30 and there’s around an 80% chance I’ll live." In 2016, 2186 children aged 15 or under were injured or killed whilst walking during morning or afternoon peak times. Under Section 6 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, our council has the power to make a traffic order reducing speed limits where people live, and where children walk and play. Please sign this petition to ensure that cars are driving at reasonable speeds which allow a much reduced stopping distance and a vastly reduced danger to our children.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Woodworth
  • Instal Planet First Zones in Supermarkets
    In the present climate of corporate greed, consumer power is more likely to save our world than token schemes by supermarkets or platitudes by politicians. Just as we have ‘Free From’ counters nowadays, the areas I propose can be called ‘Planet First’ zones. Then, at at the exits, provide areas where customers can divest themselves of unwanted packaging. It might work. It might even give a competitive advantage to a store that tries it. It would also be a good test of the public’s concern.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Patrick Cosgrove
  • Use Paper Bags Instead of Plastic Bags
    Looking at research on this topic we discovered that 150 million small plastic bags are being used in the UK every year in supermarkets. We believe that if supermarkets provided paper bags for fruit and veg this would dramatically reduce plastic waste, hence improving the environment including our oceans. We as teenagers are passionate to do something about this issue and to look after the planet we will be living on, in the future.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by joanne griffiths
  • Tesco please offer puddings without palm oil
    Really. You actually need me to explain why over production of palm oil is bad for the environment?? Haven't you seen the Iceland Christmas advert? Until you change, this Dad's going to Iceland too!!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anthony McGuinness
  • Primary school bus service. Millbank and rosebank primary
    This is important because it would take a lot of pressure off parents and their children. It would also keep the roads safer as it would mean less traffic on the lochloy Road as buses would mean less cars.
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Gow
  • No zip wire at Honister Slate Mine, Lake District
    The proposed zip wire will have a huge impact on the landscape's character and loss of beautiful tranquility. Planning officers had recommended the plan at Honister Slate Mine be refused due to the impact on the landscape. But the Lake District National Park Authority's planning committee went ahead and approved the zip wire. The views are outstanding and would be spoilt by the 1km-long (3,400ft) zip wire. The zip wire had previously been refused permission in 2011 and 2012.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kevin West
  • Require supermarkets to offer a recyclable glass bottle option for milk
    Reducing plastic waste in any way possible has become a vital necessity for the future of our planet, and returning to glass bottles would be a substantial help.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by River Heiwa To Chie
  • Complete ban on "Barbaric" barbed wire in all fields
    Barbed wire causes so many injuries to innocent animals including wildlife and many dogs out walking with their owners because by the time it is noticed, it has already done the damage, including my own dogs who have needed veterinary treatment because of this. There are plenty of alternatives to this vicious wire so let's stop using this cruel wire doing any more damage.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jan Stiegeler