• Stop MacDonald's Happy Meal Balloons
    I'm campaigning for Mcdonalds to stop the unnecessary handout of Happy Meal Balloons in their restaurants. Balloons never break down completely, even the so-called “biodegradable” ones can take in excess of 6 months to start decomposing. The balloons can easily cause problems before this time, either on land or in the ocean. Multiple species are threatened as they can become entangled in them or swallow them if they are mistaken for food. Although some restaurants have swapped to biodegradable balloons, even these are still given out on plastic sticks which will inevitably break down into microplastics, posing further threats to marine species. With UK balloons having been found as far as Holland and the Orkneys, I think it's time for Macdonalds to make a greater change. Macdonalds, Is it worth the damage and the deaths for something nobody really needs?
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Maya Buckley
  • BBC News - Give More Time and Attention to News on Climate Change
    The lack of coverage means the UK public aren't finding out anything about climate change unless they know a lot about it already. The fact that the BBC, a respected insitution, are not educating and informing on such an important issue means that 1. many people assume there's nothing to be concerned about; 2. the lack of information prevents people being informed enough to do anything about the situation we're facing; 3. we aren't being introduced to the terms, the aspects, the character of climate change, which is what makes a story interesting and easy to follow. Instead terms like "El Nino" are often novel and unexplained and require looking up due to the scarcity of prior coverage. Climate change is the real story of our time in history. Realising how crucial it is, together with familiarity with the issues, makes following the developments interesting as well as uniting us in the face of the problem we need to tackle. While the BBC continues to limit coverage a majority of the public will continue to be uninformed and unfamiliar with the issues and therefore unengaged with what is required to stop or limit the damage.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Helen Bridgeman
  • Remove coffee pods from sale
    Coffee pods are designed to fit Nespresso's coffee machines. They are energy intensive to manufacture, use large amounts of aluminium and plastic, and end up in landfill where they pollute our land and water. They are not easily recyclable nor compostable. Nespresso have basically taken a spoonful of ground coffee and over-packaged it to make a lot of money. Even the Chief Executive* resigned in 2016 because he knew it was an environmental disaster in the making. Lets put an end to corporate greed and profit at the expense of our precious planet. #reducewaste *https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-08-24/former-nespresso-boss-warns-coffee-pods-are-killing-environment/7781810 See also: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-35605927 Is there a serious problem with coffee capsules?
    38 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Vikki Rashid
  • Surrey Heath Water Fountain Campaign
    This is important as it can massively reduce plastic production and waste in Surrey.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elspeth Charman
  • McDonald’s: take responsibility for reuse/recycling of old happy meal toys
    Much as I would like to live a perfect eco-friendly life, I have children, and with children come happy meal toys. Lots of them. They are (except for a select few) mostly ignored after the first hour. So what am I supposed to do with all these toys? Some are collectible and can be sold on eBay, but as a busy mum I don’t have time for that. Charities won’t accept them as donations. Most local authorities don’t take toys in their household plastic recycling. As an eco-conscious person, I try to avoid landfill, and I know McDonald’s are aiming for zero landfill too. So why aren’t they taking responsibility for all the happy meal toys and the tonnes of plastic waste that comes with it? I’ve tried to contact McDonald’s about it, and received poor answers that simply do not acknowledge the scale of the problem.
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Zoe McCormick
  • Keep Corby’s Willow brook clean and maintained
    The Willow brook that runs through Corby is an important tributary of the river Nene, feeding into the river just north of Fotheringhay and as such is an important watercourse in the County. Concerns have been raised over many years that the course of the Willow Brook is not being maintained as effectively as it could be and that local residents who have responsibility for helping maintain it are not accepting their responsibilities.
    138 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Lyn Buckingham
  • Stop Black Bin Bags use
    It’s plastic that no one else is campaigning against
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Burns
  • Review preparations for dealing with a nuclear convoy accident in Cumbria
    Nuclear warheads are regularly transported in convoys on public roads to and from the atomic weapon factories at Aldermaston and Burghfield, and RNAD Coulport on Loch Long, where the weapons are stored and loaded onto Trident submarines. A nuclear warhead contains radioactive material and high explosive and this poses serious questions about public safety. The Civil Contingencies Act 2004 requires Category 1 Responders (including Local Authorities) to conduct a risk assessment of potential threats and to keep the public informed. According to the Ministry of Defence (MoD) document, Local Authority and Emergency Services Information (LAESI) Edition 10, if there was a serious accident the MoD would look after the nuclear weapon, but Local Authorities, Emergency Services and the Health Service would be responsible for potentially contaminated casualties, evacuating people nearby and advising many more to stay indoors. We want Cumbria County Council to openly review how prepared the civil authorities are and inform the public about their findings. Then the people of Cumbria can decide whether this transport poses an unacceptable risk.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Philip Gilligan
  • Biodegradable chewing gum
    It is estimated that 374 billion pieces of gum are sold every year amounting to about 560,000 tonnes of gum of which some 80-90% is polluting streets, pavements, countryside and damaging the environment. Like plastic is found in fish. Biodegradable gum is available NOW. Why are we allowing this completely preventable, unhealthily and damaging pollution to continue any longer!!
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Graham Inman
  • Pull pension funds from fossil fuels
    If it is wrong to wreck the climate, then it is wrong to profit from that wreckage. We believe that governments that serve the public good should cut their ties to the fossil fuel industry. MPs must show leadership on climate change by responsible investment and transition to a clean economy. Find out more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5T-YhjpNnE#action=share
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Greenfield Clark
  • poisonous plastic peril
    Non biodegradable plastics and packaging are poisoning the seas, killing animals and entering the food chain on which we depend. We are a part of this wonderful world; not apart from it. But time is ticking. The old, outdated materials do break down. And then join the soil along with the leaves and other organic matter. Petrochemical plastic is a silent assasin which we have unleashed upon our dearest friend. There is simply no other choice but to phase it out fast. We have all seen the news. Isn't it a pity and isn't it a shame that we can't watch the Blue Planet without so many horror stories at the end of every episode. This maybe the most chilling tale so far. Anyone who watches the world closely will have noticed this menace creeping its way into the ecosystem and choking its innocent inhabitants. What we cannot see is that is also seeping into the very lifeblood of this planet and becoming a part of us and our children...
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben Stork
  • Divest Parliament from Fossil Fuels
    There is currently a campaign asking MPs to pledge to support the divestment of Parliament from fossil fuels.This has already happened in the Irish Parliament and has had a massive effect in changing public opinion and making them aware of the devastating effect that the fossil fuel industry has on the environment. If only 20% of the proven fossil fuel reserves are burned, we will not be able to keep within the UN's target of 1.5 degree temperature rise, and any more than this will cause catastrophic and irreversible climate change. This makes the drive towards fracking utterly non-sensical, as fracking is part of the problem and not part of the solution. Divestment from fossil fuels is an essential component of limiting climate change, because we cannot afford to be investing in such a damaging industry. Just 100 companies, many of which are fossil fuel companies, contribute 71% of carbon emissions worldwide. I am asking you please to sign the parliamentary pledge at the earliest opportunity. It will send an important message to other MPs if you do so. If you are not prepared to sign it, I would like to know the reasons why you do not share the view that this is an essential step in the process towards limiting climate change.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Honey Smith