• Introduce a cap on the number of properties individuals/companies can own
    We are constantly reminded of the pressures in the need for housing which then adds pressure to greenfield and brown fields areas to be used for building. Areas of outstanding natural beauty and homes for wildlife and sanctuary for locals are then put under pressure and force until they too have to make way for houses. This cap would force the government to take control over individuals and companies who have a monopoly over properties and remove this shortsighted and environmentally devastating plan of building more and more houses (which will quickly be bought up by many individuals and companies with multiple properties) which the government has in plans. This plan is only to line pockets of the rich to become richer. This will provide homes, which exist already to people who need them, demand would reduce therefore homes would become more accessible to families and everyday people and force us to take responsibility as a nation for the environment around us.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Clements
  • Petition to remove filthy phone boxes from outside Hove Station cafe
    These two phone boxes are being used as toilets and are in an unsightly and smelly state. They are situated outside a pub and a cafe. The cafe staff have resorted to placing milk crates in the booths to deter further abuse of the phone boxes. There is a public pay phone 50 metres away in the station entrance.
    61 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Glick Picture
  • Is Your Drinking Water Safe?
    In the USA, glyphosate from Roundup has been found in the water table many miles from where it was applied to the land. This is contrary to the claims of Monsanto who disregard any adverse evidence from independent scientists of the toxicity of Roundup . Following the decision of the EU to renew the license for RoundUp for a further five years it is essential that the water in our reservoirs is routinely analysed and accurate levels of glyphosate ascertained both before and after filtration for two reasons. Firstly to ensure that the filtration system is working efficiently should there be any glyphosate detected in the water source and secondly to have an on- going record of any levels of contamination from "run off" from agricultural land to which Roundup has been applied. At present the Water authorities make their own risk assessment as to whether to test for the levels of glyphosate and AMPA (the breakdown product) . Sadly South West Water , the most expensive provider in the UK, serving Cornwall, Devon, and parts of Somerset and Dorset are upholding their decision NOT to test for this widely used and noxious chemical. Non profit making, Welsh Water by comparison test routinely and accurately for glyphosate and AMPA levels and make the figures freely available. It took four months of investigation to get the answer "No" to the question "Do SWWater test for glyphosate in their water supply?" It is time for legislation to make testing mandatory, followed hopefully by deprivatisation of all water authorities and a return to public ownership.
    89 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jill Cadman
  • Ecologising
    My name is Gaia the Garbage. I help run Ecologisers, a Young People's Anti-litter Campaign. For a 2 minute fun-video that gives the whole picture, please visit https://vimeo.com/233979354 We have 4 creative projects we're forwarding and have taken into schools, and universities through current teacher-training routes. These are: Alternative Santa, LItter Goes LIterary, the Children's Humorously Captioned Photography Competition and the writing of EcoSongs. I've written 45 EcoSongs. Put upbeat celebratory eco-lyrics to famous out-of-copyright tunes. This project and others like it are important because the way we tackle problems, including global problems, is not solution-oriented. It's quick-fix or commerically-led. Though we have been running this campaign for 4 years we have funded it ourselves as litter is seen as the pariah of the enivronmental movement. Numerous applications for funding we have made have failed. At Ecologisers we want to make litter 'sexy'!!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gaia Dance
  • Divest from fossil fuels
    Globally, more than 800 investors with combined assets of $6 trillion USD have already made commitments to divest from fossil fuels. We have the opportunity for Highland to be the first Local Authority in Scotland to divest from fossil fuels! Six other UK Local Government pension funds have already done so. By investing in fossil fuel extraction, Highland Council are profiting from climate change. As public bodies, local governments have a responsibility to work for the public good; they shouldn’t be financially and politically supporting the most destructive industry on the planet. Fossil fuel investments undermine Highland Council’s own climate change strategies, as well as our national and international commitments. £2.3 million of the Highland Council's Pension Fund is invested in BHP Billiton, the 12th largest extractor of coal in the world. They are currently mining in the centre of the Borneo rainforest and facing prosecution over Brazil's worst ever environmental disaster. They also have £12.6 million invested in Shell, who have paid millions of dollars in fines over their oil operations in Nigeria, are threatening to drill in the Arctic and are involved in shale gas fracking in the US (a process banned in Scotland). What could change look like? We are in the midst of a housing crisis, youth unemployment is high and inequality is rising. New technologies like electric cars, wave power and floating wind can bring green jobs to our communities, whilst investment in green housing and insulation could house millions and cut fuel poverty. Council pension funds can back this change by shunning fossil fuels and investing locally in green jobs, social housing and renewable energy. By divesting from fossil fuels, Highland Council, together with other public and financial institutions, can collectively help fund a more sustainable future for the people of Highland and around the world. Please sign and share!
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Hobbs
  • STOP the closure of Bushmills Outdoor Centre
    Young people are losing their exposure to outside spaces and they need to regain their sense of adventure and wonder. When children are becoming more and more focused on phones and gadgets, it is no time to close our outdoor centres and lose the skills of trained staff.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Murray Bell
  • Stop bird food in plastic nets
    Not only can birds easily get trapped in the nets. Larger birds might actually eat the whole net. Such is seen in this video of a seagull. https://m.facebook.com/groups/498560990231804?view=permalink&id=1269610916460137
    84 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Carin De Leeuw
  • Safe School Crossing for Haghill Park Primary
    We as a community need to stand together to make this change for our children and the community. Please sign up and have your say, we need your backing!!!
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katy Reed
  • Ban Polystyrene Cups, Cutlery and Plates
    This is as bad as plastic bags, plastic straws and non-biodegradable coffee cups. Posh coffee and tea are served in paper-like cups and cheap coffee and tea are served in polystyrene cups and is an equally huge problem for our environment to cope with. Worse than plastic it breaks down into tiny bits and finds its way into our oceans. Sadly then it is ingested by our wildlife and fish.
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Gordon Fraser
  • Recycling at BDC
    We need to lead by example and show the students that our planet is important and that we must look beyond our selves at the bigger picture. The college produces a huge amount of waste a day that is ending up in landfills which could easily be recycled. As a college we have no excuse for not recycling!
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sally Ibrahim
  • Stop McDonalds using plastic straws
    UK McDonalds Resteraunt and takeaways are responsible for Millions of plastic straws being thrown away every week. If they switched to using paper straws for their drinks, it'd be a huge step forward in the fight against the plastic pollution choking our seas. On an average day, 3.5 million people buy a drink in McDonalds- Each drink has a plastic straw. Every straw ever made is still in existence. 😭 Please sign the petition urging McDonalds to stop using plastic straws.
    134 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Grace Bending
  • Say NO! to Heathrow Expansion into Stanwell and Stanwell Moor's Open Spaces
    We treasure the open land to the north of Stanwell and Stanwell Moor, populated in many places by trees and bushes, which acts as a baffle and carbon sink, and reduces the amount of air pollution and ground noise crossing the short distance from the airport to reach our villages. At times, for some of us, the air can be difficult to breathe due to fumes; imagine what it would be like if Heathrow were allowed to go ahead with their plans to concrete over “Stanwell’s green lungs” in their anticipation of being given the go ahead for the third runway to the north of the airport. North-east Ashford is also affected with plans for a polluted water and sewerage site, and other loss of open land in West Bedfont. Please sign the petition and visit our Facebook Page (Stanwell's Green Lungs) @stanwellsgreenlungs to find out more, or email us on [email protected]
    308 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Paul Jacobs