• Environmentally friendly industrial units
    Large industrial units are spoiling the natural landscape of many towns and villages. Too often beautiful vistas are ruined by these ugly structures. If constructors were enforced to ensure the units made the minimum impact, then at least we are doing something to help this cause. In addition, if we can go as far as having living walls and roofs, then that would have an added benefit to the ecosystem. These simple changes shouldn't really have a huge impact on the construction cost.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Greg Whiteley
  • Brighouse Train Station parking facilities & disrepair of Rastrick roads
    Residential parking is increasingly becoming unavailable and unmanageable along Gooder Lane and the surrounding residential streets due to a lack of parking facilities at Brighouse train station. Rastrick has a high density of residential properties, which already makes the possibilty of parking limited. The lack of parking facilities at Brighouse train station means that rail commuters are having to find parking elsewhere, namely on neighbouring residential streets, making residents unable to park anywhere near their own home. As Rastrick & Brighouse Councillors, we have lobbyed the Council for a number of years to look, in partnership with the other stakeholders (e.g. WY Combined Authority), at this situation, to no avail. The situation needs an holistic approach exploring all veasible options and solutions to avoid displacing the problem on to other streets in the area. However, simply put, we need more parking facilities at Brighouse Train Station. Gooder Lane is a regularly used highway by residents, railway users, businesses (both shops and industrial companies), HGVs, and day to day commuters. This road, and many of the 'offshoot' residential streets (Bridge End in particular) are very poorly maintained, and have been for years, meaning that many drivers avoid using this road and instead use another route which causes congestion on other main roads. These roads need to be properly assessed and dressed. As Councillors, we are continually told that assessments will take place but, to date, none have taken place and no action has been taken to address this problem.
    116 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Sophie Whittaker
  • stock village parish countryside and other villages outstanding natural beauty
    The vital benefit within my local area to attract people to discover and appreciate the natural environment is great for locals and protecting the beautiful picturesque which we should not take for granted.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul hayden
  • North Coast 500 toilet facilities
    The North Coast 500 is being widely promoted without the local infrastructure being improved to cope with the extra demand.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by M Murdoch
  • Newport City Council needs to do more work in Pillgwenlly and not rely On the volunteers.
    1. We need to keep the streets clean and the kids park clean at all time to make it Safe as I know people that go there and you have bins over flowing all the time and Glass on floor and injection needles all the time. 2. Is is not right for drug dealers and prostitutes to do there Business on street corners or public places as so people don’t feel safe at all. 3. The bus service in Pillgwenlly needs to link back in with duffryn as the busses in pill stop at 6.30pm and none on Sunday and bank holidays
    98 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Murphy
  • Save Our Arches - Guardians of the Arches
    Network Rail are selling the entire estate of railway arches and public land to a private investor by end August 2018. In advance of this sale, small businesses are being crippled by impossible rent demands and we need your urgent help to petition Chris Grayling to stop this sale, save our Arches and safeguard our small businesses across the UK. We must act now, once the sale takes place the public land will be gone and it will be too late.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Eleni Jones
  • Remove disposable coffee cups from all hospitals cafes
    They can't be recycled and the scottish government has already baned them from all their sites so I think the NHS Scotand should do the same amd encourage more people to bring their own cups.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Bond
  • Demand Walkers Produce Fully Recyclable Packaging Before 2025
    I contacted Walkers regarding this, to which they replied that they’re “working tirelessly to tackle waste challenges and are committed to 100% recyclable, compostable or biodegradable packaging by 2025”. But as they already have compostable packs made from potato skins and discards, why will it take another 7 years to produce recyclable packs? The Walkers factory in Leicester produce 7,000,000 packets of crisps every DAY and sell 60,000,000 every WEEK! That’s over 20 BILLION crisp packets that will go to landfill before their target date of 2025. This is simply unacceptable.
    144 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Emma Ho-Shing
  • Graffiti
    There is a difference between Wall Art and Graffiti. Wall art can be appealing, carry a message, be artistic, thought provoking and belonging to the community...Graffiti is random, mostly personal to the Tag holder and basically ugly, pointless and represents the view of someone with a chip on their shoulder...It defaces other peoples property. With the vast number of visitors now coming to a great City which has pulled itself up from the depths of despair it is important to give these visitors a great and lasting impression of the city and it's structures, its buildings its character. You can't see this if it's covered in random pointless garbage.
    1 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dermot Kelly
  • Ditch plastic sleeves on all greetings cards
    The streets and countryside are littered with discarded plastic wrappings which are not only an eyesore, but are hazardous to wildlife, and also slowly break down into micro-particles which eventually find their way into our food chain
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Adrian Bain
  • Get serious about recycling.
    When it comes to re-cycling, Gedling Borough Council rates a poor 260th out of 350 English local authorities. Gedling re-cycles only 36.7% of its domestic waste compared to the national average of 45.2%. Gedling’s announcement that it intends to be a ‘Plastic Clever Council’ is welcome but has to be seen in the context of its recent closure of 6 local ‘bring’ recycling sites and the earlier cancellation of its commercial recycling collection service.
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Glover
  • Stop the production of plastic disposable pens.
    There are millions upon millions of nonrefillable plastic pens which cannot be recycled as they have metal components thrown away every day which is adding to the plastic wasteland and polluting the environment.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Suzanne Cline