Lidl Store Mercia Road GloucesterThere is already a Lidl store within a 5 minute drive of the proposed new development. The new development will potentially create more traffic in an already congested area.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jason Draper
Save Coldwaltham’s flower-rich hay meadow.The South Downs National Park has a duty 'to conserve and enhance natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage' and a 'duty to foster social well-being of local communities within the National Park'. We demand that the South Downs National Park adheres to their duties and allows us a say in what happens in our village. This beautiful flower-rich hay meadow is at the edge of our village and if it is destroyed the meadow will be lost and we will merge with the next village of Watersfield. The two distinct villages will become a small town. Our village is small, we have a small school, a pub and a church. Our post office is only open 3 mornings a week. There are no jobs and you need a car to get anywhere! Flower-rich hay meadows were once a common sight in the countryside but sadly since the 1930's they have declined by a shocking 97%. (source: PlantLife). Part of the UK’s natural and cultural heritage, nearly 7.5 million acres of wildflower meadows have now been lost. Meadows like this are now sadly very rare. They are a crucial habitat for farmland wildlife. "We regularly see Barn Owls sweeping across the meadow late at night. Buzzards and Red Kites following the farmer when he cuts the meadow for hay. A fox and her cubs have been seen playing only this week in the meadow" said Stephanie Croft, a local resident. "I have lived in Coldwaltham for over 50 years, having been born and bred nearby. The destruction of this meadow hurts and worries me, thinking of my children's children never being able to run in or see the flower meadow." said Jasmine Robinson another local resident.99 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Coldwaltham Meadow Conservation Group
Stop Using Palm OilHow would you like it if your home was destroyed just because it was cheap? How do you feel knowing each thing you buy is killing thousands of orangutans? You can change this but signing this petition so that these issues are recognised ASAP33 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ren Amsden
Open Rotherham Bus Lanes to MotorcyclistsSheffield who have adopted this, have proven this will reduce accidents to motorcyclists without causing any disruption to busses. It will allow motorcyclists to travel safer in bad weather and avoid having to filter though busy traffic making it healthier and safer for motorcyclists, not breathing in dangerous fumes, or being cut up by cars.14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dale Gregory
Tell A E Yates to stop supplying fracking firm CuadrillaThe vast majority (84%) of people do not want fracking to happen. In June 2016 Lancashire County Council voted not to give planning permission to Cuadrilla after listening to local people's concerns about the effects of fracking on the water, air and soil. However, Cuadrilla appealed to the Secretary of State, who then overruled Lancashire. Work commenced at the fracking site on Preston New Road in January 2017. A E Yates have played a major role in supplying Caudrilla with workers, materials, plant and haulage. Without Yate's services, Cuadrilla will not be able to proceed so rapidly with fracking Lancashire150 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Celia Briar
Release Public Donations for Grenfell to buy Housing and Possessions for the Survivors. NowMoney Held and not used for the purpose it was Donated is Theft183 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Susana Walker
Ban ALL plastic carrier bagsAlthough plastic bag pollution has come down dramatically, it still isn't enough! It has to stop! Its heartbreaking to see images on the news, of marine animals and mammals with plastic bags in their stomachs😔22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelly Duignan
Stop selling 'Disposable' POWER HIT chargers.The Power HIT one-time-use 'disposable' phone charger, a new product owned by the 'Solent Group'. are now being sold around the UK. At £3 a piece, these chargers have a great appeal and seem to be a useful product. However they could have a potentially devastating impact on the environment. Marketed as 'Disposable', these chargers contain electronics, including a rechargable lithium ION battery, which are harmful to the environment and should not be sent to landfill. Such use of these batteries is wasteful. They contain resources of which there is a finite amount, and recycling of these batteries could cut down on carbon emissions. Ontop of that, they contain plastics and other materials which are not bio-degradable. This means it could take thousands of years for these materials to break down. This is harmful to wildlife and our ecology. Please sign my petition to stop this product, and others like it, from being sold around the UK.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Emil Carr
Ban Plastic Takeaway ContainersPlastic pollution is a major global problem which impacts our environment and ultimately our food chain. Plastic is now found at all levels of the marine ecosystem right from plankton and the fish we eat all the way up to those devastating images of whales, turtles and seabirds with stomachs clogged up with plastic. It is not enough that we sit back and do nothing and expect someone else to deal with the problem. Every individual has a responsibility to minimise their plastic waste by recycling, using reusable containers and drinks bottles, refusing single use plastic bags and also by picking up rubbish they see on beaches. However, at some point we need a stance to be taken by our local Councils and Governments to impose bans on wasteful practices. Research has shown that encouragement and education is not always enough - this needs to be enforced by legislation. Alternative technologies are out there - compostable containers are available which are up to the job. Hobart has just become the first city in Australia to recently vote to impose this ban on their takeaway businesses and it is time that the UK stepped up and led the way with this initiative. Cornwall is world renowned for its beauty and heritage together with its stunning beaches and there have been huge efforts made to improve our beach quality over the years. It is no surprise that national charity Surfers Against Sewage and the beach cleaning movement #2MinuteBeachClean both started in Cornwall. We lead the way with educating people about the dangers of ocean plastic - now let our Council step up and make a real difference to the oceans of plastic which is clogging up our environment.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ellie Jackson
Get Rubbish Off Streets In BirminghamOur once beautiful city is dirty, smelly and unpleasant. Rats and disease soon follow.16 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Nerina Villa
Compulsory 10p charge for disposable coffee cups7 million NON recyclable cups are used everyday in the UK. Where does everyone think they are going to go. This needs to stop NOW! Everyday something isn't done we damage our earth. This is just the UK.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ellie Hayward
Stop Waste Incinerator being built in our communityAll the surrounding communities are against this development. There are lots of health risks involved for the people living within a 10km radius of this plant. The plant will be storing waste at the property which is dangerous as it heats up. If this were to catch fire at ground level many people would be forced to ingest the harmful toxins produced. Transport of the Waste to the plant causes another issue, with huge lorries coming and going from the property throughout the day. The company will be self regulated which means they would be responsible for reporting their own breaches to the authorities. In other plants owned by the same company there has been over 1000 breaches recorded. There are lots of reasons why we feel this is not the area for this type of plant and would urge people to support us by Signing the petition. Save our future generations by saying no to incineration.18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gemma Watson
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