Ensure future US compliance with the Paris Agreement through future trade dealsTrump's decision to withdraw the US from the Paris Agreement could have devastating consequences for all of us. This short sighted move designed to protect the American economy by removing regulation related to emissions cannot be allowed to work. It is all of us who will pay the price, and we cannot allow US polluters to profit from this.54 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Pete Massey
Boycott American products till they honour Paris AgreementWe need to save this world for our children from catastrophe of climate change caused by greedy and short term act of Donald Trump on behalf of Americans.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Mohamed Javed
The Earth verses TrumpTill now Governments and their people across the globe have given good grace to commercial interests. Allowing time to change their culture and processes. Reneging on a bench mark commitment as important as the Paris Accord should be met with total intransigence from all elected and public bodies and their people. The UK Government, all EU member states and the industrialised countries have committed themselves and their people to the Paris Accord. Therefore: If the United States wishes to continue to use fossil fuels to power it's industries and commerce and to refuse to adopt the change already agreed by them - then we here in the UK and across Europe must reject and limit the harm of that country's industry by declaring all United States business unfit for trade.4 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Simon Wells
Local Residents against Bridge Farm QuarryHere are the top 5 for starters: a) Large increase in traffic b) Local wildlife & land disruption c) Infrastructure - local roads and underground pipes would be adversely affected by increase in HGVs d) Borough has already enough Mineral Extraction to meet required levels e) Air Pollution - in close proximity to Shinfield Junior School The list of objections is long and the best place to start for more information is here: http://www.getreading.co.uk/news/reading-berkshire-news/plans-huge-arborfield-sand-gravel-12640944 Followed by here: http://www.wokingham.gov.uk/planning/planning-applications/search-planning-applications/ The Facebook page for local residents is called: Shinfield & Arborfield Residents Against Bridge Farm Quarry, this contains a wealth of information and contacts regarding the proposal.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Barbara Mumford
Protection of Loch Awe as a place of outstanding beauty.People who live here cherish the tranquility and beauty of their surroundings, many of them retired and in the autumn of their lives. This is of no importance to developers who have only money making in mind. Our investment is our time, our energy and our care to save this environment for future generations.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by June Rraven
Ban the Ivory TradeWith the General Election coming up, Theresa May and the Conservative Party have stated in their latest (2017) manifesto that they will give a "general pledge" to "work with international organisations to protect endangered species and the marine environment." We need more than this to protect the vulnerable creatures, this country's leaders need to live up to our reputation of being a nation of animal lovers and put a total ban on the ivory trade and not bow down to pressure from their colleagues in the party like Lady Victoria Borwich who is the President of The British Antiques Dealers’ Association, and the Conservative MP for Kensington.35 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Janette Massey
Replace plastic bags with paper bagsThere is a huge problem with plastic waste worldwide, damaging the environment and killing animals14 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Carol Robson
Bin the Brown Bin Charge / TaxThis decision hasn't been thoroughly thought through and has sparked a mass outcry on any posts advertising this move by Highland Council. Highland Council have slapped a 3% increase on council tax bands A to H and this stealth tax of £30 will affect the worst off who will have to choices, and be left with nowhere to put their garden waste which is currently uplifted. I know an elderly person in our neighbourhood, with no transport but a large garden. Where will he put his grass clippings? He'll be forced to send them to landfill as he can't afford the extra charge! Highland Council also haven't considered the wider community impact with many local people using the bin to remove Council grass clippings, leaves, bushes and branches that would normally be left on the streets of communities. What will the streets look like when this is impemented and people no longer have good will towards the council. This goes further, flytipping will increase as people try to rid themselves of items they previously placed in a bin. Increased landfill charges will soon put a dent in the estimated £660,000 the council set out to make, which is based on 22,000 people taking up this service. Based on social media response, the council may be doing well if they make half this figure. All the old bins will be dumped in neighbourhoods and ultimately end up increasing the space we consume in landfill - there will be little to no other use for the hundreds not required. Should the council change tack in future, what will he financial and impact on our plant to manufacture hundreds of new bins? The service will operate as before, teams visiting each street in diesel operated waste trucks. Instead of making many collections, a few per street if they are lucky? These inefficiencies are a means to an end but to have these vehicles polluting our streets for a few bins is counterproductive to climate change. Each person to opt in will receive a sticker for their bin. The admin associated with this entire idea will be even more of a drain on the already under resourced council. There are many more arguments as to why this is ludicrous, you only need to look at Highland Council social media to see the upset this had caused and the wave of unrest as this charge is lumped on top of the already increasing taxes we pay. My worry is that these charges are the thin end of the wedge. Once people start paying for a brown bin collection, what will be introduced next year to 'balance the books'. Please resist these charges and sign this petition to send a strong message that this is unacceptable and will hit those that can't afford it worst! Everyone deserves a place to live, a tidy green space to enjoy and refuse collections to keep their space and streets tidy.11 of 100 SignaturesCreated by A P
Sustainable Energy For All NHS Hospitals.This is an issue that I have thought of myself, but it must be seriously considered. For the long term sustainable future of the NHS, the NHS must be more ecologically powered in order to save money & to reduce the NHS's environmental impact.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Hugh Chadwick
New Rubbish bin proposalService will get worse, Health particularly for children will suffer. The time to stop a disaster is before it happens6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Tom Davies
To reverse the new E-cigarette laws promoting smokingThe new laws will mean that the use of E-cigarettes will become more expensive which, in turn, could mean that many users of E-cigs will return to cigarettes. This is an awful example shown by the government as it is indirectly promoting smoking. Especially when smoking is far worse for you and have thousands of cancer emitting chemicals, whereas E-cig liquids have 4 ingredients which is proven to be a far healthier alternative.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Will Smith
Say 'NO' to the re-introduction of Fox HuntingI am an animal lover, I'm not a animal right's crusader. I find the leaked plans to re-introduce FoxHunting goes against everything it means to be British in the 21st Century. Please support my petition which is the first I have ever begun.89 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Dan Worthy
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