NPOWER a German company known as RWE Npower have consistently persecuted bullied and destroyed the health and happiness of "millions" of UK customers and their families. This despicable company "overcharged/stole/fraudulently obtained" £70 million stolen from customers bank accounts .had to be returned Prioritizing only the financial needs of the company, Npower's orgy of predation and insatiable greed combined with their utter disregard for their customers, led to their rampant plunder of customers bank accounts. https://www.facebook.com/banNpower/ for full story
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mercedes Valentino
  • Help end the Palm Oil Eco-Apocolypse
    An Eco-Apocolypse in Malaysia and Indonesia will see Orangutans and hundreds of other species wiped-out over the next decade. Orangutans are one of our closest relatives, similar in intellect to a 5-6 year-old human child. Yet every day they are burned alive, hacked to death by machete, or crushed by machinery to clear rainforest to produce Palm Oil. This is all just to make cheaper food, cosmetics, detergents, and other products, for us to consume. Without action the production of Palm oil will wipe-out Orangutans within 5-10 years and Sumatran tigers within 3 years. Even 'sustainable' palm oil producers are reputed by experts to use ruthless practices which are devastating Orangutans and other animal species. The buck cannot be passed to consumers to solve this eco-disaster by avoiding products containing Palm Oil. With around half of all household products containing Palm Oil it is simply not possible for consumers to shop ethically on this issue on a meaningful scale. Key facts: - Over 90% of Orangutan habitat has been destroyed in the last 20 years - 1,000 - 5,000 Orangutans die each year (50,000 have died in the last 20 years) due to deforestation for Palm Oil - Every hour an area of rainforest the size of 300 football fields is cleared to produce Palm Oil - Palm Oil is the most used vegetable oil in the world, largely due to its cheap production There are more sustainable alternatives to Palm Oil, such as Rapeseed. But with no real pressure on companies to use sustainable vegetable oils, Palm Oil consumption is set to have doubled by 2020, compared to 2010. If you don't want to use products that will lead to a mass-animal extinction please consider signing our petition and sharing it with your friends. Please lend the Orangutans and other vulnerable species your support....
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Emma Adler
  • Support Ealing Council in providing more social housing
    Affordable housing is London's single biggest problem. We must allow London to evolve as it has over hundreds of years and that means change. The use of land to allow people to hark back to a quaint rural idyll does not belong in the 21st Century. We must do what we can to ensure key workers are able to live in London so it remains a great place to live, and we must not be putting key workers in positions where they live in poverty or have to live miserable lives commuting because we care more about vegetables than we do about people.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Pilcher
  • Save Havering Park
    We need a bit of open space to help us get a bit of fresh air, and for the benefit of children yet to come
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Cross
  • Let Peterborough Breathe - Clean Air Petition
    Peterborough is one of the most car friendly cities in the United Kingadom with its transport links and parkways. Air pollution is increasing more and more through new distribution companies being attracted to the city and people moving to the city due to work. We urgently need to be reduce Peterborough's air pollution in order prevent this affecting resident's health and wellbeing. Peterborough is wanting to be the UK's Environmental Capital. By addressing increasing air pollution in our city this would send a clear message to the rest of the UK that our political representatIves are concerned and proactively wanting to address this serious situation and find a solution. Air pollution causes permanent lung damage in babies and young children and exacerbates lung and heart disease in older people, and particularly affects people living in the city centre and near busy roads. In 2014 air pollution levels reached record highs in Peterborough with people complaining of breathing difficulties. http://www.peterboroughtoday.co.uk/news/environment/health-worry-as-air-pollution-quality-in-peterborough-hits-worst-level-1-5978333 London and other cities are implementing Clean Air Zones. Peterborough should not be left behind. The people of Peterborough deserve healthy, clean air.
    49 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Darren Bisby-Boyd
  • Recycle electric toothbrush & heads that get binned every 3 months
    So much plastic polluting the planet with 3 heads per person per year !
    250 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Monica Herreras-Fortuny
  • Stop selling real fur (again)!
    The sale of fur was banned by Harvey Nichols in 2004 but real fur has recently reappeared in huge quantities in store. This trade is cruel, wasteful and unnecessary. No argument about ethical sourcing can justify the raising and slaughtering of animals for our decoration. The sale of fur represents a huge step backwards for Harvey Nichols as a market leader and for animal welfare in general. Harvey Nichols has the power to make a real statement of intent about their ethical practice and to lead the fashion retail sector by again refusing to normalise and profit from this trade.
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katie Smith
  • Ban diesel cars and vans within Sheffield City Centre like Paris by 2025!
    To fundamentally cut CO2 emissions within central Sheffield. To prevent deaths from air pollution which diesel car pollution is a major factor. “Soot from diesel vehicles is among the big contributors to ill health and global warming,” added Helena Molin Valdés, head of the United Nations’ climate and clean air coalition, noting that more than nine out of 10 people around the globe live where air pollution exceeds World Health Organisation safety limits. Diesel fuel use is a key cause of air pollution in cities, as the engines produce nitrogen dioxide, a harmful gas, and tiny particulates that can lodge in the lungs. These forms of pollution can also interact with other substances to create, in some conditions, a toxic soup. Fiona Harvey The Guardian 2/12/2016
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Sandford
  • Ban Supermarkets From Throwing Away Unused Food
    France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks. There is food banks in most towns and cities across the UK and like France the wasted food could be donated to them. Almost 50% of total amount of food thrown away in the UK comes from our home. We throw away 7 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year in the UK, and more than half of this food and drink we could've eaten and this 7 million tonnes of food wasted is equal to over £17,000,000,000 of worth of food each year, yes you heard me £17,000,000,000 which could be all given to those in need. It is also terrible for the enviroment. It takes a land mass larger than China to grow the food each year that is ultimately never eaten – land that has been deforested, species that have been driven to extinction, indigenous populations that have been moved, soil that has been degraded – all to produce food that we then just throw away. In addition, food that is never eaten accounts for 25% of all fresh water consumption globally. Gulp. Not only are all of the resources that went into creating the uneaten food wasted (land, water, labour, energy, manufacturing, packaging, etc), but when food waste goes to landfill, which is where the vast majority of it ends up, it decomposes without access to oxygen and creates methane, which is 23x more deadly than carbon dioxide. Every which way you look at it food waste is a major culprit in destroying our planet, and in fact if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after China and the USA. Millions upon millions people are starving every year all around the world and we all will be affected by global warming,that's over 7,00,000,000 people! Saving these unused foods can resolve this problem immensely.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ish khan
  • Introduce a Carbon tax to combat climate change
    This may be our last chance to stop climate change. If the average temperature rises by 2°C then coral reefs will die. Not only are these natural phenomenons beautiful and unique, coral reef plants and the animals that inhabit them are important sources of new medicines that are being developed to treat cancer, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, and other diseases due to their amazing biochemistry. Also, if the Greenland ice cap melts completely, as it is already starting too, then the fresh water might completely stop the Gulf Stream, which is a natural ocean current that keeps us warm. If the Gulf Stream stops then precipitation will fall as snow instead of rain, and over time could lead to the UK's climate becoming more like that of eastern Russia during winter.
    59 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aysha Leach
  • LGBT+ Support Session
    I am a student at Blackburn University Centre I have created a project linking with the LGBT+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexuals and Transgender plus) Community. I think there is a lack of support out there. There was support sessions in place but due to funding cuts the help diminished so I want to re-instate that to the public. So I want to have support sessions in place offered by trained staff in all schools, colleges and Universities. I feel that there is a need of this campaign due to a lack of understanding of the meanings and clarification of the LGBT+ Community. SO I want YOUR HELP!! Some facts - 58% did not feel that their school was a safe and welcoming place for lesbian, gay or bisexual pupils, also 13% said that reporting bullying actually resulted in anything being done about it. 50% of lesbian and bisexual women under the age of 20 have self-harmed in the past year, compared to 1 in 15 generally. (Stonewall: 2008) and finally LGB people are twice as likely as heterosexual people to have suicidal thoughts or to make suicide attempts. Also another shocking fact - Lesbian, Gay and Bisexuals people are two to three times more likely than heterosexual people to suffer from depression. I want your help so please sign this petition - I will appreciate it!
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Robert Howarth
  • Marine Lake section funding
    The work the New Brighteners do is important (as our recent award shows) environmentally, as well as Socially and Commercially. Although the Marine section is a wing of the New Brighteners, a separate fund will be set up to dissociate this project from the funded New Brighteners. Our litter picking makes New Brighton a safe place to come, ensuring a pleasant and safe environment, as well as improving the Commercial aspect of Marine Point, (footfall) a major new development in New Brighton. My particular job is to clear the rubbish form the Marine Lake, a definite health hazard prior to my commencing my work here.
    3 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter flowerdew