• Clean-up our hospitals from the risk of Germ/Infection movements!
    The bringing into hospital, germs etc, without due care and attention to the risk of Clinicians carrying the germs and infection to patients
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marion Ham Picture
  • insulate all buildings in UK
    If the government did this we would need one less nuclear power station. The cost of doing so is miniscule compared to the the cost of Hinkley Point and would only need to be done once and would last forever. Think of the small businesses and jobs that would be created and we would have lower energy bills.
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgina Jannece
  • Make disposable plates, cups and cutlery compostable by 2020
    Only a tiny percent of the billions of plastic cups thrown away are currently recycled. The waste is phenomenal and the destructive impact on the environment is appalling. What point have we got to in society where plastic is created, formed into a spoon, wrapped in more plastic and shipped, only to be used for a few seconds before being thrown away, never to be reused and to exist on the planet for the foreseeable future? Plastic cups and cutlery clog up our oceans injuring and killing all that live in there. In response to this France has just passed another ground breaking law. The law, which will come into effect in 2020, will ensure that all disposable plates, cups, knives and forks will have to be made of biologically-sourced materials and can be composted. And this is just the latest part of France’s transition into a greener country. Earlier this year, supermarkets and stores in France were told they could no longer hand out plastic bags. We in the UK should be following suit. The large packaging companies and their industry groups will be lobbying against any such suggestion. But our government needs to override such protectionism for the greater good of us all. Recyclable is not good enough - we have all seen how difficult it is to actually find places in the real world to recycle these types of apparently "recyclable" plastics. The law must be to ensure these single use products are compostable. Ensuring all disposable cutlery and crockery is fully compostable will cut both the energy used in plastic production and the waste and pollution caused by its disposal. We ask the Secretary of State to follow France's lead and ensure that by 2020 all disposable plates, cups, knives, forks and spoons are made of biologically sourced materials and can be composted.
    88 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Celina J
  • Stop pricing small electric cars off the road
    Small electric cars like the Peugeot Ion, Mitsubishi iMiev and Citroën Zero, do not have large enough batteries to use a full 30 minute charge. The maximum range of these cars at motorway speeds is 50-60 miles. Fast chargers only charge the battery to 80%, so that is 40-48 miles. Allow 10 miles probably already in the battery at the start of the charge, and that's 30-38 miles for £6. Compare with an ordinary diesel car, doing about 60 mpg, where each gallon costs about £5.50, and you will see it costs about twice as much to run a small car charged at an Ecotricity charging point as it does to run a diesel car filled at a pump. On the other hand, if you charge the electric car at home, it costs about half as much to run as the diesel (even with full price green electricity).
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nikki Locke
  • Bringing Nature Into Education
    There is more and more evidence to show that being educated and playing in nature has huge short and long term benefits. Enhancing mental and physical wellbeing, empowering children to be creative in all areas of their young lives and unifying them as one with nature and each other regardless of gender, race, colour, disabilities or beliefs. Countries who have better academic results than here in the U.K. are embracing these methods of schooling and attribute them to their success. It's time the education system stopped making short term changes and investing into a long term plan which will bring the change everyone here and globally desperately want to see for future generations. The children of today are the leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, doctors and creative beings of tomorrow. They will be the inspiration for the generations to come and bring the change we ourselves so long to see. Only with the government working alongside nature schools, groups and individuals can we make that a reality by creating the stage on which they can perform. For reference to these facts I recommend a visit to the Children & Nature Network website: http://www.childrenandnature.org/
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Steve Tallamy
  • Look into alternative packaging for crisps and similar bagged foods
    Because the companies should be responsible for the environment. Many people blindly eat these products without realising what damage they are doing. We need to see what we are eating out of, and eat products with recyclable packaging, to make sure that we are aware of our environmental footprint and don't have a costly add up to landfill in 1 or 10 or 70+ years time, when it is too late. We need the big companies who make food products, to make sure that there are environmentally friendly ways of disposing of the products, because soo much is thrown out.
    41 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Charlotte Melton
  • Build the Severn Barage instead of Hinckley Point.
    UK self reliance and security. Climate change mitigation.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by john hodnett
    If they were to put solar panels on all council houses, it would cut carbon emissions significantly, produce cheaper electricity for the council tenants which would help benefit the environment. It would pay for itself in a few years and the government could significantly increase the amount of renewable energy. Also by selling half the energy produced to the big companies, it would benefit the government coffers and the rest could help council tenants pay less for their energy. For the first few years or so the government would be recouping the price of installation, but after that it's pure profit for them. It helps the environment, council tenants and the government.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Annette Duffy
  • Build the severn barrage NOW!!!!!
    Give the UK a kick start, break the central power companies profiteering and build the severn barrage in order to provide this country with cheap, clean energy.This would have a knock on effect of making the consumer better off and just as important itwould make our manufactured goods cheaper, therefore improving the country's exports and overall GDP
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Darby
  • Save our Bees
    Bees are endangered within our area and provide many positives for the community.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by christianne straker
  • Ban Dangerous Pesticides in Walsall
    The use of glyphosates has already been banned or restricted in 8 countries. It is not acceptable that ourselves, our children and the animals we share our community with are being routinely exposed to these chemicals whether we like it or not. This is a matter of great importance for those of us who care about each other's health and the health of our children, our cats, our dogs and all the flora and fauna of this city, of course including our beloved bees. If you don't live in this area, click here to sign or start the campaign for your city: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-pesticide-campaign
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diane Malpass
  • Palm oil in biscuits and chocolate
    Palm oil production has destroyed vast areas of forest in countries including Indonesia, which is home to orangutans, the Rainforest foundation UK says palm oil companies are now planning to expand into the rainforests of the Congo basin in Africa, home to lowland gorillas and other threatened primates. Palm oil companies are also partly responsible for the recent devastating forest fires in Sumatra, which caused pollution episodes in Malaysia and Singapore.
    91 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Diana Powell