• Palm Oil-Free Online Shopping
    The facts are clear about the impact of palm oil on the worlds resources and carbon contributions. Right now the blame appears to be on the consumer for not making ethical choices. The Government and UKs Leading retailers need to make the choices clear for consumers so that the UK public can make green decisions more easily and quickly everyday. The UK has made a commitment in the Paris Agreement which it must honor. Small enforcements like these will impact large scale public consumption and use of Palm Oil Free products and help the government meet UN targets. It will also raise awareness of this issue amongst the public and help change attitudes to the significance of our daily choices on world health and climate change.
    97 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Clark
  • We do not consent to Smart Water Meters
    Haringey residents have six concerns about the Smart Meter installation programme: 1. Not being consulted prior to installation; 2. Not compulsory (?); 3. Penalise poor people who live in crowded homes; 4. Risk to the health of humans, animals, pollinators, trees and plants; "10. The World Health Organisation’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorised RF EMFs as a Possible CARCINOGEN (Group 2B), the same as lead, DDT, chloroform & methylmercury (31 May 2011)". "11. Dr Andrew Goldsworthy’s research warned that electromagnetically-conditioned water flow could strip lead from pipes (after firstly removing limescale) leading to lead poisoning. (1998, 2007, 2012 and 2016)". 5. Surveillance of water, gas and electric usage; and 6. Security risk through (nuclear) electromagnetic pulse attacks, space weather and hacking (“cybercrime”). Our focus is on Smart Water Meters but not exclusively. Full details about the Stop Smart Meters Haringey campaign can be found on our website below. This petition will be initially delivered to Haringey Council. The target is 2,200+
    572 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Ron Hawkins
    The pipeline is going over burial grounds and under a river that serves millions of people. The company concerned already have spills in other rivers and have it signed they are NOT responsible for clean up! Also this is land that was given to the reservation in a treaty so should be respected. Millions of people around the globe have been protesting about this on social media , many of them UK residents so please speak up on our behalf. The police have also been using force against what have only been peaceful protests but we do not want this to escalate.
    121 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Joy Fraser
  • Rename Flushable Wipes
    Many things get accidently put down the toilet but these wipes are designed to be flushed away. However, they do not dissolve in water like paper does. They end up being removed from our sewers by the water companies. They are causing damage to the environment and causing blockages of our sewers. This damage costs thousands of pounds to clear. Only three things should go down your toilet, pee, poo and paper. Although flushable wipes will go down the toilet, the water companies then claim they block sewers and if a sewer cant be cleared, the water companies use an emergency action which can send sewerage directly into our water courses. This leads to damage to the environment. Although all these companies claim their products will disperse in water, it has been shown in tests that they do not, even after being subjected to tests which emulate 10 years in moving water.
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sharon Seymour
  • Tidal power
    Tidal power is reliable, ecofriendly, and can supply a large proportion of our energy needs. We ask the UK government to prioritise this form of power generation as a matter of urgency. It makes engineering, economic and environmental sense. It is a no brainier.
    42 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ted Smith
  • Aberdeen City Council - Don’t make us fight to keep our only power supply
    Aberdeen City Council is trying to make us go through a costly and time consuming planning application to keep a small building that provides our only electricity supply, with no guarantee the application would be accepted. For eight years we fought several utility companies over their refusal to send accurate bills and attempts to trick us into paying money we didn’t owe. Eventually we were left with only one option to avoid being cheated - go off-grid. We decided on solar PV as this is the most reliable and cost effective means of generating off-grid electricity. But we didn’t have a South facing roof, so we built a small wooden building to house the solar panels. We spent several weeks building it with our own hands. Now the council want us to go through a lengthy and costly planning application just to keep this building. I live with my disabled mother. Living without power would deny her vital medical treatment (which she already has to pay for herself) as this has to be stored in a refrigerator. Her treatment has already been affected by having to build the building and off-grid system over the summer, and having to go through a lengthy bureaucratic process would undoubtedly affect it further. I earn a low income with a self employed electrical business that provides our only income. I could not do this without a power supply to charge my tools and run a laptop for my paperwork. I’ve also released a computer program that I hope to develop into a business. This would of course also be impossible without a power supply. I’m busy trying to earn a living for us and will struggle if I have to spend time dealing with a planning application. Living without power would be a nightmare in today’s world - hand washing clothes, no lights, no fridge, etc. We are socially isolated and depend on the internet as our only connection to the rest of humanity. Without a power supply this too would be lost. We don’t know who, if anyone made a complaint about our building, but we don’t believe it’s causing anyone a nuisance. It doesn’t block the light to, or view from, anyone’s windows. It replaced an old garden shed, on the same site, that was rotting away. In very adverse circumstances we are doing something positive for the planet - solar PV is zero emissions and totally sustainable. Don’t let Aberdeen City Council take that away. Please sign the petition. If you live outside the UK you can sign by emailing your name, any message you wish to be included with your signature, and stating that you are signing the petition "Aberdeen City Council - Don’t make us fight to keep our only power supply", to [email protected] . Thanks.
    25 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Samuel Green
  • Fracking Referendum
    House prices are already falling behind other areas of the country and the already crumbling roads cant cope with the extra traffic. The environment will be destroyed and the money will not remain in the Fylde and maybe not in the UK. A study shows that the increase in employment is dwarfed by the loss of agriculture jobs not to mention the reduction in the tourism industry.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Ball
  • Refundable Glass Bottles
    This will benefit the environment by reducing the energy requirements of recycling. Reduce the burden on local authorities to collect and sort this type of recycling. Donation and collection of bottles could help local fund raising activities. Other Countries including the USA have such a system, in fact it was common in the UK up the end of the 1960's.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Berge
    Invasive species cause the loss of biodiversity, as well as the extinction of native plants, animals and fungi. Invasive species are introduced into an ecosystem by humans who release the non-native species into the wild. The invasive species wreck native ecosystems and will eventually cause the extinction of hundreds of native species. THE PROBLEM In England a major barrier to the effective control of invasive species lies in the INABILITY OF RELEVANT AUTHORITIES TO ACCESS LAND where problem species have become established. Neither can they force the landowners to notify them of the presence of named species nor can they take action to address invasions where it is reasonable to do so. THE SOLUTION In Scotland this problem has been rectified within Scottish legislation with the creation of ‘SPECIES CONTROL ORDER’ under the Wildlife and Natural Environment (Scotland) Act 2011. Ths act empowers authorities, LAND CAN NOW BE ACCESSED IN SCOTLAND, and COSTS CAN, if necessary, be recovered from landowners who do not take action. FINANCIAL COST In Britain approximately £1.7billion is spent every single year on trying to tackle the problem of invasive non-native species. The Woodland Trust spends approximately 4-5% of their total site management budget tackling Invasive Non Native Species (INNS), predominantly Rhododendron Ponticums
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joel Duncan
  • Stop poisoining our wheat
    As wheat starts to turn farmers spray it to kill it off in doing so it takes in large amounts of chemical as a last effort to swell the grain. It seems that very many people are now developing a wheat intolerance and a growing rise in Irritable bowl syndrome and Krohns and stomach complaints. This wheat goes into our bread and is consumed by most of the population on a daily basis. It can not be good under any circumstances. You can't give animals medication just before their meat enters the food chain surely this must be the same.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Peter Mawby
  • Ban Dangerous Pesticides in South & Vale of White Horse Oxfordshire
    The use of glyphosates has already been banned or restricted in 8 countries. It is not acceptable that ourselves, our children and the animals we share our community with are being routinely exposed to these chemicals whether we like it or not. This is a matter of great importance for those of us who care about each other's health and the health of our children, our cats, our dogs and all the flora and fauna of this city, of course including our beloved bees. If you don't live in this area, click here to sign or start the campaign for your city: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-pesticide-campaign
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Pike
  • Re-instate Sound Money
    The current system of creating money through the sale of ever increasing layers of debt, and now, the BofE operating an unaccountable balance sheet which defies principle or prudence, is plumbing the depths of fantasy economics, is unsustainable in nature. It is starting to resemble a listing pirate ship liable to sink at any moment. Only Sound money can deliver a reduction of inequality, a sustainable future for the environment and the next generation and re-establish trust in government, creating a new united kingdom that everyone can believe in.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tom Naysburn