• De-power Scottish Natural Heritage
    To keep a balance for all who live or use the environment. Also to protect more those species that are on the endanger list from extinction and full information has to be giving to justify why species that are protected have to killed. So that we in the future are not asking questions why species that are still depleting partly due to licenses being issues and also toughen up the laws on those who kill protected species illegally.
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Henry Wilkie
  • To stop the SNH culling innocent birds such as Ravens, Robins, Starling etc.
    This is especially important as the Scottish Natural Heritage's job, as most see it, are there to protect wildlife and birds. Not give licences to destroy them The RSPB have some of these birds on their red list "A number of our garden birds like house sparrows, starlings and song thrushes have been on the red list for a while; this time around we see the addition of mistle thrushes. Read more at https://www.rspb.org.uk/birds-and-wildlife/wildlife-guides/uk-conservation-status-explained/#CXFzreJo5j74dJGl.99" So to actual issue licences to destroy these very birds is ridiculous! Please sign and make them aware of our thoughts and feelings on this subject
    65 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sandra Robinson
  • Twenty two trees
    The Rossmere Park Island has the only breeding colony of Egrets in the whole county. If these birds move on because of the disturbance on the Island they will not come back. Not only do these trees add to the character of the park, they form a vital part of the local ecology for the Park’s large Bat colony.
    492 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Taylor
  • Don't give Trump planning permission
    Trump wants to build 500 “luxury” houses on a protected Aberdeenshire coast. These homes will be unaffordable to anyone except the rich, featuring villas planned to sell for over £1 million. No plans for affordable houses, which were promised as part of the planning permission, have been made public. They do not appear in the proposed development brochure. This location is entirely inappropriate for a housing scheme; it’s far from amenities and is opposed by people living nearby. Planning permission for the golf resort was issued on the basis that the “economic benefit outweighed the environmental harm”. But the rare protected dunes that form part of the estate have been “partially destroyed” since Trump began construction on the resort, and there’s been little benefit to the community. Trump cannot be trusted to deliver on his promises for this resort, and this new development will further damage the beautiful North Sea coastline whilst lining his own pockets. What’s more, we’re signing Scotland away to a man who deals in lies and hate, which will damage the country’s reputation.
    19,560 of 20,000 Signatures
    Created by TrippingUp Trump
    It's one thing to deny funding towards building the Tidal Bay Lagoon, in Swansea (A green and 100% renewable energy source). Further more, to announce the establishment are funding over 100 MILLION in to nuclear power plants in UK is frankly, below the belt. BUT, to dump the nuclear waste in wales, on the belly's of our shores is audacious, to the point of beyond belief. The British Government, YOUR GOVERNMENT, are planning to dump 300,000 tonnes of toxic waste surrounding Cardiff bay. This waste will the be carried through the strong Severn River currents outwards, towards the natural, beautiful, award winning beaches of the Gower peninsular, Swansea. Towards the Irish east coastal areas. The current will also take the nuclear infected water up stream to the heart of the river, where river banks, vegetation and marine life will also be affected. This NEEDS to be prevented. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOOD FOR THOUGHT: During the the massive media speculation around the re-naming of the Severn bridge, Prince Charles was quoted: "Why weren't the welsh people notified and asked about this" To which he followed - "No wonder they are not happy". Naming a bridge is one thing, This is another level.
    220 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Josh Heal
  • Save Greyfriars Bowling Green
    If you ever walked along Constitution Walk, behind the Gloucester City Museum and Library, you will have passed a mostly neglected area of public space consisting of a bowling green, redundant bowling club building and a sealed off public garden. With what appears to be a complete lack of vision the City Council is considering the sale of the space to developers, a space which has great potential to become a quiet, calming community garden right in the heart of the City Centre. Our view is that the garden also provides space for small community events such as mini markets, art and literature events, children activities, outdoor theatre, community picnics and mini sports events. In the past it has been used by the community to deliver numerous events: a book fair, a children’s’ summer play zone, an archaeology event featuring Phil Harding from ‘Time Team’, camp for Civil War re-enactors, a theatre and poetry day etc.
    164 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Ellis Fincham
  • Save Whitekirk
    Since closure in February 2016, the former Whitekirk Golf Course has become a haven for wildlife and a wonderful, well used amenity space for local communities. This unique and beautiful landscape is recognised in the East Lothian Local Development Plan 2018 as a Special Landscape Area, and provides valuable open space for people and wildlife in an area dominated by intensive farming and increasing development. Wilkie Developments plans to destroy this fantastic landscape by turning it into a holiday camp. With over 200 proposed holiday lodges crammed on to the former fairways, the beautiful landscape and its wildlife will be lost to development forever. The area is enjoyed by a wide variety of flora and fauna including species such as skylarks, badgers, bats, owls, buzzards and swans, as well as a variety of wildflowers, trees and mosses. The Local Development Plan states that development should only be permitted in Special Landscape Areas where "the public benefits of the development clearly outweigh any adverse impact and the development is designed, sited and landscaped to minimise such adverse impacts." The economic benefits of the development will no doubt be argued as a reason to override this protection, however it is clear that self-catering holiday lodges will generate only a very few low-skilled, low-paid jobs, and with poor public transport local people will surely struggle to sustain employment. Over two hundred holiday lodges will generate hundreds of car trips per day to and from North Berwick. With only one bus every two hours from the site into North Berwick, all those cars will be clogging up the roads and competing for the already over-full car parks in the town. The development will require significant infrastructure in order to support the 200 plus lodges, introducing light pollution, sewage treatment and a network of utilities. Once all this costly infrastructure is in place what’s to stop Wilkie Developments, housebuilders by trade, seeking to turn this into yet another housing development. Please help to protect this rare and special landscape by signing the petition to prevent development and secure its future as a valuable wildlife habitat and amenity for the local communities. As a protected wildlife reserve, this wonderful space should be enjoyed by local people and also presents a fantastic opportunity to create an educational facility for local schools.
    1,230 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Save Whitekirk Campaign
    Greenlight Environmental is a social enterprise employing around 100 local people in the West of Scotland and with almost three decades of experience providing recycling services. Many of their staff have been recruited through schemes to assist the long-term unemployed and these vulnerable workers are now being issued with redundancy notices. GMB Scotland is calling on the leaders of West Dunbartonshire, Inverclyde and Argyll & Bute Councils to intervene and prevent the liquidation of the company and the redundancy of its workforce.
    696 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Scott Rogers Picture
  • Marvin Rees: deliver your promise to ban glyphosate in Bristol
    In 2016, Marvin Rees promised us action on glyphosate – a toxic weed killer still used in Bristol despite its links to cancer and other health harms for humans and wildlife. Marvin said he would ban glyphosate and carry out a city-wide trial of alternatives. He said he would review the Council’s weed control contracts for housing and streets. The Bristol Labour party said it would “stop using harmful pesticides”. BUT none of this has happened – and incredibly, the Council now insists glyphosate is a “safe product” after angry parents reported the spraying of glyphosate outside a nursery school, just as the children arrived. It also told local media “there are no current plans to use alternative methods”. Meanwhile, the evidence linking glyphosate to cancer is growing. In a recent landmark case in California, chemical giant Monsanto has been found liable for a terminally ill man’s cancer, caused by a herbicide containing glyphosate, known as Roundup. Why the U-turn, Marvin? Bristol’s people, pets and wildlife deserve better. There are reports of glyphosate being sprayed with no warning near to school children, and of cats and dogs poisoned by licking treated weeds. To show our Mayor that Bristol citizens mean business when it comes to a toxic-free city, please sign this petition. Other local authorities including Edinburgh, North Somerset, Lewes and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham are starting to ditch glyphosate, why not Bristol?
    3,944 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Account Deleted Picture
  • KitKat change back to foil and paper wrapping.
    Single use plastic and plastic wrap are not recyclable, and with so much plastic in the environment, Nestle could make a difference to the plastic pollution situation. Both paper and foil, like the old packaging used, can be recycled. Also, the eating experience is not the same. Unwrapping the paper, rubbing the foil to reveal the word KitKat, tearing the foil with your finger and snapping the fingers apart is what eating a KitKat is all about.
    554 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Helen Feld
  • Remove toxic dump in cumbernauld
    This is a public health issue which is also affecting businesses in the area.
    851 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by Keith Rice
    This park has always lacked a slide for children, the park is in a prime location surrounded by 3 schools and many children, a park should always have a slide kids love them, it completes a park, it brings happiness and the kids enjoy one. Instead we are left with vandalised barriers surrounding the remains of what used to be a slide at the height of summer. This particular slide was only installed just over a year ago after a year long request to have a slide put in as the park never had one. It is not the councils fault that it was vandalised, but I hope this campaign will perhaps get things noted and help restore our lovely park.
    443 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Sammy Mason