• Recycling in Dumfries and Galloway
    Responsibly managing your household waste is always important. Even one town starting to recycle can make a difference so imagine what a change our area could make if we made recycling easier and more accessible for the whole community.
    188 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Howes Picture
  • Platt Lane
    The footpath on Platt Lane in Keyworth is used by many walkers and only half of it has footpath. The speed limit on the section of the road without the footpath is 60mph and even if the speed limit was lowered it would still be dangerous as it has many blind bends. It is only a matter of time before someone is injured or there is a fatal accident.
    577 of 600 Signatures
    Created by Linda Lloyd
  • Revise UK law to make Non-Biodegradable Cigarette filters illegal.
    "Six million cigarette butts are dropped on the City's [London] streets every year and we spend £3.8 million cleaning it up, it's no small problem."[2] Cigarette butts are the most common form of anthropogenic (man-made) litter in the world, as approximately 5.6 trillion cigarettes are smoked every year worldwide. Of those it is estimated that 4.5 trillion cigarette butts become litter every year. [3][4] If we are to promote the United Kingdom as a 'climate-conscious' nation, we must be willing to make implementations that go further than Congestion Charges, Renewable-Energy quotas, and CO2 emissions controls; it stands to reason that changes to everyday materials and consumption, creates visible ripples. In an age where environmental policy is in a constant tug of war between skepticism and economic interest, a simple measure such as this would set a cost-effective benchmark for other nations. One out every 5 pieces of litter encountered, is a cigarette butt[5]; imagine a world where within one generation, our children would never have to see another wasted filter ever again. References: https://oceanconservancy.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/International-Coastal-Cleanup_2017-Report.pdf [1] http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/14356007.a14_393/abstract;jsessionid=852BC123C0A844038FAC61CC91BA248C.f04t02?systemMessage=Wiley+Online+Library+usage+report+download+page+will+be+unavailable+on+Friday+24th+November+2017+at+21%3A00+EST+%2F+02.00+GMT+%2F+10%3A00+SGT+%28Saturday+25th+Nov+for+SGT+ [2] https://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/services/transport-and-streets/clean-streets/Pages/smoking-related-litter.aspx [3] http://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/6/5/1691 [4] http://www.who.int/bulletin/volumes/93/12/15-152744/en/ [5] Image source: http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/keep-britain-tidy-workers-install-a-giant-cigarette-butt-in-trafalgar-picture-id80559920
    129 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Vic Vérsé
  • Telford & Wrekin Stop Punching Down On Our Buskers!
    This is important for the local buskers and for the community as a whole. with the ever expanding and growing town and ever increasing population comes art and culture. Buskers do a good job of entertaining the public and providing light entertainment generally in a professional and pleasant manner. Some of the buskers in Telford, of which maybe 10 are regular, rely on their busing monies to support them in their daily lives. Food, Water, Electric.. the essentials. It also has farther reaching benefits amongst those who struggle with mental health difficulties who use busking as a way to interact with the community where otherwise they wouldn't. This 'LAW' is designed to remove art and culture and to shut down buskers from being heard. it is supression of the arts for the benefit of big business.
    358 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Joshua Sole
  • Petition against Welsh Harp 25 metre phone mast (PA 17/4597)
    The Welsh Harp is the only Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) in Brent or Barnet and is home to a wide and rich diversity of wildlife. We are concerned by evidence suggesting a detrimental impact of wireless cell towers on wildlife as well as the building of such a visibly obstructive structure on the appearance and openness of this piece of Metropolitan Open Land. We believe that to give permission to this structure runs contrary to Brent Council's policy on the Protection and Enhancement of Open Space, Sports and Biodiversity. The proposed improvement of 3G coverage resulting from the mast would appear to only benefit a very small area and is disproportionate to the greater disruption of land and surrounding wildlife. The Welsh Harp is a truly unique and important site to local residents but also in its wider scientific, ecological and natural beauty value across London. It is our responsibility to preserve it for generations to come. We therefore strongly object to the approval of this site for the construction of a Mobile Telephone Mast under application PA 17/4597. To comment on the planning application individually please follow this link: https://pa.brent.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=DCAPR_136928
    237 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Roxanne Mashari Picture
  • Keep our Green Belt GREEN Coventry & Warwickshire
    Coventry does not need to build on Green Belt and Warwick DC does not need to build homes for Coventry - Coventry must correct the population data, as the cabinet member for finance, John Mutton, admitted on BBC CWR. On 26 Nov 17, he wrote to local people, "We are well aware of the STUPID NUMBERS that the Office of National Statistics instructed us to use in relation to the number of houses required" The Coventry Local Plan, on which Councilors will vote on 5 Dec 17, will determine where houses go for the next 14 years. Coventry Council has used absurdly high numbers which no one, including experts, believes in. The Council predict that the city will grow twice as fast as any other town in the region - 2x Birmingham, 3x Warwick, and 4x Stratford. Is that possible when jobs growth in Coventry has been mediocre? We can have the homes our children really need and keep our countryside. Building on Green Belt at Keresley, Eastern Green, and Kings Hill will destroy the beautiful Forest of Arden landscape which inspired Shakespeare's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'. Putting a 'Brownfield First' policy into the local plan, will stop unneeded building on Green Belt, unless it is absolutely necessary.
    1,009 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Merle Gering
  • Back to Glass & other sustainable materials
    WE KNOW that plastics are having a devastating effect on our seas - fish, mammals and filtering down to us humans, causing cancer's etc. WE KNOW that plastics are being ingested by birds and killing them. WE KNOW it's time for a change! WE KNOW!
    85 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sioux Wilson
  • Save the Fitzalan Square Plane Trees
    Fitzalan Square suffers from poor air quality due to traffic pollution. The London Plane trees are particularly effective at removing pollutants from traffic-heavy areas like this in the city centre. The trees are one of the few things of beauty in a Square currently noted for its ugly betting shops, proliferation of litter and intrusive advertising boards. The trees provide a great deal of biodiversity to the square including birds and insects which would be lost despite the planting of new saplings. The Tree Condition survey, written by the Council's tree manager, states "Removal of these four trees will have a significant impact on the immediate area. The city centre has the lowest percentage tree cover in Sheffield and there are relatively few large trees within the area. Visually, the trees provide a natural living feature that helps to soften the harsh lines of the existing built environment. The trees play an important role in trapping and removing pollutants from the surrounding air as well as providing dappled shade for users of the square. The canopies also help to break up wind movement that may otherwise funnel between the buildings. All four trees are well established with a significant potential longevity. All are considered to be in their prime. " Paving problems could easily be solved using flexi-pave. Important links Read the full plans and object to the proposal here. https://planningapps.sheffield.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=OX1IUENYM0500 Read the Star article here https://www.thestar.co.uk/business/council-reveals-more-details-of-plans-to-freshen-up-sheffield-s-public-spaces-1-8799661#comments-area Background to Fitzalan Square https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fitzalan_Square
    3,216 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Graham Wroe
  • Support Kirby Misperton Protection Camp
    The Kirby Misperton Protection Camp (KMPC) has been invaluable in our community’s struggle against fracking, now we stand to protect it! The camp was set up last December after the community lost a high court appeal to prevent Third Energy from fracking on the edge of our village. The camp acts as a community hub, its a place where we can go and seek support, information and share ideas. It also hosts events such as family fun days, solidarity weekends, know your rights workshops, legal observer training and a retreat. The camp is also home to some of the newer members of our community and offers a place to stay for campaigners with bigger distances to travel. The fracking of the KM8 well is putting our villages directly in harms way, but we also recognise that we are on the frontline of England’s struggle against the fracking industry. Fracking in Kirby Misperton is a local issue of national importance. All protest involves a level of disruption, but neither we nor the camp support any kind of violent or abusive behavior. As local residents we are grateful to friends who have made the choice to live so sacrificially to join our struggle. As such we welcome KMPC and the support from protectors around the country.
    2,279 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Graham Cray
  • Animals do feel pain
    Because we have to fight for animals rights
    1,043 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Tracy Robinson
  • Save Fakenham Sure Start
    Fakenham Gateway Sure Start children’s centre is an important life line for the local community. It offers support and assistance to families - with out the Sure Start centre we would be lost. The council is currently considering a £5 million cut to the budget for children services, putting the future of Fakenham Sure Start centre at risk. If the centre closed it would leave local families without vital support. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/politics/fears-norfolk-children-s-centres-could-close-as-county-hall-considers-5m-cut-1-5231037
    365 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Rosie Newstead
  • Save Serpentine Community Farm, High Peak
    Over the last three years, volunteers have brought a disused and derelict Council plant nursery in the heart of Buxton back to life. We have grand designs for its future. We already demonstrate good horticultural practice, develop skills and confidence, offer a therapeutic setting for people of all ages and abilities, grow produce, provide education and training, and organise events accessible for all. We can do more. With a secure footing - a long-term lease on the current site and original stone-built workshops and stores - Serpentine Community Farm could extend its activities, enriching individual and community life. Instead, a plan formulated by the High Peak Borough Council Executive Team to raise cash from residential development of the site jeopardises all the work and effort of the volunteers. We urge High Peak Borough Council to safeguard, support and save Serpentine Community Farm.
    1,507 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Serpentine Community Farm