• No to fracking in Altrincham and Trafford!
    Much of this borough is semi rural. We do not want to see our green spaces industrialised with up to 8 wells per square mile. Our roads are congested enough without the massive increase in heavy traffic these developments would cause. Fracking can potentially lead to serious or widespread pollution of our water supplies. And there is the risk of air pollution too. High-profile doctors, pharmacists and public health academics want fracking banned! We do not want these risks near our homes and schools! It could reduce the value of our homes! We do not want to risk negative equity and losing the value of our hard work! We already risk dangerous climate change by the burning of just a fraction of the fossil fuels that we have found! Just what is the point of destroying our environment just to look for more? If we stick to the goals to limit global warming to 2degrees, we will never be able to burn shale gas!
    172 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Jane Katz
  • Call on the Scottish National Portrait Gallery to cut ties with BP!
    We, the undersigned, care deeply about the arts, and equally the natural environment and the rights of humans around the world. We believe arts and cultural institutions should break their ties with oil companies such as BP, a company which has caused repeated environmental catastrophes, including the Deepwater Horizon spill, and been implicated in numerous human rights violations. Furthermore, BP is turning a profit on the continued extraction of dirty fossil fuels, pushing us towards runaway climate change, whilst lobbying against environmental laws and clean energy alternatives [1, 2]. By accepting sponsorship from BP, cultural institutions give the oil giant much-needed positive publicity, and help it to obscure the destructive reality of its activities with a veneer of respectability. At the same time, oil sponsorship taints the reputation of the institutions that accept it. We recognise the vital importance of arts funding, particularly after public funding cuts. However BP sponsorship provides less than 1% of the annual income of the British Museum, Tate, and Royal Opera House, and just 3% of the income of the National Portrait Gallery [3], yet BP are allowed to place their name and logo alongside the names of these institutions, on their website and in exhibitions (despite many artists and arts workers having strong views against such branding) [4, 5]. BP needs these institutions far more than they need BP. This is the 26th year that BP has sponsored the Portrait Awards, through an agreement with the National Portait Gallery (NPG) in London. Fortunately this agreement is due to end this year. The NPG could choose not to renew the agreement, and to find a more appropriate sponsor for the Portrait Awards. However, negotiations about renewal are already underway. The NPG will not drop BP as a sponsor without strong pressure from the public and the arts sector. We need to act now. Over its 26 years of sponsorship, BP has repeatedly caused great harms to the environment and people; it has been responsible for multiple deadly explosions and oil spillages, including that of Deepwater Horizon, which killed 11 people, decimated ecosystems and livelihoods in the Gulf of Mexico, and resulted in the largest corporate fine in history [6]. It has traded with oppressive regimes from Azerbaijan to Libya, and has even been implicated in torture in Colombia [7]. It has recently expanded into tar sands, an extreme form of energy production which contaminates water and tramples on indigenous rights [8]. Worldwide, fossil fuel companies have currently laid claim to five times the volume of oil, gas and coal that humanity can burn without causing dangerous and destructive levels of global warming [9] - despite this, BP has stated that it will continue to explore and exploit new reserves of oil and gas into the future. In 1989, the National Portrait Gallery ended its eight-year Portrait Award sponsorship agreement with tobacco company John Player [10]. It is time for this national cultural institution to show such moral leadership and forward-thinking once again, by cutting ties with BP. As a partner of the National Portrait Gallery, the Scottish National Portrait Gallery can influence this decision. We call on this respected national cultural institution to put pressure on the NPG to find a more appropriate sponsor, and to refuse to host the BP Portrait Awards until a new sponsor has been found. For more information, please see: http://bp-or-not-bp.org/ http://bp-or-not-bp.org/scotland http://platformlondon.org/p-publications/picturethis/ References 1. http://www.theguardian.com/business/2010/may/02/bp-deepwater-horizon-oil-spills 2. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/sep/21/bp-tops-the-list-of-firms-obstructing-climate-action-in-europe 3. http://platformlondon.org/p-publications/artoilinfographic/ 4. http://fossilfundsfree.org/who/ 5. http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2014/jun/24/no-oil-painting-bp-sponsorship-npg-portrait-award 6. http://www.theguardian.com/environment/2015/jul/02/bp-will-pay-largest-environmental-fine-in-us-history-for-gulf-oil-spill 7. http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/may/22/gilberto-torres-survived-colombias-death-squads-now-he-wants-justice 8. http://environmentaldefence.ca/reports/canadas-toxic-tar-sands-most-destructive-project-earth 9. http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/news/global-warmings-terrifying-new-math-20120719 10. http://platformlondon.org/p-publications/picturethis/ 11. http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/climate-risks-as-conclusive-as-link-between-smoking-and-lung-cancer/
    176 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Claire Robertson
  • Stop Fossil Fuel Subsidies
    If we are to stop global warming we need to move away from a Fossil Fuelled society to a world which exists on renewable energies. Renewable energies receive little or no subsidy, whereas Mega Rich MNCs receive millions of £'s in of taxpayers money in the form of subsidies from the British Government. Whereas in reality subsidies should be directed to help with the development of renewable energy services as well as helping people living in fuel poverty become recipients of renewable energies.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pau Bayliss
    South Gloucestershire Council currently uses glyphosate chemical herbicides on our streets and parks despite there being viable safe alternatives and despite the fact that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has identified glyphosate as likely to cause cancer in humans. The WHO finding sits alongside a wealth of existing evidence that raises alarming questions marks over the long term safety of exposure to glyphosate both on its own and in combination with other chemicals found in formulas such as Roundup. The use of glyphosates has already been banned or restricted in 8 countries. It is not acceptable that our children, ourselves and the animals we share this county with are being routinely exposed to these chemicals whether we like it or not. The Council needs to exercise the precautionary principle and follow the example of cities such as Chicago, Paris and Rotterdam by banning this spraying in public places. This is a matter of great importance and urgency for those of us who care about each other's health and the health of our children, our dogs and cats and all the flora and fauna of this county, and of course including our beloved bees. There are viable safe alternatives to glyphosates. The Netherlands have outright banned glyphosates in public spaces and are using a hot water treatment instead. A hot water and foam method is also available in the UK and South Gloucestershire Council is already aware that this can be a more effective alternative than hot water on its own. Glyphosates are the cheapest option but we must send the message loud and clear that value is not just about price and that the health and safety issues around glyphosate render its 'cheap and easy' status irrelevant. Other effective methods may cost more in cash terms but represent far better value to local residents. Using a formula such as glyphosate or Roundup in our public spaces is simply unacceptable no matter how cheap and quick it makes the task of urban weed management. Other European cities have already banned them and now Glastonbury have paved the way here in the UK and have now banned glyphosates and are implementing the foam/hot water method instead. At their next meeting, Bristol City council will vote on whether to do the same following a petition that was handed in on 19th January. People-power stopped these pesticides elsewhere - can 38 Degrees members in South Glos stop them here too? If you think chemical pesticides, that have serious health concerns, no longer have a place on the streets of South Glos then please sign the petition and also email your local councillor and request that they stop spraying outside of your property and all areas! You can find your councillor details here: https://council.southglos.gov.uk/mgMemberIndex.aspx Further information can be found in the following links: The Guardian: Glyphosate is a 'probably carcinogenic' pesticide. Why do cities still use it? http://www.theguardian.com/cities/2015/apr/21/glyphosate-probably-carcinogenic-pesticide-why-cities-use-it The Independent: Glyphosate: Scientists urge caution over experts' claims pesticide is 'probably' carcinogenic: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/glyphosate-scientists-urge-caution-over-experts-claims-pesticide-is-probably-carcinogenic-10397787.html A safer non-toxic option is now used: http://www.centralsomersetgazette.co.uk/Glastonbury-takes-look-town-s-weed-problem/story-27651682-detail/story.html Bristol Council Website: A motion to ban the use of glyphosates will be voted on at the full council meeting after a petition was handed in on 19th January: https://www2.bristol.gov.uk/committeeMeetingFinder The Bristol Cable https://thebristolcable.org/2015/10/bristol-monsanto-and-chemicals/
    1,350 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Adrissi
  • Who profits from disaster in Cumbria?
    This government have made pledge after pledge , promise after promise to repair the damage from this disaster and to ensure that it never happens again, yet they have kept none of their promises . There is substantial evidence to show that logging has been a major cause of flooding in the region and yet the priority isn't to restore the road for local people but use it to recommence the very activity that caused the problem in the first place. This government has no concern for the environment or local interest but only for profit. It continues to make the same mistakes for its own greed. "The A591 repairs are a blag,it is in working order apart from the GAP which they are not working on,they seem to be concentrating their efforts on forestry operations! Something must be done!!! I saw lots of heavy forestry machinery using the road which is strange as we are being told it is undermined and I saw no evidence of the whole mountain moving!!!" 30 January 2016
    327 of 400 Signatures
    Created by mike peters Picture
  • #HEATHROW 13
    The signatories of this petition regard peaceful, direct action as a political right & believe that poeple are entitled to non-violent political protest, as inferred by rights under Article 19 & Article 20 [1] of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Article 20 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
    2,371 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Matt Shoul
  • Keep St Silvans car park open
    Please help keep this valuable facility open.This car park enables people with children and dogs etc to be able to disembark from their vehicles safely away from moving traffic on the highway. Staffhurst wood is a very popular woods with locals and with visitors from further afield. Offering it's natural beauty all year round (not just bluebell season) it is perfect for walkers, families, runners and dog walkers alike. The woods also have a lot of history as in the war it hid Canadian air men as there was an ammunitions factory in Hurst Green. Although there is another car park, it is the other side of the woods and feels a little bit too remote. Parking in this car park is also made more difficult by the trees growing in the middle of the parking area. The closure of this car park according to Surrey Wildlife Trust is due to the maintenance and up keep costs (this is estimated at £156 per annum !) As a regular visitor of this car park there are always other vehicles there when I arrive and different ones there when I leave. SWT have NOW proposed only seasonal closure and this proposal will incur the costs of welding a hinged bar to the already existing height restriction structure! Also after an email to SCC they have replied stating SWT will be monitoring DISPLACED parking ( at extra cost? ) .Please help keep this car park open and everyone still able to enjoy our great British woodland in safety.
    465 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Rose
  • Air Pollution Alerts
    According to Public Health England, the percentage of premature deaths attributable to minute particles known as PM2.5s rose to 5.3% in 2013 in England from 5.1% in 2012. The death rate in London rose to 6.7% from 6.6%. The figures follow significant improvements in air quality across England in 2010 and 2011. The figures were announced as scientists at King’s college London warned of “high” or “very high” particulate pollution across much of London and south-east England for a second day. Seems that this information is only available if you're in the know. Official government figures suggest 29,000 people die prematurely from air pollution a year across the UK from particle pollution emitted by vehicles, central heating systems and dust. Friends of the Earth said: “There must be proper public warnings when there are bad air pollution episodes like today’s - but rather than people having to restrict their activities it must be vehicles which are restricted so that people’s health is protected.” People with heart conditions or breathing problems were advised to reduce exercise and to stay at home. last 2 days
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by deborah tonnesen
  • Demand the SNP state they will ban Fracking in Scotland
    Our environment is important to us and it's about time we started to realise this. We need to focus on renewable energy. I believe a stronger stance against fracking would also gain the SNP more support.
    43 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Rossi
  • Keep Barnsley Frack Free
    We are concerned that fracking could: • Contaminate our water supply • Pollute the air with hazardous chemicals • Cause earthquakes • Reduce the value of our homes • Increase our insurance premiums • Make our roads less safe by increasing heavy traffic • Leak methane, which is a potent greenhouse gas 80 times more powerful than carbon dioxide • Cause illness in local populations • Increase noise and light pollution from drilling operations and traffic movement. Fracking is bad for our environment, bad for our communities and we call upon Barnsley Council to reject fracking in Barnsley.
    2,896 of 3,000 Signatures
    Created by Andy Hemingway
  • Save the fishing community of Cove Harbour
    Landowner Pralhad Kohle is trying to prevent fishermen at Cove Bay from using their boats, as people in the community have done since the 1790s. He is trying to evict them and has blocked access with boulders. Cove Bay would not be the place that it is without the harbour. Cove was built and founded on fishing and removing the boats would remove the heart of the village. It would take away people's livelihoods and remove a natural resource from future generations. The local community deserve to keep their heritage, and be allowed to enjoy it.
    11,318 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Claire Adam
  • stop clear felling trees in cairgorms national park
    Animals need woodland habitat. Riversides need trees to help prevent flooding. Humans need trees and the oxygen provided. A lot of these woods have been ignored for about half a century and are now 'semi-natural'. Suddenly timber is very valuable again (woe to woodchip boilers but that is another campaign...) Lovely Scots pine teeming with red squirrels and pine martins and cross bills and so much other wildlife. My home is right beside one of these woods which is earmarked for clearfelling the last of the trees in the immediate area (Corgarff, Aberdeenshire). It is unbearable to imagine the woodland gone and this seems to be the norm across the park. How can we do this in a national park? We criticise people in other parts of the world for clearing forest and still we do it in our own national parks? Lets stop this!!!
    370 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Sally Scott