100% London teamed up with energy experts to come up with nine essential steps to a clean energy future for London. The mayor needs to stand with every Londoner, including businesses, schools, hospitals and local councils, to make sure we build a clean future for our city. Here’s what the new mayor should commit to do to make London 100% clean: - Fix up older homes, to make them warm and energy efficient - Invest in public transport - Create a network of renewable energy suppliers - Make cycling safe and accessible for everybody - A city-wide solar power strategy - Make freight carbon-free - Cleaner air through lower vehicle emissions - Use resources well, and recycle more effectively - Modernise our workplaces to make them energy efficient
    291 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Hannah Lownsbrough
  • Gates Foundation Divest - Fossil Free Health
    As pointed out recently by the 2015 Lancet Commission on Health and Climate Change, the global health improvements witnessed in recent decades risk being undone by climate change.. We also know that most of the existing coal, oil and gas reserves must stay in the ground if this is to be avoided. However, the energy sector’s continued exploration for new fossil fuel reserves makes clear that they will only respond to market forces. The ethical and financial case for fossil fuel divestment is thus well founded, and widely supported by, amongst others, the President of the World Bank and Director-General of the World Health Organisation (WHO)- both public health physicians. Whilst we commend the Gates Foundation Asset Trust’s recent decision to divest $765.9 million worth of shares from ExxonMobil, we feel that this does not go far enough. By failing to divest from the major fossil fuel companies, the Gates Foundation is implicitly providing moral support to companies that continue to obstruct meaningful action to reduce GHG emissions. Just as important, it sends the wrong signal to many governments who continue to frame their energy policies under the influence of the fossil fuel industry. It also misses the opportunity to support a transition to a safer and healthier world through transfer of investment to the renewable energy sector. Constructive engagement with the fossil fuel industry is important, but the Gates Foundation is better placed to support the transformation of the energy sector if it does not simultaneously signal that it is morally acceptable to profit from industries that cause global warming and threaten the health, biodiversity and security of the planet. Yours sincerely, Dr David McCoy, Medact, UK Prof. Hugh Montgomery, University College London Prof Sue Atkinson and Dr Robin Stott, on behalf of the Climate and Health Council, UK Dr David Pencheon, Director, Sustainable Development Unit for the Health and Social Care System, UK ----------- If you are from outside the UK then please email [email protected] with the following details, and we will add you to the petition manually: Full name, Email, Job title, Country and whether you work in the health sector.
    316 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Alice Munro
  • BP out of the Edinburgh International Festival
    The Edinburgh International Festival's mission is to contribute to "many aspects of life, be it cultural and economic, education and society and enhances the lives of people not just in Edinburgh and Scotland, but around the world". We believe this vision is at odds with the human rights abuses and environmental destruction perpetrated by one of the Festival's sponsor: oil giant BP. BP is now being taken to court by Gilberto Torres (pictured above in the middle), former Columbian trade union leader, with the assistance of War on Want and a British law firm for being complicit in the crimes perpetrated by the oil company Ocensa. The company is accused of financing the torture, murder and disappearance of more than 12,000 people in the oil-rich and politically unstable region of Casanare. While issues of funding are of increasing importance to cultural institutions, we strongly believe there is no rationale to justify the reconciliation of fossil fuel corporations and the arts. Therefore, we are now calling on the Edinburgh International Festival to remove BP from its corporate sponsors.
    122 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Emilie Tricarico
  • Immediate Moratorium on Fracking in England
    Fracking is an inherently dangerous industrial process which poisons water aquifers. Do we want our families and future generations to suffer from the effects of chemically contaminated water in perpetuity? Environment America's Research and policy Centre’s report in 2013, which studied the impact of fracking across the United States, states that fracking poses grave risks to the environment and human health. For this reason the Scottish and Welsh assemblies have imposed a moratorium on fracking in Scotland and Wales. There have been many cases across the US where contamination of drinking water has led to serious impacts on health for humans and livestock. I urge anyone to get hold of it, it makes very sobering reading. Fracking is not a safe industry and the evidence from studies in the US backs this up. The visual and environmental impact of this industrial process on the landscape and to habitats is dramatic and therefore extremely concerning. Damage is caused by drilling through water bearing rock strata and pumping a cocktail of toxic chemicals at extremely high pressure in order to shatter oil bearing shale. Well linings break and degrade leading to irreversible contamination of aquifers. The vast quantities, millions of gallons, of water for this process must be taken in competition with the needs of irrigation for agriculture and our drinking water. The water becomes contaminated and cannot be recycled but has to be brought back to the surface and stored in reservoirs or dumped, leading to escape and further permanent damage to the environment. Fracking will without question threaten the purity and future security of water aquifers across England in densely populated counties including Surrey, Sussex and Hampshire. Drilling horizontally below for example beneath the South Downs National Park cannot be considered safe. In geological terms, this isn't very deep at all. Depth does not address the risk fundamentals that high pressure fracking and extraction from well head to oil bearing strata and in reverse in a environmentally sensitive and densely populated region poses to health. Fracking should be regulated with as much rigour as the nuclear industry is under European Environmental Impact Assessment regulation. The impact of fracking is such a critical and detailed issue for the UK, I urge everyone to review the evidence on fracking that is emerging from the US for themselves and not rely on ministerial briefings and support a moratorium on fracking in England until fracking can ever be proved to be a safe and sustainable industrial practice. There are proven safe and sustainable alternatives to securing the nation's energy requirements.
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David O'Brien
  • Stop the explosive madness!
    Pet owners. The elderly. Parents. Shift workers. We know the cost of a bit of fun. It's not just one evening. It starts at the beginning of October, and goes on and on, to Christmas, new year, and so on. Animals cannot tell that this is fun. It sounds like war. It sounds bad. It sounds scary.
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Nicola King
  • Reduce supermarket waste of fruit and vegetables
    Farmers are throwing away tonnes of fresh food because supermarkets only accept “perfect” fruit and vegetables of an exact shape and size. The supermarkets are worried misshapen potatoes put customers off. But we are their customers - so let’s tell them we’ll buy fruit and veg that looks the way mother nature intended it. A huge petition, powered by shoppers, could convince supermarket bosses to stop rejecting perfectly good food.
    170,102 of 200,000 Signatures
    Created by Kitty Shaw
  • Petition for Clean Green Buses and Clean Air
    Air pollution from road traffic causes tens of thousands of people every year in the UK to die prematurely. Children's health is suffering too. Norwich has several air pollution hotspots. These include Castle Meadow, where diesel buses contribute to unsafe air quality. Signing the petition below would put pressure on Norfolk County Council to promote clean green buses. 5,000 signatures are needed to trigger a debate by a Full Norfolk County Council meeting. As the local transport authority, Norfolk County Council can influence the emissions standard of bus vehicles run by private bus companies; for example it can specify bus vehicle standards: - when letting Park and Ride contracts - in providing bus priority measures - by creating low emissions zones. Thank you for your support.
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Simeon Jackson
  • Please stop the eviction of East Lothian families.
    Andrew and Claire Stoddart have been farming in East Lothian for 22 years. During this time they have invested heavily in infrastructure and buildings on their farm at Colstoun Mains, creating a profitable and well-managed business. The Stoddart family are an integral part of the community. Andrew and Claire are well liked, and their 3 children go to the local school, as do the 4 children of their employees. The Stoddarts have been asked to leave the farm by the end of November. Once evicted, the Stoddart family will be forced to move from the local area, laying off their two employees, and taking their children away from school and friends. They are to be given very little recompense for the investments they have made over their lifetime, leaving them both homeless and unable to buy a farm elsewhere. I urge you all to show your support by signing this petition to ask the Scottish Government to intervene and stop the forced eviction of the Stoddart family. I address this petition to Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, and Iain Gray, MSP for East Lothian. Some of the issues around this eviction are highlighted in the channel 4 news item below. You can see what Andrew Stoddart has to say at 6:33 minutes. https://youtu.be/E-6DzKzmFtA Thank you for your support.
    20,445 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Michelle Anne Wood
  • Preventing food wastage
    As can be seen in this new report by Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, The amount of fresh vegetables wasted because they do not meet the cosmetic standards of these supermarkets is monumental. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34647454?SThisFB Other reports show that conditions such as scurvy, malnutrition and rickets are on the increase. To dispose of food produce that is perfectly edible but is deemed not saleable simply because they do not conform to the right size and dimensions while people go hungry through not being able to afford or access such produce is criminal. I have previously petitioned you to stop disposing of foodstuffs that are still edible but out of date and some responded stating they had a policy to send food to charities that asked for it. I am now asking you to create a policy that provides an avenue for these fruit and vegetables to be made accessible. I am not asking you to give them away. Wastage of this produce is causing financial harm to the farmers that grow it. I find such an attitude that creates this waste abhorrent when so many are going hungry.
    291 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Michael Birchmore
  • Save Our Sunshine: No to overshadowing nursery school
    We are a group of Hackney residents and parents of children at Colvestone Primary School. Without consulting the Education Department, and in the face of 70 objections from local people, Hackney Council’s Planning Committee has approved a development proposal that will significantly overshadow the nursery school next door. More than 30 children every year, and for generations to come, will be robbed of sunlight in the outdoor space of the nursery so that a developer can build “light-filled” private studio flats above the proposed ground floor and basement café. We are outraged by this decision. We expect the Mayor to put the education, health and well-being of the children first. • We have an independent expert review of the proposal which concludes that the building would cause “an increase of three to four times the existing levels of overshadowing” • A local resident, Judith Watt, has launched a legal challenge to the Council’s planning decision • We are urging the Council to act now to enforce historic property covenants that protect sunlight to the school's land. Please, Mayor, do the right thing.
    227 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Mami McKeran Picture
  • Stop Cosmetic Standards Wasting Edible Food
    After reading Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's article (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-34647454) about the rejection of perfectly edible vegetables I knew that something really needs to be done. On average 30% of edible food is wasted in the UK. This is due to many factors such as passing the 'best before end' date and cooking too much. However a huge proportion of food is wasted even before it reaches the supermarket's shelves. According to the British Retail Consortium, 3 million tonnes of food is wasted before it leaves the farm. For example parsnips not having a perfectly straight shape are thrown away. 4 million portions of parsnips are wasted every year from a Norfolk farm because the Supermarket Client isn't happy enough with the shape. It is very frustrating for so much to be wasted when it could for the very least be donated to food banks. Strict standards apply for 10 of the most popular types of fruit and vegetables, including tomatoes and strawberries. Please sing this petition to show that you don't mind buying misshapen produce and feel that it is wrong to waste so much. Many families are struggling to provide food every day when thousands of tonnes are being thrown away.
    110 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Huw Richards
  • Stop the damming of the River Conwy
    RWE Innogy have submitted a planning application to dam the river Conwy and build a hydro electric power plant. The Afon Conwy is a unique & nationally important river designated as a Site of Special Scientific Interest, a famous salmon & sea trout fishery and classic white water kayaking and canoeing resource. The section of the river that will be affected by the dam includes the famous Conwy Falls waterfall a significant visitor attraction and the iconic Fairy Glen. Photo ©Andy Teasdale
    6,319 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Chris Wright