• NO FRACKING IN THE UK- Anti-fracking campaign
    Hydraulic fracturing is harmful to the climate ________________________________________________ If natural gas from fracking was not so long ago considered as a bridge from dirty coal to more climate friendly solutions. Indeed, fracking has been proved to be linked to important leaks of methane – a 23 times more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide. FRACKING Contaminates soils, air and water We depend on clean soils in many ways. Feeding ourselves is but one. Clean air is even simpler to comprehend as we breathe the air around us. So if hydraulic fracturing pollutes both soils and air, how can we eat food grown on this land? It Is NOT part of the vital energy transition. Fracking is just polluting and inefficient means of heating our houses and moving our cars and trucks when better solutions are at our disposal. Far better solutions like low carbon energy sources such as renewables (solar, wind, geothermal…) and energy efficiency can be part of an energy transition that is safe for our civilization and our climate. An energy transition based on these two could bring thousands of local jobs and money without any risks. As a matter of facts, it has already started… Fracking consumes vast amounts of precious water ___________________________________________________________________________________ Water as more and more countries are getting drier, using energy sources that consumes vast amounts of water is just sheer madness. The UK is currently facing drought conditions and this is set to continue to get worse in years to come. Climate Progress reported that each fracking job requires several million gallons of water, of which only around a quarter is being recovered. Shale gas drilling has been linked in many occasions to FLAMMABLE drinking water. The Economist published an article on it. Injecting in our environment a cocktail of water, sand and no less than hundreds of chemicals that can cause cancers or are neurotoxins. Not the kind of stuff you want anywhere near you… 5. Causes earthquakes In Ohio Drilling holes in the soil and injecting massive amounts of chemicals and wastewater created earthquakes. A recent study from one of the world’s leading seismology labs quoted by Reuters show that ” powerful earthquakes thousands of miles (km) away can trigger swarms of minor quakes near wastewater-injection wells like those used in oil and gas recovery “ The US Geological Survey (USGS) linked up to 50 earthquakes to fracking in Oklahoma. Magnitudes were ranging from 1.0 to 4.0. Puts arsenic in groundwater tables Arsenic is a poison of choice if you want to dispose of an Emperor or a King. Most unfortunately to people near fracking wells, it also has been found in groundwater near fracking wells. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has found traces of it on multiple occasions as the Los Angeles Times and ProPublica both reported. Doesn’t benefit We, the People. Because of all the negative side effects, the People can lose a lot because of fracking. The ones who benefit from it really are only the companies conducting it. Rural communities can be revived thanks to wind power’s money. Please sign to keep Fracking off the table for good, and maintain the ban on use in the UK.
    50 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Anna Day Picture
  • Climate control
    Climate control is one of the most important issues around today. Humans need to act by using more sustainable energy and recycling better! Is it fair for your children to live in a polluted earth just because of the impact we have made to the environment? We need all the help we can get to spread this issue to as many people as possible! Thank you for your time.
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Elizabeth Coyne
  • Give Wiltshire public fruit trees and a community fruit distribution network
    If you want to make your town a more resilient and positive place for people and wildlife, please help by signing this petition. Together we can contribute to a movement that has already enjoyed success in urban areas across the world, from Montreal, Canada, to Perth, Australia, and beyond!
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kira Jefferies
  • Stop effluent being discharged by Water Companies
    With ever growing urbanisation the problem of water companies discharging untreated effluent can only get worse. They must be made to invest in new technologies but it has to come at government level. We need to send a clear message to Ofwat.
    31 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mike Mudryk
  • Demand the government take urgent action to tackle high levels of pollution
    Pollution impacts us all but it particularly affects vulnerable people and children and costs many lives.We must all work together to put pressure on the government to eradicate this ‘silent’ menace.
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Tanner
  • Ban the use of disposable barbeques
    Our natural environment is already at risk from climate change. biodiversity loss and loss of habitat. During this heatwave at least 75 wildfires have been started by disposable barbeques. They also cannot be recycled so negatively impact the environment is multiple ways. Please sign this petition and ask the minister for the environment George Eustice to do the right thing.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sarah Smith
  • Plastic-free fruit and veg
    We are drowning in plastic. If we left the packaging at the till (which we are entitled to do) they would soon stop. They don't want a mountain of plastic to deal with. So why are we accepting it? Loose fruit and vegetables means a weekly shop without contributing to landfill and carbon emissions. It is a no-brainer. The supermarkets need to know how it is entirely unnecessary and unwanted to package fruit and vegetables.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mahalia Almaz
  • Safety railings at Marine Drive crossing over New Chester Road Port Sunlight
    This issue is close to my heart as I live on the A41 near to the crossing and have seen the difficulties with this crossing for all the residents who live either side. The pavements are busy with cyclists using half and sometimes going at speed, which decreases the space required to keep at a safe distance away from the kerb at the crossing. Sometimes the rain collects beside the crossing and cars are driving through the puddles at speed, causing pedestrians to get soaked! It is hazardous and needs to be reviewed and improved as soon as possible before there is an accident. There is also an issue of the crossing not having an audible beeping sound when safe to cross, it takes a long time to cross safely and is wholly inadequate when compared to all other crossings on main roads and busy dual carriageways.
    55 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beth Birbeck
  • Stop The Stink! Petition against RAW SEWAGE discharge in Congleton Constituency
    In Congleton Constituency, data from The Rivers Trust revealed that in 2021, there were 1477 raw sewage spills which occurred for a total of 6206 hours (equivalent to 258 days, or over 8 months of continuous discharge). Nationally, only 14% of UK rivers meet Good Ecological Status and 75% pose a serious risk to human health. We deserve better.
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Heather Seddon
  • Sir Patrick Vallance is briefing MPs on climate - make sure yours is there!
    Please, please invite your MP to the UK’s first ever high-level briefing by leading scientists on the latest climate science and strategies for implementing net-zero. Amazing news! Chief Scientific Adviser Sir Patrick Vallance and other scientific leaders will brief MPs on the Climate and Ecological Emergency in JUST OVER A WEEK, on Monday 11 July. This will be a version of the briefing Sir Patrick gave to Boris Johnson, which the PM described as his 'Road to Damascus moment' on the CEE. 29,000 of us, together with 79 eminent climate scientists and 29 leading clinicians, called for an urgent briefing, so that climate policy can be based on science not lobbying and misinformation. Sir Patrick will brief MPs on MONDAY 11 JULY, 3.30-5.00pm, just like he did during the worst of the Covid-19 crisis. Accompanying him will be Prof Gideon Henderson, the Chief Scientific Adviser for DEFRA; Prof Stephen Belcher, Met Office Chief Scientist; and Prof Emily Shuckburgh, Director of Cambridge Zero, the University of Cambridge’s major climate initiative. An amazingly eminent panel. I am asking if you can do one thing – take one minute to write to your MP and insist they attend. We can get hundreds and hundreds of our MPs to turn up at this vital briefing so that they are up to date with the latest science and can act to protect us, as we elected them to do. Writing a letter is quick, powerful and straightforward, even if you’ve not done it before. If you use template letter above without personalising it, it could take less than a minute: Visit www.writetothem.com Enter your postcode Scroll past councillors to find your MP and click on their name Write your letter (you can base it on our template, or even better use it to write your own), add your address and press Preview and Send Check your letter and press Send That’s it! You’ve taken action to help ensure your MP is informed on the most important issue of our time
    33 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ian McDermott
    The Housing Crisis isn't something that's new, if anything its getting worse. We need your help to be able to pressure the people in power to provide for us and our needs.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ellie-Mae Shelton
  • #Don't allow HSBC to "Pinkwash" Birmingham Pride
    The last couple of years have been a challenge to say the least and I think it’s fair to say we could do with a good time. I do understand why Birmingham Pride might need corporate sponsorship, BUT, by allowing HSBC to sponsor the event, they, and Becky Hill's management team, are allowing themselves to be "Pinkwashed". Four reasons why Birmingham Pride should not accept HSBC's sponsorhip and why Becky Hill should not perform at Birmingham Pride if they allow themselves to be "Pinkwashed" by HSBC are: 1: HSBC allegedly still provides loans to companies that are destroying the eco-system that all life on earth depends on. Since 2016, they have provided approximately £72billion to fossil fuel companies. Approximately £26billion of that has gone to coal, gas and oil companies expanding fossil fuels. In 2019, it was linked to livestock and soy companies (that have allegedly been linked to illegal deforestation in the Amazon rainforest) to the tune of approximately £626million. 2: They have also been widely criticised for publicly supporting China’s anti-democratic legislation in Hong Kong where people face lifetime imprisonment if they dare to stand up to the system. 3: “In July 2017, War on Want released a report which found that HSBC had provided £19.3 billion in loans to and held £832 million in shares for companies supplying Israel with arms”*. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign wrote an open letter (https://www.palestinecampaign.org/open-letter-to-birmingham-pride-from-11-lgbtqia-groups-drop-hsbc/) to Birmingham Pride in 2020 asking them to drop HSBC as a sponsor as they finance the atrocities that are taking place in Palestine. Side-note, by trying to claim Palestinian land as their own, haven't Israel been doing to Palestine for decades what Russia is currently doing to Ukraine? 4: In the year 2020, HSBC allegedly had the worst gender pay gap of all the British banks. Side-note, can you imagine how quickly pay gaps would close if a black man was being paid more than a white man or a gay man was being paid more than a straight man for doing the same job? LGBTQIA+ communities around the world have fought long and hard against oppression. Sadly, in some parts of the world, they are still fighting, sometimes for their lives, against oppression. If Birmingham Pride accepts sponsorship from a business that not only plays a part in the oppression of Hong Kong citizens and the killing of Palestinian citizens but is also financing the destruction of the planet and if Becky Hill performs at a festival that is sponsored by a business as toxic as HSBC, the messages they are sending to the LGBTQIA+ community in Birmingham, oppressed people the world over, women and our children is loud and couldn't be clearer: Birmingham Pride and Becky Hill don't care about the oppression and killing of people in other countries, Birmingham Pride and Becky Hill don't care about the destruction of the eco-system that all life depends on (including the lives of our children and our children's children) and Birmingham Pride and Becky Hill also don't care about financial inequalities between the sexes. If Birmingham Pride, the LGBTQIA+ community, the people of Birmingham and Becky Hill allow themselves to be "PInkwashed" by HSBC, the message they will send is that none of those things matter, just so long as people get to have a good time at Birmingham Pride. Is that really what Birmingham Pride, the LGBTQIA+ community, the people of Birmingham and Becky Hill want to be known and remembered for? *https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/money-finance/whats-wrong-hsbc-barclays
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Malikai Andrew Picture