• Mental Health Support for 18+
    There is limited support for young people, 18+, who have mental health issues in the UK. I care about this issue so much as I've seen it effect others around me and also myself. I myself benefit from CAHMS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) as it gives me a place to go and share my problems in a controlled, calm and comfortable environment. Losing this service would have a very negative impact on my life as well as others as 18 is not the age where people find closure to the problems they have experienced in their life involving mental health. 18 is when people leave school and are released into work. People become adults and that brings along with it stress, this stress is why people 18+ need CAHMS as they don't know how to cope. This can lead to suicidal thoughts and also suicidal actions. Please sign this petition and lets help young people get the support they need! You could be saving a life!
    32 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Stephen Montgomery
  • Stop non-residents parking in resident car parking spaces at Salisbury District Hospital.
    Visitors car park are for visitors only and staff car parks are for staff only- therefore residents car parks should be for residents only. If there are not enough spaces provided for staff, more spaces need to be provided. Resident car parks should not be used as an over fill.
    45 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Alex Oldham
  • Safer trolleys for family shopping
    Grocery shopping with small children is never a fun job, nor anyone's first choice of outing with the children! However, shopping trolleys at budget supermarkets tend not to have the clip child safety restraints to deter little ones from standing up in the seat, or worse, falling from that height onto a solid concrete floor. If all supermarkets were to have appropriate and approved child safety belts, it would prevent numerous injuries and increase parental peace of mind.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lindsay Ryan
  • Make the warnings of the side effects of prescribed medicines far more transparent
    A major contributing factor in my brothers death , who was cut down by a massive fatal heart attack There are so many modern medicines being prescribed and too few people realise what it is they are taking, This must stop. A clear understanding of the after effects should be explained, informing the patient of the choice
    74 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Benson
  • Bring Back Vital Support and Assistance Phone Lines For The Vulnerable
    Kent Support and Assistance as it was called (KSAS), a Government Scheme funded £2.8 million pound in its first year and millions since, has just recently had removal the information of its phone service with the web page edited slightly to remove the multi million scheme's name too. You can only find information on the scheme by typing 'help in a crisis' or something similar into the KCC search bar with it's new name 'Home essentials in a Crisis'. The page has its header name changed and their number removed but is other wise the same. This seems to also be the case with other essential council services whereby you have to report/claim for help online not taking into consideration the vulnerable and those without internet access or the know how to use this method, the only choice given. This is something us a non funded organisation fill the faps with as they refer clients to us when turning people down for help was not informed of, nor any other sign posting agency we lisise with. We are already seeing the rise in cases coming to us before this at our Thanet 7 day Food Bank, non funded and run by community, something we have had to take the demand for with errors to this KCC service since it began in Spring 2013 following the abolishment of the DWP's social fund's Crisis Loans and Community Care Grants. As an organisation, we have previously fought to get waiting times down in their first year which was proven to be productive after being asked to meet with the scheme's commissioner when we swapped figures on how many people Kent County Council were helping in Thanet compared to our non funded 7 day food bank. The figures were shocking Our concerns were acted on after myself and vice chairman Robin were asked to meet the commisioner of the scheme and his colleague who travelled to meet us from Maidstone after we voiced our growing concerns through several channels Waiting times were at least 14 days often longer for a decision on helping with emergency food, gas and electric, by which time their situations had largely started to sort themselves but claimants were still receiving food and fuel from KSAS after we had supported them through their hardships within 24 hours which even the clients acknowledged to be a waste of the council money. The commissioner, Hugh Martyn listened to what we provide non funded and he called me the 'Gap Filler', he asked what we see as the need here in Thanet and was quick to act with waiting time reduced to a matter of days rather than weeks within weeks. This was funded £2.8 million pound in the spring of 2013 with further millions in funding year on year following from Central Government to provide a service to the people in need from Maidstone to the whole of Kent. Right now, the people of Kent are being let down hugely yet again. We will be gathering more figures and FOI's into exactly how many services have had their phone contact service removed. **If you would like to get involved or would like to share your story, please send us an email to [email protected] or [email protected] Kerry Keating and Robin Vaughan Lyons
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kerry Keating People in Need Picture
  • To create awareness and develop treatment on Temporomandibular (Jaw) Joint disorders
    The symptoms of TMJD include facial pain, reduced mouth opening and headaches which can be very debilitating. TMJD affects approx. 25% of the population. There are very few NHS clinics which provide TMJD treatment in the UK compared to the USA even though there are NICE Guidelines set out for TMJD, most patients who do not know that treatment is available.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Krina Panchal Picture
  • Fracking Referendum
    House prices are already falling behind other areas of the country and the already crumbling roads cant cope with the extra traffic. The environment will be destroyed and the money will not remain in the Fylde and maybe not in the UK. A study shows that the increase in employment is dwarfed by the loss of agriculture jobs not to mention the reduction in the tourism industry.
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Derek Ball
  • Keep acupuncture in NHS for low back pain.
    N.I.C.E. have recommended acupuncture for low back pain since 2009 and are now reversing their decision.The British Acupuncture Federation (BAF) which represents six organisations covering all styles of acupuncture can attest to its effectiveness for this condition based on proven outcomes. The US military obviously agrees with BAF with regard to acupuncture's effectiveness in pain relief as its Warrior Transition Unit Clinics treat large numbers of soldiers injured in combat with Battlefield Acupuncture for pain relief. The World Health Organisation states that low back pain is the leading cause of activity limitation and work absence throughout much of the world, so if you haven't suffered from it yet, the odds are that you will. Do you want to be deprived of an effective treatment within the NHS and have to rely on anti-inflammatory drugs with their known side effects? -- If not please sign the petition and support patient choice.
    669 of 800 Signatures
    Created by Anthony Dickenson
  • Make Mental Health Awareness compulsory in all schools.
    I am a young champion for time to change (the national movement to end the stigma surrounding mental health) I am not however acting for or working for time to change. I feel that it is really important to try and help tackle the stigma attached to Mental Health therefore enabling people to accept and seek help when they need to without being afraid of being stigmatised against. I know from personal experience the misconceptions and stigma surrounding these conditions can prevent you from accessing or seeking help without being labeled. For example I did not want to seek the help I needed until my problems got so bad that there was no choice but to get help as I could not look after myself. I did not want to be classed as an "attention seeker" amongst other things. Also I did not have any knowledge of any Mental Health conditions or even know they existed so could not see the early warning signs that meant something was not right and I needed help.
    58 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ben McCullough Picture
  • Endometriosis awareness should be a part of sex education & HRT should be free on the NHS
    I would like to understand why HRT is not free on the NHS. I would like to know as at the age of 29 year old I have to pay £8.45 a month for HRT as I have endometriosis when the contraceptive pill is free. I do have a prepaid annual prescription card that costs £104.00. But not every woman can afford this. Endometriosis awareness is very important. I started my period when I was 11. I didn't realise that they weren't 'normal.' If I had been made aware of the condition it may not have taken me so long for me to get diagnosed, as was one of the common side effects of endometriosis is Irregular and painful periods.
    128 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nicola Feetham
  • Ban Dangerous Pesticides in South & Vale of White Horse Oxfordshire
    The use of glyphosates has already been banned or restricted in 8 countries. It is not acceptable that ourselves, our children and the animals we share our community with are being routinely exposed to these chemicals whether we like it or not. This is a matter of great importance for those of us who care about each other's health and the health of our children, our cats, our dogs and all the flora and fauna of this city, of course including our beloved bees. If you don't live in this area, click here to sign or start the campaign for your city: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/start-a-pesticide-campaign
    29 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kim Pike
  • Clear labelling on animal products
    Overuse of antibiotics are harmful- government agrees. Doctors are trying to restrict them. Why are they allowed in the food chain and if so put on label - simple
    11 of 100 Signatures
    Created by alison davies