Close Legal Loophole allowing Patients NO Protection against Negligent SurgeonsWe currently face a problematic situation where there is a schism between the laws that protect patients within the NHS and those that relate to private healthcare when an injury is sustained by a patient due to negligent treatment. Private healthcare patients are commonly led to believe that the care they are paying for will exceed the highest standards offered by the NHS, and assume that the claims made in company mission statements, advertising literature and company accounts have to be correct and true by law. Unfortunately, this is not so. In cases where patients are treated wrongfully or negligently private healthcare patients currently have less access to adequate redress and compensation than NHS patients. This is partly because liability insurance for surgeons in the private sector is discretionary rather than mandatory meaning that cover can be withdrawn – even retrospectively – leaving patients without the possibility of compensation. The petitioners therefore ask Parliament to legislate to require all private healthcare providers/companies/institutions to have liability insurance covering compensation for negligence in the work of their employees and of freelance healthcare professionals working on their behalf or practising on their premises. Furthermore, private healthcare providers/companies/institutions should be obligated to ensure that the surgeons they provide to perform procedures are not only correctly qualified and competent, but also not under investigation, suspension or other disciplinary action from other private healthcare providers/companies/institutions or NHS authorities. At present legislation is insufficient, allowing one private healthcare company to permit their legal representatives to write in a legal defence document that they were ‘under no obligation to provide competent surgeons to perform surgery at the hospital’ and had ‘no duty to protect patients from harm, and risk of injury’. The Petitioners would like to add that legislation should be put in place to ensure that no surgeon under disciplinary procedures can work anywhere in the UK (NHS or private sector) until the issues for which they are being investigated are properly and completely resolved to the satisfaction of the GMC, the patient(s) and in the case of fatalities the patients' families. We ask Secretary of State for Health, Jeremy Hunt and the Department of Health to close the legal loophole which allows for private healthcare patients to be left without protection or redress when things go wrong. With an increasing role played by private healthcare companies fulfilling NHS contracts we must put public safety first and ensure that private healthcare companies are obligated to provide clinical excellence for all their patients, to be transparent in their investigation of complaints and to provide proper protection and redress if things go wrong. We must not allow negligent practice to run rife in the private sector, and we cannot allow ruthless profiteering without responsibility to permeate our NHS.22 of 100 SignaturesCreated by SarahJane Downing
Force the UK government into doing more for RefugeesImagine the nuclear bombs in our country went off, leaving our nation a wasteland and we had to flee to mainland Europe or Africa, should they turn us away because we're refugees? Because we're of another faith or skin colour? Would other nations letting us die be okay? Chances are you said, no, so how is it okay for us to let thousands of people die every day trying to escape war. War that we created. They're trying to escape the IS, they're trying to escape the bombs that France, America and We drop on them. We need to do more. These are human beings and we are letting them die.13 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Xander Wilson
Let's Talk About Darryl.....Darryl could be any one of hundreds of people in this city. He has clearly fallen through the cracks and is caught up in some Kafkaesque bureaucratic nightmare. He needs a home. He is not alone.7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by jonathan richards
Solidarity with Nottinghamshire homelessNottinghamshire council and the police should be offering practical and emotional support to the most vulnerable to help get them back on their feet. Even if someone does have an addiction they should still be given 100 % support as it is an illness and should be treated as such, getting them the right help needed rather than isolating them further.10 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Kelly Cox
Stop people with mental health being arrested.I am a carer.I was looking after a lady with Autzimers when she became violent and distraught and attacked me.I called an ambulance for her thinking they could help.They called the police and she was dragged off screaming frightened and becoming more violent.She was handcuffed and locked in a cell for at least 2 days before she was referred to a hospital.This poor lady was now a criminal as she attacked a police officer out of fear.I cant believe this was the answer to helping a vunerable person with a mental health issue.20 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Madeleine Fuggle
Help stop the press lying to usKeeping our society fair means that people need accurate information on which to make an informed decision about the issues they care about. In the recent referendum on the EU both Leave and Remain campaigns were supported by the press in spreading disingenuous information to suit an agenda. The news media spread misinformation and outright lies instead of reporting facts. Several retractions have since been made in tiny panels tucked away where they cannot be seen without a headline. To help the news media uphold the high editorial standards which they aim to meet I think it is important that there is a cost to them for lying to the public and that retractions, apologies and correction are clear and visible. The Editors' Code of Practice can be found here: https://www.ipso.co.uk/editors-code-of-practice/ It states that "A significant inaccuracy, misleading statement or distortion must be corrected, promptly and with due prominence, and — where appropriate — an apology published. In cases involving IPSO, due prominence should be as required by the regulator." We believe that 'due prominence' should impact upon the publication to a degree that encourages due diligence. Please sign the petition if you agree.34 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Andy Madeley
The Forgotten Report ChilcotThe Chilcot Report has been hidden from the public view by the elections of both Labour Party and Consevrative Leaders. The Media have not had the time to promote Chilcot s findings, debate or even discuss what should happen to Tony Blair . Many of the wives and families of the Armed Forces involved in the Alfagistan action have been short changed with limited publicity and to reach outcomes.2 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ron Hughes
Let us say NO to RACISM and HATEGiven the detrimental effects of the increase in hate crimes, caused by RACISM, following the recent EU referendum, it is time we as a country, a modern, civilised, tolerant and pluralistic society bring into being, laws which are aimed at reducing as many of the root causes of such crimes as possible. One of the primary sources is politicians. Therefore, let us campaign for the government to bring into force laws that make it ILLEGAL for anyone or organization, be they politicians, political parties, party supporters or an individual, to use race, ethnicity, nationality or religion when campaigning in any election or referendum, local or national.21 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Orlanzo Cole
Say No to Jericho's Stolen ResourcesThe Dead Sea cosmetic products company Jericho Cosmetics trades from stalls in Aberdeen’s Union Square and Trinity Centre. Dead Sea products are made with minerals illegally extracted by Israeli authorities from occupied Palestinian territories surrounding the Dead Sea. We appeal for a peaceful boycott of all Dead Sea products and for the closure of Jericho Cosmetics stalls on the following basis: 1- The extraction and commercialisation of resources from an occupied territory by the occupant is prohibited by UN resolutions and the Fourth Geneva Convention [1]. This is exactly what Israeli authorities are pursuing by commercialising Dead Sea cosmetics. Notably, Palestinians have no access to such resources. The exclusive access of resources to a section of the population based on ethnicity amounts to apartheid as defined by the UN. 2- The Israeli army has created 4 military checkpoints in the West Bank and has enforced inhumane restrictions of movement on Palestinian civilians. This seriously impairs the life of tens of thousands of Palestinians living in the West Bank, including children, who have to go through these checkpoints every day to reach their schools and hospitals [2, 3, 4]. The Israeli army is also fostering an apartheid culture by stopping Palestinians from accessing the beach resorts while these are being used by Israeli citizens [5]. 3- The Israeli settlements have hijacked the fresh water resources, with the consequence that now some Palestinians are consuming less than 40% the minimum recommended by the World Health Organization. This also means that the traditional Palestinian agriculture is becoming unsustainable [2]. Sustained campaigns in Glasgow, Dundee and Edinburgh have resulted in the closure of Dead Sea cosmetics stalls in shopping centres across Scotland. We urge Aberdeen’s Union Square and Trinity Centre to also distance themselves from the theft of resources and human right abuses by removing Jericho stalls from their premises. Aberdeen Branch, Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign References: [1] http://www.cjpme.org/fs_146 [2] http://www.btselem.org/publications/summaries/dispossession-and-exploitation-israels-policy-jordan-valley-northern-dead-sea [3] http://www.btselem.org/jordan_valley/other_resources [4] http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-1.677426 [5] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/palestinians-barred-from-dead-sea-beaches-to-appease-israeli-settlers-846948.html103 of 200 SignaturesCreated by Aberdeen Branch Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign
allow freedom of movement for immigrantsI believe people should be given freedom to go where they want and do as they please and this includes immigrants because they're people to and I believe that every human deserves the same amount of respect and dignity, I mean just because they're poor and they might come in your country doesnt mean they're bad people infact I believe that the people who don't want immigrants aren't good people7 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Samuel Thornton
Call for a three option referendum in the Brexit leave deal. Accept/decline/stayThis is important as many voters feel mislead after the referendum. This will give the whole of the UK time to understand what is really on offer at the end of negotiations. Will immigration be reduced, how much money will we really have available after withdrawal. This will ensure Brexit negotiations will focus on what has been promised, and show the voters what is on offer.24 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Gavin Brett
Give Pro-EU Brits & EU nationals asylum status to live in Independent ScotlandFor too long, we have been a passively friendly society, saying to our UK friends: as long as the UK stays in the EU, we won't leave you. It's often meant we have stood neutral between different values. And that's helped foster a narrative of right-wing extremism and grievance. This Petition will conclusively turn the page on this failed approach. It appears that our friends are in dire need of our help and as a friendly, cultural nation that benefits from all sorts of nationalities from across the world. We need to send a message that we will not allow those unwillingly forced into making their lives more miserable then it already is for them. We hope that the likes of David Cameran understands that this referendum has already caused instability across not only the entire UK but Europe as well. Thanks to this Referendum and the result. It has screwed over many people in not only Scotland but those living in the UK which is all thanks to far-right british nationalism and the propaganda that came with it. We believe a message needs to be sent for those who need help and not let them dead on track to major politcal clashes that will cause bubbles to burst. This pig beared referendum has cause enough damage and we would like to see our future not as a hateful and spiteful independent Scotland but a country that cares about the future of generations to come for all those who live here, including the Welsh. Thank you. - Extremezero the friendly Scottish misanthrope. P.S. There is a hidden message in the description for those who want to cheer up.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Extreme Zero
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