• British Man's Wife Denied a UK Visa
    We are a family of 5 people, 4 of us are British citizens. My wife in Venezuelan. The children are aged 8, 7 and 3 months. I live and work and pay taxes in the UK and my wife is being denied a UK visa for no reason. Our family is being destroyed by this ridiculous decision. My wife and children are currently in Venezuela while I am in the UK setting up a home and working so everything is ready for my family to come here. We have been separated for more than 10 months while waiting for the visa to be issued. We meet all of the visa requirements including my wife passing an English proficiency exam with the British Council in Venezuela and me being in full time employment earning more than the £18,600 wage threshold that is required by the British Government. Regardless of my stability in the UK, mine and our 3 children British nationality and citizenship the immigration department refused the visa and a Judge dismissed the appeal. The dismissal was based on my work situation but this is not a true or valid reason because I am in full time employment and earn more than the minimum wages required. There is no reason to deny my wife the visa yet she is being denied the visa. My children are suffering terribly by this unnecessary separation that has been enforced upon us by the British authorities. Their future is being taken from them by a decision that is wrong and is contradictory to the visa requirements. We meet every one of the requirements and we are still being denied the visa.
    1,248 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Craig Reynolds
  • No State Visit for President Trump
    Throughout his candidacy and now in the first days of his presidency, Donald Trump has sought to undermine fundamental principles - gender and racial equality, human rights, religious freedom, freedom of the press and preservation of the environment amongst others - that Her Majesty the Queen and the British people hold dear. If a State visit is granted, we believe that it would legitimise a series of beliefs that are fundamentally opposed to those of Her Majesty and the British people.
    64 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Algy Williams
  • Tie DIE
    In many of the UK's workplaces the wearing of a tie by male employees is both expected and compulsory. In our view, the tie serves no other purpose than to signify the gender of the wearer; in this case male. This is as unfair as women being expected to wear high heels. Men should be able to choose whether to wear a tie or not. Being forced to do so is, in our opinion, both antiquated and sexist.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lee Garratt
  • Shock, Horror! Are footballers being forced to leave UK?
    It is unjust. Only certain people are receiving warning letter of removal. Has Nigel Farage's wife received a letter? Has Nick Clegg's wife received a letter? Has Boris Johnson ( born in New York) received a letter? Have the non-British footballers received letters? These letters are divisive and instill a sense of insecurity. We object to the intimidation and callousness of the Home Office to use people in this way. We deplore the indecisiveness of the Prime Minister and her abusive use of people as pawns in the Brexit negotiations.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by judy thurlow
  • Put the pension age for men back to 65
    Its important because doing hard graft at 65 is bad enough never mind 70... Manual workers shouldn't be made to work till their 70 its a disgrace. Sit behind a desk yes... but digging roads, on roofs etc is a disgrace. They have worked long enough at 65!!
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Julie Usher
  • " Right to Die"
    We do not allow an animal to suffer, how can it be possible to allow human beings to die in agony, or pumped full of drugs so they are unaware of anything or anyone, and become a vegetable causing suffering to family and friends, and loved ones are "Legally"persecuted for assisting a loved oneto end their life, when it should be a legal right to do so.
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dave Coppard
    NPOWER a German company known as RWE Npower have consistently persecuted bullied and destroyed the health and happiness of "millions" of UK customers and their families. This despicable company "overcharged/stole/fraudulently obtained" £70 million stolen from customers bank accounts .had to be returned Prioritizing only the financial needs of the company, Npower's orgy of predation and insatiable greed combined with their utter disregard for their customers, led to their rampant plunder of customers bank accounts. https://www.facebook.com/banNpower/ for full story
    26 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mercedes Valentino
  • Fining the homeless
    With homelessness increasing across the UK and Northampton we should be dealing with the causes and spending money providing shelter, food and helping folks out of this situation. People asking for food and money are usually in need of society's help not punishment. People not in this situation are damn lucky though with societies safety nets being burnt by this government we may be far from being homeless or in need, so please support this petition.
    16 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Luke Young
  • Unreasonable to send children back home after living 7 Years in UK
    It is long period of time and it is extremely unfair with them to leave the country. It will be difficult for them to restart their education in a different environment. Mostly they do not know the language, If they can speak but it should keep in mind , it is not only speaking necessary to carry on study in THEIR HOME country, they also need read and write the same language which home office totally ignore IN THEIR DECISIONS. Mostly home office remix the culture and religious practice, but these are the two different things. The children can not find the same surrounding environment, where they have brought up and have spent their seven years of life. So to expect reasonable for them to leave the country after 7 years is unfair. Where a family with a child or children who have lived in the UK for 7 years or more apply for leave to remain on the basis of paragraph 276ADE(1)(iv), there is an increasingly strong argument that the applications should normally be granted if the period of residence is satisfied and there is no bad behaviour by the applicants, they are well settled and integrated and therefore it would not be reasonable for the child or children to have to start over with their life again in another country.
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Awais Baig
  • New Homeless Hostel for Northampton
    The council, for some bizarre reason is seeking to fine the homeless. Not only will the homeless have no money, they will also have no fixed abode! Far rather the Council needs to open a new hostel for the homeless. They could fund it with the 10.5 million pounds they gave to Northampton Football club Directors - they need to get this back!
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Marlene Packwood
  • No fines for homeless in Northampton
    It targets vulnerable people and fines them when they are clearly not in a position to pay. It criminalises people who are already at a low ebb and already face considerable challenges in getting their lives back on track. It is a waste of taxpayers' money chasing people with no money through the judicial system for money that they cannot afford.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Starkey
  • Ban Supermarkets From Throwing Away Unused Food
    France has become the first country in the world to ban supermarkets from throwing away or destroying unsold food, forcing them instead to donate it to charities and food banks. There is food banks in most towns and cities across the UK and like France the wasted food could be donated to them. Almost 50% of total amount of food thrown away in the UK comes from our home. We throw away 7 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year in the UK, and more than half of this food and drink we could've eaten and this 7 million tonnes of food wasted is equal to over £17,000,000,000 of worth of food each year, yes you heard me £17,000,000,000 which could be all given to those in need. It is also terrible for the enviroment. It takes a land mass larger than China to grow the food each year that is ultimately never eaten – land that has been deforested, species that have been driven to extinction, indigenous populations that have been moved, soil that has been degraded – all to produce food that we then just throw away. In addition, food that is never eaten accounts for 25% of all fresh water consumption globally. Gulp. Not only are all of the resources that went into creating the uneaten food wasted (land, water, labour, energy, manufacturing, packaging, etc), but when food waste goes to landfill, which is where the vast majority of it ends up, it decomposes without access to oxygen and creates methane, which is 23x more deadly than carbon dioxide. Every which way you look at it food waste is a major culprit in destroying our planet, and in fact if food waste were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gases after China and the USA. Millions upon millions people are starving every year all around the world and we all will be affected by global warming,that's over 7,00,000,000 people! Saving these unused foods can resolve this problem immensely.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ish khan