Stop selling British Citizenship!We saw the governments refusal to budge on the earning threshold for British Citizens bringing a non-UK/EU partner to live with them. Now, even if someone can afford to bring their partner to live with them, they may never be able to afford to become a British Citizen, meaning they will live with a constant threat of having to leave because of expired visas. The government has now approved its decision to increase the cost of settlement by up to 22.5%. This could increase a single applicant's costs to over £2000. More when you have a family. The government need to stop "selling" citizenship. They need to stop penalising people just because they want to become citizens of this great nation. Surely people's commitment and desire to be a functioning member of society should be of higher importance than the size of your wallet. I have heard first hand, story after story of British Citizens leaving the UK because they cannot afford to bring their partner to live with them. Families get torn apart because it is unaffordable. In addition, there are people who have committed 5 to 10 years to living and working in the UK to building a life here with the hope of become a British Citizen. Not because they want benefits (on the contrary, these are people who have not been allowed access to public funds), in fact, these are people who have only paid in to the system. They want to make a formal commitment to a place they have come to call home. But the government want to charge them extortionate fees to do this. It is time for the government's targeting of hard working people to meet their outrageous and unattainable migration targets to end! Stop penalising or not penalising people based on where in the world they come from. Stop selling British Citizenship to the highest earners! Work for the good of families and people who love this country and focus your efforts against the abusers of the system.65 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Greg Cockrell
Shepperton Health Centre Service Charge increasesThe practice is essential to the community and over inflating running costs without justification is detrimental to the people that it serves.8 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Issy Grafham
Allow my wife to return to the UK asapMy wife has just had to 'voluntarily ' return to the Philippines after being in the UK for 3 yrs. She was a victim of typhoon Yolanda in 2013 and we have been married for almost 8 years. Due to red tape she was detained with no warning and held in an immigration removal centre for several weeks in a very distressed state. She was not allowed to be released temporarily in order to pack and prepare etc even though we had 2 bail guarantors. She has committed no crime other than being regarded as a ' visa overstayer ' and has been treated in a disgraceful manner. We have been fighting this matter for the last 3 years in a proper manner through an immigration lawyer. I have just recently discovered that our lawyer is not in fact a qualified lawyer but an ' Immigration advisor ' She is now banned from re entering the UK for a minimum of 12 months. She departed the Philippines homeless and in a traumatised condition and has returned homeless and traumatised . Her state of mind has always been dismissed and she has never been shown an ounce of compassion. We have built a home together in the UK and now we have been forced apart. I am very concerned for her wellbeing as I am for my own.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Robert Bristow
Bring back legal aid for family law. Our rights to a fair justice systemIt's diabolical that legal aid has been removed from family law. Parents all over the country are not getting a fair hearing and through lack of knowledge and unfair rules they are having to be litigants in person.55 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Frances Ward
Fighting for the rights of people living in supported accommodationThis is important because the living standards are unsafe for young people and parents to live in. It is also singling out the residents living at the properties giving them next to no connection to their families and friends19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Stephanie Miller
All police to be armedBecause in todays society we live under constant threat, as such we should step up so that we can adequately deal with any situation which may arise. It is a basic human right to have an ability for self preservation, and as such we rely upon our police service to protect us to that end. If the police cannot protect themselves then they cannot protect the people and then everyone is under threat from attack. This measure would alleviate the issue and would also bring us in line with the rest of the world.19 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Giles
Oppose LGBT+ YouTube Restriction BanEqual worth of every human being18 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sam Martial
Prevent Employers From Recouping Costs From Sick/Injured Workers.There is a climate of fear and insecurity in all areas of employment this, opportunistic, cynical attempt to off-set costs will add to that. Furthermore, workers should not be given a double penalty: lost wages plus the burden of paying for cover while they are sick. No businesses should feel this is an acceptable response. This is a chance for the government to demonstrate a modicum of support for struggling workers.23 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Anthony Dowling
Stop the Homeless Crisis in Brighton!The homeless crisis in Brighton is shocking. With the rising cost of living and rent hikes in the area homelessness has visibly increased. There are people living in shop doorways on almost every street and alley way. They are begging for money for food with absolutely no way out of their situation. It is virtually impossible to get a job when you are homeless and in offering the homeless a home we give them a second chance at life. A chance to get a job and live with the dignity and respect we all deserve.98 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Josh Richardson
Stop BullyingThis is important because i have seen someone very close to me being bullied from being a confident, beautiful, talented, intelligent young lady to self-hate, lack of confidence, uninspired young lady. The bullying is going on for nearly two years now and we have tried to do everything, report to the school, get in touch with the police but it did not help. Many young people in the UK are being bullied until they commit suicide, self harm or stopping them from being who they are meant to be not only young people even in work places some adults find it okay to make someone's life unbearable. Everyone should have the right to be happy and live in freedom from being bullied with other people.39 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Alvina Dube
Multi-option and preferential referendumsFor any supporters of PR, the 2011 referendum on AV or FPTP was like asking a vegetarian, "beef or lamb?" The poll should have been similar to the 1992 New Zealand ballot which had 5 options... and they now have a form of PR. In like manner, the 2014 Scottish referendum should have had 3 options: status quo, 'devo-max' and independence. And Brexit should have had, say, 4 options: the UK in the EU, EEA, Customs Union or WTO. Binary ballots are inaccurate. As with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in Turkey, 2-option polls enable those in power to choose the option and thus dominate the agenda. No wonder majority voting has been used by Napoleon, Lenin, Hitler and many other 'democratic dictators'. Furthermore, "all the wars in the former Yugoslavia started with a referendum," to quote Sarajevo's famous newspaper, Oslobodjenje, and the same now applies to the conflict in Ukraine. In summary, binary voting is the most divisive, primitive and inaccurate measure of collective opinion ever invented. A better methodology would be a multi-option points system, first advocated (he thought) by Rev Charles Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) in 1884, who didn't know Jean-Charles de Borda had done it in 1770, who was unaware of this same invention by Nicholas of Cusa in 1435. And maybe the first 'first' was Ramon Llull in 1299. For obvious reasons, politicians prefer majority voting because, yes, then they control the agenda. For obscure reasons, the Electoral Commission refuses to consider multi-option voting, and likewise the otherwise impartial BBC seldom if ever discusses either the Borda or Condorcet rules. If, however, the world continues to believe in binary referendums, there is the danger that the forces of populism will say no to everything... until there is nothing; and/or autocrats like Erdoğan will continue to amass power until they have everything.74 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Peter Emerson
Requesting Home Office to revise the Settlment visa process and applicaitonSettlement application are important step in many people life , but is far from being informed and manged process and it turned to be a nightmare to many British families and bring them apart. Mamy mistakes happen every day and the appeal process is very lengthy and can take 1 to 1.5 years Similar settlement processes in Australia or Canada could take same time but it is far less stressful and with less mistakes.3 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Jamal Al Tamimi
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