• End the shame and stigma for survivors of domestic, mental, physical and sexual abuse
    Abuse in all its forms is largely a silenced issue. It's estimated that up to 20% of adults have been abused at some point in their lives - yet we never hear these stories because people are too frightened or ashamed to come forwards. Abuse survivors have to live with the trauma of abuse as though it is still happening to them in the here and now, living with a range of issues including mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and PTSD, flashbacks, trust issues, even an inability to go on and have healthy relationships. Some may develop dangerous coping mechanisms such as alcoholism and drug addiction. Perhaps on some level, society thinks if we never discuss it, it doesn't exist. But we do need to talk about it. We need to talk about it so that survivors can talk about it without fear and get the help they need. What has happened to them is NOT their fault, yet they are living with the repercussions and it has affected every aspect of their life. I speak from personal experience, having been the victim of abuse myself. I never spoke out about my experiences due to fear and shame, feeling that I would be judged or treated differently if I came forward. It took me many years to get the courage to speak to someone and begin to deal with the events that had happened, and the effects they had on me and my life. I want to remove that shame and stigma, I want us to talk openly about abuse - it happens everyday! We need to be open about it, accept it, and help survivors to come forward and get the help they need. This petition will be delivered to: Secretary of State for Health Secretary of State for Justice It will also be sent to all UK local councils, general media, medical professionals and made available to the general public. Thank you for your support. Useful Links Please note that these links will take you AWAY from this petition, so please sign and share the petition before clicking the links, or bookmark this page so you can come back later. Domestic Abuse Statistics - Living With Abuse (http://www.lwa.org.uk/understanding-abuse/statistics.htm) Child Abuse Statistics - NSPCC (https://www.nspcc.org.uk/services-and-resources/research-and-resources/statistics/) Statistics on childhood abuse - Office for National Statistics (https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/crimeandjustice/articles/abuseduringchildhood/findingsfromtheyearendingmarch2016crimesurveyforenglandandwales) Support If you need help or support to deal with any abuse you have suffered, please visit these sites. If you are having suicidal or worrying thoughts, please call 999 or speak to The Samaritans on 116 123. Rape Crisis (www.rapecrisis.org.uk) Women's Aid (www.womensaid.org.uk) Samaritans (www.samaritans.org) National Association for People Abused in Childhood (www.napac.org.uk)
    14 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tess Milligan
  • End Rough Sleeping and Homelessness in the UK
    Since 2010, the number of homeless people in the UK has doubled. In the last year alone, there has been a 10% rise in the amount of people accessing homeless services. The cuts to council funding is forcing their budgets on housing services to be slashed. Housing services and homeless organisations offer help to some of the country's most vulnerable people, yet the lack of funding has meant that temporary shelters, hostel beds and soup kitchens are having to close. The government must recognise that councils are struggling to cope with the demand. Recent cuts to housing benefit has put many young 18-to-21-year-olds at risk of becoming homeless, by denying them access to the private rental housing market. We are calling on the government to re-think funding cuts and make the necessary changes, and give local councils the support they need in order to offer lifelines to the most vulnerable people in our society.
    79 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Joe Read
  • Put an end to Homelessness NOW!
    Homelessness is on the rise in the UK (Brown et al. 2016). Something needs to be done to stop this! People who do not have a permanent place to call home are being forced to sleep in temporary accommodation such as hostels or even worse, on the streets. Crisis the homeless charity reported that there were 4,134 people sleeping rough in 2016 on a single night in Autumn across England! Sign this petition to have our voices heard and make a change!!!!
    68 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Beth Robinson
  • Save the NHS, have fun and win!
    We think that politics has long enough done around with unhealthy solutions in regards of the NHS. We feel that many of us, would like to do more for the NHS . Additional funds from the lottery could help everyone. 5 to 10 millions ( or more) a week is a lot of money. So lets set up Mondays a special NHS lottery. Please support this idea, lets have fun, support and enjoy a better funded NHS. Thank you!
    18 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Catharina Raj
  • End Homelessness in the UK
    130,000 people a year in England alone are asking for help regarding homelessness (Shelter, 2017). Homelessness is a matter of social injustice not just personal responsibility, everybody in Britain has a right to accommodation, it is not just a lack of shelter, it involves a deprivation over a number of dimensions, lack of physical and mental comfort, lack of privacy, lack of rootedness in the world and a lack of purpose in life (Somerville, 2013). Even in affordable social housing there is now an uncertainty in security, resulting in an increase in rough sleepers by 102% since 2010. The reason for homelessness is simple, not enough housing,not enough social housing, the ridiculous peak in house prices and the uncertainty of short hold tenancy in private sector housing. This needs to be stopped, we need to stop allowing housing associations and landlords putting vulnerable people out on the streets. Most of us are one wage slip away from being on the streets so help us today to change the lives of thousands of people. Sign today, save tomorrow. Follow us online at - https://sleepsafesleepwarm.wordpress.com/ Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/SleepsafeSleepwarm Twitter- https://twitter.com/CSleepsafe Refernces Shelter England. (2017). Home. [online] Available at: http://england.shelter.org.uk/ [Accessed 6 May 2017]. Somerville, P. (2013). Understanding Homelessness. Housing, Theory and Society, 30(4), pp.384-415.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by tessa kinsella
  • Get rid of the 'Bedroom Tax' cut to Housing Benefits!
    These cuts are unfair and further disadvantage people who are in a position of need. Approximately 660,000 UK social housing residents have been impacted by the cuts (Fullfact, 2013). This has had significant negative impacts on lives across the UK, leaving thousands of people desperately struggling to pay rent and make ends meet. Hundreds of thousands of residents have gotten into rent arrears, resorted to food banks, and been kicked out of homes they have lived in their whole lives. This is drastically immoral and WRONG. Sign the petition to help us rid the unfair Bedroom Tax!
    46 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Rachel Coates
  • Chechnya Authorities involve families in killing of Gay sons
    This is a clear violation of Human Rights. A country should not be allowed to treat it's citizen's like this and get away with it. It is grotesque. Gay and bisexual men are being rounded up and put in prison camps. They are tortured using electricity and deprived of food. The latest atrocity was reported online by Attitude May 4 2017. One survivor told of how families are being summoned to kill their family members after they have been tortured. They called it "cleaning your honour with blood". One family chose to do it rather than have the authorities kill their son. They took him out into the woods, killed him and buried him there. Can you imagine doing that to your son. It would break my heart. This has to stop. WHY IS IT NOT BEING REPORTED. Please get this out there Channel 4 and help a section of the population find some security and dignity in life.
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Valentine Scarlett
  • Chechnya - Asylum for Gay Community
    The UK does not currently have a sitting Parliament, however the lives of gay people in Chechnya are seriously threatened by the State, which is now encouraging their families to murder them to save the State a job. This cannot wait for a new government to respond, Putin is doing and will do nothing. We must act now.
    57 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Dan Packwood
  • Change the disabled logo
    It is mortifying to be judged by people when you use disabled spots if your disability is not visible. There are stories of abusive notes being left on people's cars, which is a huge knock to their self confidence, which is often already low. The change of logo would symbolism a inclusive acknowledgment of all disabilities.
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barbara Sandland
  • Demand CPS charge or dismiss MPs allegedly guilty of electoral fraud by May 2nd
    Investigations by Channel 4 News over a year have uncovered alleged electoral fraud & corruption which has already led to the resignation of some officials. It has been reported that 14 police forces have so far referred approximately 30 MPs to the CPS for alleged electoral fraud who, with officials may have illegally influenced the result of the previous election. The police forces would not have referred the matter to the CPS without compelling evidence. The electorate has a fundamental legal right to know which MPs may be found guilty may face custodial sentences preventing them from representing their constituents. If charges are brought, as many expect, an immediate high court injunction or supreme court hearing must be brought on behalf of the allegedly defrauded electorate either to bar those found guilty or at least to postpone the election until such time as guilt or innocence is proven. All details must be disclosed prior to the proposed election or those already allegedly guilty of of gaining election through corrupt means may be re-elected and the proposed election being judged null and void.
    92 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tim Corcoran
  • Provide higher primates with same protection as humans
    These creatures are the nearest relatives we have and as such deserve our care and protection. The main source of harm to these animals is purely financial so it is up to us to decide, it is a choice. Provide the same protection as to humans and we start to stop the mistreatment, exploitation and deaths of animals with over 98% identical DNA to ourselves, this is a measure of our humanity to humanity!
    27 of 100 Signatures
    Created by rupert chandler
  • Stop Emad Elmrabet deportation
    Emad has been in the UK for over 20 years. He has 2 children in the UK and all his family members live in the UK. He has never returned to Libya.. He is receiving medical treatment for a serious eating disorder and mental health issues.. Sending him back to a danger country with no healthcare is a death sentence. Please sign this petition to help him.
    12 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Georgie Murphy