• Allow 16 & 17 year olds to vote in June's General Election
    16 & 17 year olds are more politically engaged in the last generations 16 & 17 year olds . 16 & 17 year olds participate in society so in fairness they should be granted the vote!
    13 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Aberdeenshire Youth Council
  • Open Vacant Buildings in Middlesbrough and Stockton
    There are so many people who need a safe place to sleep and we have perfectly good places fro them to stay if they were made accessible and secure.
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Sienna French
  • Boarding passes at airport shops
    Because it's really annoying and an unnecessary invasion of privacy
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jem Rogers
  • NHS spending
    To ensure those entitled get quick and necessary attention, whilst eliminating wasteage on salaries, purchases and other handouts
    7 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Colin Brown
  • Confectionary companies to offer Fairtrade options for all our favourite chocolates!
    Non Fairtrade chocolates and confectionery products are in reality unethical as unfortunately workers who produce them are not paid a viable income. Globally it does enable them to look after their families in a humane manner! Fairtrade offers them some security and a viable income. It is the very least we as consumers can do!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mark Armstrong
  • No More Diesel Ice-Cream Vans Poisoning Our Children
    Because of their height, a small child, when waiting in line for their summer treat, will often be subjected to several minutes of poisonous gas from a diesel or petrol engine. Ice-cream vans tend to station themselves in parks and near playgrounds, meaning the health and safety of all children in the vicinity is compromised. We wouldn't allow a lorry to park next to a group of children and keep their engine running for hours on end, so why do we accept it from an ice-cream van? Several boroughs already insist on using electric vehicles to sell ice-cream in parks. We are calling for a blanket ban of diesel powered ice-cream vans in all parks and outside our homes. This is better for the whole community, including those selling those delicious 99s.
    37 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Wallfisch
  • Make housing developers be transparent in Manchester
    Current planning law states that if a developer will make less than 20% profit on a new development, they can ignore a council's regulations about building affordable and social housing. Leaked documents from several developers have shown that the maths they use to work out their profit margins are purposefully misleading, allowing them to claim they will make less than 20% profit on a development by undervaluing the prices of the houses they will sell and over-costing the labour. To combat this Islington, Greenwich, Lambeth and Bristol councils have introduced a policy that forces developers "viability assessments" to be made public. By bringing these dodgy maths into the public domain, Councils, campaigning groups and individuals will be able to hold developers to account and force them to use more honest maths.
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Barry McAtarsney
  • Bring back scrubs for maternity staff working 12.5 hrs on a 24/7 heated unit
    Consideration of staff health & wellbeing Reduction of lower mental functioning Reduction of subsequent mistakes Reduction of heat exhaustion & sickness http://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/articles/effects-of-heat-stress-on-workers-2
    5 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Rayner
  • Justice for the Maruti Workers
    On March 18, the Gurgaon sessions Court in Haryana, India, sentenced 13 Maruti-Suzuki auto workers to life imprisonment. The convicted are all members of the union  movement that began organising in 2011. The conviction of these workers is a shameful example of how judicial systems around the world are playing to the tunes of corporate interests. The 13 workers convicted for ‘murder’ are all – unsurprisingly – leaders of the union.   In 2011, workers at Maruti Suzuki ‘s Manesar plant formed an independent union and demanded recognition for it. Gurgaon-Manesar is an industrial belt, where employers fear that the organising of an independent trade union, even in one factory, might  embolden workers in other factories to follow suit.  On July 18 2012, Maruti workers gathered outside the factory gate heard that their representatives who had been invited for talks inside the factory, were being subjected to physical assaults by thugs employed by the management. Union members entered the factory in a mass action to rescue their comrades. Soon after, a fire broke out in which a human resources manager tragically lost his life. Immediately after, workers and union leaders were accused of conspiring to murder him. The prosecution witnesses in the Maruti case named 89 of the accused workers in alphabetical order. Defence lawyers established that the workers had been arrested on the basis of a list provided by the Maruti management and witness statements were then fabricated to fit the list. Labour law violations are an everyday occurrence across the entire belt. Indian labour laws recognise the right of workers to form unions, but attempts to do so are met with both intimidation and victimisation. The Indian government welcomes multinational corporations to ‘Make In India’, promising them a docile labour environment and cheap and good quality labour. The Indian judicial system is seeking to criminalise unions. But the attempted suppression and criminalisation of trade unionists has seen India’s workers uniting to fight for workers rights.
    34 of 100 Signatures
    Created by John Sweeney
  • Promotion of peace in Syria
    We all hear many times about the necessity of war to bring peace in Syria; in fact nobody is speaking about the necessity of saving thousands of families from the breakout. The will of people is now very straightforward: it's time to stop destroying the life of innocent ones. We all agree to not be involved in any decisions of war. We all want you to finally speak for real peace. We know well that, during the wars in Iraq and Libya, western powers did not bring peace but instability, actually encouraging the rise of extremisms. They also led to massive immigration's flows towards the "doors" of Europe, such as Sicily, where the G7 will take place. Now it's our will to stop any military action in Syria and to be represented by you: please start promoting peace, be our voice during the imminent G7 and any other international meeting. We know how it is to live normal lives as normal people, then we think the safety of normal people and families in Syria should be a priority. Help us to bring them the only thing they really need: the cessation of further bombardments.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Edvige Di Salvo
  • Was the Gas sold to Assad by UK used in recent Nerve gas attack?
    We need to know so we can stop so called peacemakers selling chemical weapons to Dictators who are killing innocent People. According to the BBC in 2014 "Britain sold chemicals and components to Syria that ended up being used in the manufacture of the deadly nerve agent sarin. A leaked Foreign Office document says they were supplied in the mid-1980s.Foreign Secretary William Hague said UK firms provided the materials and that Syria has admitted they played a role in its chemical weapons programme." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-28212724
    10 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Iberar Ali
  • Stop the government from spending 500 million on a new passport design.
    With the nhs crumbling around us and the number of people on the streets with nowhere to live...... it's stupidity of the highest order to spend 500 million on cosmetically redesigning a passport which works fine as it is
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Simon Price