• NCAP style fire safety notices to be installed on buildings
    Cars already display their safety features so why don't buildings. Food outlets display their hygiene rating so why not fire safety rating People should know before they enter a building the level of risk they take in event of a fire. Building owners would also then be under immeadiate pressure to ensure they achieve and maintain at least minimum standards. This could help prevent another Grenfell Tower Tragedy
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Geoff Wilkinson
  • Family of eight evicted to Birmingham
    The cuts on benefits full stop has hurt families but for large families it has been devastating! This family has been torn apart! Not only have the parents split up but now social services and all other involved departments are insisting they should be sent to Bristol!!! There are properties available just that the price is too much!
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Katrina Moss
  • Tell MP's & The Lords to forgo Summer Recess
    Theresa May, all MP's & Lords represent the citizens of the United Kingdom, how can they do so when they are not in parliament debating the concerns and rights of the British people? As we sit teetering on civil unrest, and in light of the recent horrific atrocities and including the forthcoming brexit negotiations it is paramount that Theresa May, all MP's & Lords should be accountable for their movements and remain seated throughout the period from 21 July 2017 - 5th September 2017 for the sake of the British people. If 100's sign this petition today demanding that Theresa May, all MP's & Lords remain seated then we can ensure laws and policies are dealt with in a timely manner and the citizens of the United Kingdom get value for money from the public purse!
    71 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Kelly Alford
  • Maximum temperature
    Because there is a minimum but no maximum. We are In pain with the heat
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jack Lea
  • Honour your promise to the surviving families of the Grenfell Towers tragedy.
    Upon learning that families who decline to move away from their community & their lives will be declared - "intentionally homeless!" For the families this now means - withdrawal of promised support; loss of housing rights position; & most shockingly - potential loss of custody of their children!!! This is no way to treat British citizens, so I implore anyone who reads this petition, to sign it & send it across their networks, in order to help the traumatised families. Lets make sure that the lessons of past tragedies aren't repeated here; not now, not ever!!! Thank you.
    93 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Chris Macca Picture
  • Support all minority faiths in this country
    In light of the recent terrorist attacks, hatred has risen. The Parliaments must show a united stand against all fractions who wish to divide this country
    8 of 100 Signatures
    Created by David Thomas
  • National Day of Mourning Petition
    The country needs to mourn properly
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Paul Evans
  • Make life long anticoagulant therapy free on prescription
    I was diagnosed with a condition called factor v leiden mutation when I was 19. I have to take life long medication to prevent a fatal blood clot. I already have had 3 clots. One of which was multiple and on my lungs. I spent 48 hours in icu and a further 10 days on a hospital ward. After my diagnosis the rest of my family where tested as it is a genetic disorder. factor v leiden is just one condition that anti coagulation therapy is used for. I am 50 times more likely to clot than someone who dosent have this condition.
    40 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lynne Turrell
  • Build a high quality prefab village in Hyde Park now for the Grenfell Tower residents
    The Grenfell Tower fire is the worst residential fire since World War 2. It demands a serious, immediate attention.
    19 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Phil Bushell
  • raise minimum wage for younger people to the minimum wage for 25 year old
    everybody should be equal no matter how old they are or what they look like or anything so why is the a minimum wage for younger people
    4 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Reece Tott
  • Restore wardens to Sheltered housing units
    I live in a sheltered unit with no on site warden, we have a warden visit the unit once a week, we have had two residents die and left until friends or family came to check on them as no warden is checking on the welfare of the elderly and disabled, when we had a warden based here they were able to spot deteriations in residents as they knew them well, now we don't know when they are here and they do not know anyone personaly, it has also destroyed the community spirit with people just staying in their flat and not socialising
    15 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Michael Loughran
  • Bring back CBBC kids show playdays
    If you remember all the stop on playdays like the roundabout stop or the why bird stop and we will show the BBC that playdays Need to comeback on our screen because all our show now are just boring.
    39 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Harry Featherstone