• Give Shane Ridge UK Citizenship
    It's important to him.
    6 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Cat Leecy
  • Make it illegal to upskirt
    This terrible, violating and harassing issue we are facing of people taking photos up skirts and posting the on social media apps has got the stop. It needs to be illegal and for the police to be given Powers to prosecute. Please support and sign this petition.
    94 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Karen Lucioni
    Recent background: 1. In August ’16 Government gave a policy statement in relation to the Sugary Drinks Industry Levy that Key component of Childhood Obesity Strategy is to promote diet drinks. It was no.1 in a list of ‘12 Things You Should Know’, published on the government’s news website. The ‘reformulation’ of products, which currently amounts to replacing sugar with artificial sweeteners, was to be extended to other products deemed too high in sugar, regular yoghurts are among the cited foods. Questions challenging the policy were blocked at the Health Matters Live event in November ’16. Citations of studies and reviews that concluded not enough was known about the safety of sweeteners, were removed from a Wikipedia site on Sugar Taxes. The effect of the strategy has been an escalation in the use of sweeteners by manufacturers, and it is not immediately clear, when choosing items from the shelves in supermarkets, that sweeteners are being used where once they were not. Products may not be described as ‘diet’ or ‘with sweeteners’, other than in smaller print on the ingredients label. (Neotame and advantame may legitimately be used without any mention on the ingredients label.) 2. In January ’17 a Government Health Report announced that for success there needed to be zero price promotions on ‘unhealthy’ products. To use the same example, regular yoghurts are classed as ‘unhealthy’, artificially sweetened ones as the ‘healthy’ option. The effect of this move is to limit the affordable choices for poorer families wanting to give their children a healthy balanced diet with less emphasis on sweet things, but with no artificial sweeteners. All have the right to make informed healthy choices. The right to an informed choice is being eroded. More can be found from this link https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/why-petition-stop-promoting-sweeteners-children-now-pamela
    60 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Pamela Gardner
  • Demand Public UFO Disclosure
    It's going to change the world forever. I know UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead The government and media are not only looking stupid for avoiding the issue but now highlighting the secrecy regarding the topic
    28 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lori Rainwater
  • Accountability for Sharif families ruthless crime.
    To uphold justice in the world and fulfill social responsibility.
    53 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Mohammad Amir
  • Review of the healthcare in private Scottish prisons.
    I, and many others are disheartened by the appalling healthcare standards in Scottish prisons, in particular, private prisons. Prisoners are there to be punished, not tortured and deprived of basic healthcare needs. Poor reaction time to prisoners pressing call buttons requiring urgent medical assistance. Prisoners left in excess of two months without their regular medication, and in excess of four weeks to be seen. Epilepsy sufferers deprived of their medication and left having seizures in their cell untreated by medical staff. The care commission have refused to investigate, or conduct a review. This petition is important to highlight the faults in prison healthcare and how it can cause deterioration to a prisoners wellbeing, this not only abuses their right to healthcare but abuses human rights.
    22 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Concerned Citizen
  • Place a moratorium on the introduction of new polymer bank notes
    Nobody likes the new polymer notes as they are hard to stack and are so slick they easily slip out of pockets. Add to this the fact the polymer is made with animal extracts that makes them repugnant to certain faiths and beliefs. People have no choice as to what notes to use and this may well be a breach of their Human Rights.
    9 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Oliver Lynton
  • Rename Teamsport FC's home ground to the 'Mark Papworth performance centre'
    Mark Papworth is a big influence on everyone involved at Teamsport FC and we feel it's very important he gets the recognition he deserves for being such a great man
    2 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Archie Lewis
  • Set the whales free
    They are the most social mammal on earth and they have higher emotions than us and they shouldnt be mistreated and should not be held captive
    30 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Amy Campbell
  • No police retirement to avoid misconduct hearings
    Three South Yorkshire police officers would have faced gross misconduct cases but had since retired after 30 years’ service. In January 2015, the Government promised that new regulations would prevent police officers retiring or resigning to avoid dismissal. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-regulations-prevent-police-officers-retiring-or-resigning-to-avoid-dismissal This was in response to public pressure after the public were told that no police officers can be disciplined over complaints relating to the Hillsborough disaster. They had been allowed to retire out of accountability. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2017/jan/13/hillsborough-police-officers-cant-be-disciplined-as-all-have-retired Yet in August 2017, the Independent Police Complaints Comission said that South Yorkshire Police inaction over Ian Watkins left a child at risk of further sexual abuse for several months. (https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2017/aug/18/ipcc-police-ian-watkins-child-risk-abuse-south-yorkshire) I would like to invite fellow citizens to insist that the commitment of 2015 is upheld. Police officers and MPs work for us, the people. They are entrusted with great power, and with it comes responsibility. It is simply not acceptable that the Government breaks the promise of 2015 and enables a culture of incompetence and collusion with criminals to continue.
    69 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Tristana Rodriguez
  • Release Public Donations for Grenfell to buy Housing and Possessions for the Survivors. Now
    Money Held and not used for the purpose it was Donated is Theft
    183 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Susana Walker
  • Improve the conditions for EU-bound migrants in Libyan 'detention' centres
    Each night, hundreds of migrants board smuggler owned rubber dinghies to take the perilous journey from Libya to Europe. These migrants either: a) Drown in the Mediterranean sea, as the dinghies are not built to support the long, dangerous journey, packed to the brim with migrants. b) Arrive in Italy where they not currently permitted to be. c) Are caught by Libyan coast guards who transport them back to Libya to be put in 'detention' centres. These detention centres are awful places, in which many human rights are broken. Migrants eat, sleep and live on crowded floors where they do not have enough space to move around. UK prisons have far better living conditions than those in Libyan 'Detention Centres', yet these migrants are innocent people. One lady interviewed by Ross Kemp, in his Extreme World series said that she received no hospital care when giving birth and was instead left to give birth in the toilet. The migrants in these centres are often fleeing war torn countries and are now living in conditions worse than they have left. They have no contact with the outside world, so they are left to live out their days in these awful places. Article 5 of the Human Rights Act, Right to liberty and security, is clearly being broken. From the following quote: "Given its role in the conflict and subsequent destabilisation in Libya, the UK has a particular responsibility in relation to migrants and refugees, an issue which has been exacerbated by the collapse of the Libyan state. " (Paragraph 105 of https://publications.parliament.uk/…/cms…/cmfaff/119/119.pdf) It is clear that the UK government agrees with its own responsibility to help these migrants. But what an earth is being done about it? Ideally, I think one the solutions should be: For all countries that are unwilling to accept these migrants to contribute to the creation of 'peace centres'. 'Peace centres' would strive to provide a bed for each migrant within Libya whilst being sustainable in ensuring that migrants can get back to their home countries. Sustainability would be achieved by having an on site lawyers office who will fight to get these people back to their home countries and by allowing residents to work within the centre, by doing chores to support the upkeep of the centre, all of which would be paid work. There will also be education to prevent these people from getting on boats again as it is a risk to their money, safety and well being. By signing this petition, we can encourage the UK government and other EU countries to do more to improve conditions within Libyan migrant detention centres.
    21 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Jodie Hemsill