Consult the People of the UK on the final Brexit dealAn offer was recently made to MPs to vote on whether to accept the deal that is negotiated, or to leave without one. But there is a third option, which is to say no to both, and to stay in Europe. The original public debate on whether to leave Europe was full of misinformation and promises that have no prospect of being kept. As time moves on, it is becoming increasingly evident that the damage to the UK economy is significant, and is forecast to get even worse. In view of this stark reality the terms on which the UK will be obliged to quit Europe should be put to the nation as a whole, and not left to politicians alone.448 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Marc Lavelle
Concessionary fares scheme for 16 to 18 year oldsA Wiltshire wide concessionary fares scheme should be considered by Wiltshire Council. Many of these young people are in full time education and have no access to there own transport. And in many cases if there is public transport the price is beyond there reach.5 of 100 SignaturesCreated by TERRY CHIVERS
Change Crayke Primary School to 20mph zoneSchool kids have to cross between parked cars, meaning it could only be a matter of time before an accident happens as heavy good vehicles, cars and trucks use the road in a 30mph zone. Because of parked cars, traffic is reduced to a single lane - meaning there is a great deal of congestion. We have the opportunity to influence Hamleton Highways and the police who are coming out to access the situation and with your help we can make this happen for the safety of our children. Most villages I have driven passed have these clear marking and is a 20 mph zone through out the villages.29 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claire Walker
Securing a Knighthood for Kenny DalglishFor his humanity, empathy and actions in relation to the victims of the Hillsboro disaster and their families and for his achievements in Sport.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ian Stewart
Southwark faith groups concern about Universal CreditAs faith congregations, groups and charities in this wonderful borough we have seen at first hand the growing number of people suffering with the negative affects of the way that Universal Credit has been introduced into our borough during the pilot phase. We know of far too many families, couples and individuals who have been left destitute and in fear due to the way the system works. Our experience, time and time again is that most people just don't have the financial resilience to survive the wait for benefits and are spending far too long having to repay the debt they have built up waiting to receive a payment. The system needs to focus providing a situation where people can have financial security, so that they can concentrate their time on improving situations rather than just finding ways to survive. We want to show our support for the work you are doing in asking the government to pause the roll out to other boroughs. It is not good enough for us to continue to provide the sticking plasters of foodbanks, cooked meals and fuel poverty support alone. These help to make the situation easier. They don't stop it happening. In the words of Bishop Desmond Tutu; “There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river. We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” Well Universal Credit is making people fall in to financial crisis. We want to support you to do everything possible to stop people falling into crisis due to Universal Credit.12 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Chris Price
Ban smacking children in EnglandAt the moment a parent can smack a child and social services deem this ok. Courts side with social services allowing the smacking to carry on. Social services and courts do not listen to the children when they are telling them they have been hit by a parent. A child should be able to be safe and not struck by a parent venting anger on a child. Smacking is a form of anger from a parent who cannot control the situation78 of 100 SignaturesCreated by H lewis
Traffic calming and a pedestrian crossing on b3298 CarharrackThe majority of the children from Carharrack have to cross this road to walk to school and the speeds that cars travel makes this a lethal route, we encourage children to walk to school, get out more etc but if we can't make the routes safe then how can we expect parents to feel confident in doing this? The junction at the bottom of the hill has had numerous accidents mainly caused through speeding and until the speed is brought under control these accidents will unfortunately continue to happen, do we have to wait until there is another fatality? No let's get together and act now to make our village safer for us all264 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Nicki Isaacs
Emotional Assistance Pet ActThe petition of residents of United Kingdom, Declares that there is compelling evidence from clinical and laboratory studies that interacting with pets can be beneficial to the physical, social, and emotional well-being of humans and that the human-animal emotional bond does not differ from the one that we sustain in relation to close family members; further that the twenty-first century is the beginning of the revolution in ethics related to scientific evidence regarding consciousness in animals – now confirmed that it is astonishingly close to humans; further that mental health services in the UK are overstretched, have long waiting times and a lack specialist services in some regions; further that the Mental Health Foundation also recognises the value of “pet therapy” in suicide prevention and treating depression leading to it; further that there is no scientific research to support the thesis that tenants who have pets are worse, more difficult or cause more damage to properties than those who do not; and further that almost all tenancy agreements, by default, contain a no pet clause, which is nothing more than a prejudiced practice, as a result, people who have pets are especially victimised in their attempt to simply put a roof over their heads in this difficult housing crisis context. Therefore, the petitioners request that the House of Commons urges the Government to introduce legislation that recognises the importance of the emotional relationship of man and their non-human family members; further to put the interest of the most vulnerable and the public interest above the right of the property owners if the property is a subject of commercial gain; and further that the legislation should allow the emotional support animal access in housing facilities, even when the complex has a no pet policy or breed/weight discriminatory policies.41 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Sophia Davenport
Discriminating landlordsFor some years now social housing has been in decline & those people on housing benefit are in dire need of housing many of them single parent family’s. Who are unable to work due to there individual circumstances. Such as a wife beaten up by her husband having to seek temporary shelter & unable to return to the family home now having to live in a one room B&B with her three children. Unable to rent a private flat or house as the private landlord is discriminating against her due to her being on Housing benefit!! She is now forced to live in a one room B&B with other families in the same situation. This law must change today for these People need our help! In particular they need your help & those of your friends & family who are lucky to live in there own home. What is the point of housing benefit if No landlord in the private sector will accept it? This must change & they must be forced to accept them on short term let’s & long term let’s there must be no difference between the two. So private land lords are switching to holiday let’s rather than normal letting this is because they can offer short term let’s which makes it easier to remove bad tenants which is understandable & B&B is where perhaps they should be but why should the vast majority be penalised due to the small minority? Please support these people many of them very vulnerable young women with children who have hurt no one!!6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by graham nicholson
Rape as a weapon in warThis military strategy emotionally damages families and tears them apart. It corrodes societies and imposes worth. More than 20000 muslim girls have been raped since fighting began in 1992 between 100000 and 250000 people were raped in Rwandan genocide in 199434 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Bronwyn Fraser
MRI screeningPeople are having to fly hundreds of miles for an mri scan. Many people have suffered injuries and should not have to travel so far, especially as there are 2 mri machines in Raigmore hospital. Some people are not allowed to fly because of insurance purposes and a 9 hour journey by ferry then car/public transport is long. From my own experience I was told I wouldn’t be allowed on the plane as I could not bend my knee so my only other option was the ferry. I was really struggling with pain and there was no way I could spend that amount of time in a car, especially as I was struggling with really bad pain after being in the car for 20 minutes. It is unfair to ask patients to travel so far for a diagnosis. Some of the poorest countries in the world have far more advanced technology than the uk which doesn’t seem right. The cost of nhswi paying for flights for patients is ridiculous too, I know people go away for other things but surely having their own mri scanner would save them money in the long term.17 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Ann Marie Macleod
William Wilberforce statueBecause there has been a lot in the media about modern day slavery & racism it is essential that what Wilberforce and his set achieved is remembered publicly & in the modern curriculum for school children to know as part of the fabric of their education.6 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Claudia Miller
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