• Abandon Prevent in Schools
    The government’s Prevent strategy, a centrepiece of its national counter-terrorism policy, is stifling the freedoms of children in classrooms across the United Kingdom and is counter-productive. It is leaving a generation of young Britons fearful of exercizing their rights to freedom of expression and belief and is counter-productive by driving children to discuss issues related to terrorism, religion and identity outside the classroom and online where simplistic narratives are promoted and go unchallenged. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQR0QZDPMvU Recent legislation in the form of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015 places an obligation on public sector workers, including teachers and child care providers to report individuals including children considered at risk of being drawn into terrorism based on their perceived association with non-violent extremism. Yet this obligation is based on a vague definition of extremism that includes opposition to ‘British values’, and a set of prescribed indicators of vulnerability to extremism that include ‘a desire for status’ and ‘a need for identity meaning and belonging’. Children in classrooms across the United Kingdom have been impacted by Prevent. For example, a 8-year-old boy was interviewed, without a parent or guardian present, and ‘cautioned’ for wearing a t-shirt with Arabic writing on it. Since the incident, the child is reluctant to return to school and is experiencing stress related health problems. A 16-year-old student with learning disabilities was referred to Prevent for borrowing a book on terrorism from the school library, and a 17-year-old boy who was questioned by police officers about his political and religious views after he was referred to Prevent for expressing solidarity with the Palestinian people. This 17-year-old student also discovered that the police had collected information on him without his or his parent’s knowledge or consent, and was told that this information would be held indefinitely by the police and may be used against him in the future. Prevent is jeopardising the rights of children in the United Kingdom to freedom of expression and education in the name of counter-terrorism. We’re demanding an immediate repeal of the policy. For more information on the impact that the Prevent strategy is having on children in the United Kingdom see Rights Watch (UK)'s landmark report Preventing Education? Human Rights and UK Counter-Terrorism Policy in Schools http://rwuk.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/preventing-education-final-to-print-3.compressed-1.pdf
    351 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Yasmine Ahmed
  • To Immediately Release Ahmed Guerrah from Detention and to Suspend any plans to deport him
    Ahmed fled from Algeria with his boyfriend after they were subjected to torture, physical abuse often from their own family members. They reached Greece Ahmed got through his Boyfriend did not. They have not had any communication since. We are asking for Ahmed to be immediately released from detention and returned to Plymouth where he has friends and an important support network. Ahmed is a very shy, loving person in the UK he does not appear to be 'Gay' however in North Africa he is seen as effeminate and will be subjected to further abuse and even risk of being brutally murdered. We Believe that Ahmed will not be safe in any detention centre as he will be held with others that are intrinsically homophobic. This puts him at increased risk of both physical and sexual attacks. Much work being done to present new evidence to the Home Office including the important professional and expert reports on the physical and psychological trauma Ahmed has suffered. The first of a series of appointments with experts has been arranged is due to take place on 20th July here in Plymouth which makes the decision to detain him at this time complete madness. Pride in Plymouth has been supporting Ahmed by reducing the social isolation he has suffered since being in the UK. He is valued and loved by ALL of the 'Pride Family' in Plymouth. Please sign this petition to ensure Ahmed is returned to Plymouth where he has the support and love he needs whilst the necessary professional evidence is collated. It cost the tax payer far more to keep Ahmed in detention than does to house him in the community. Homosexuality is illegal in Algeria carrying an official sentence of three years in Prison. The law in Algeria does not recognise or respect the civil rights of LGBT persons. Officially, there are no gay-friendly establishments and no political organisation is allowed to campaign for LGBT rights. Harassment, violence, and murder of LGBT persons by family members, religious fundamentalists or other vigilant groups is generally tolerated.
    330 of 400 Signatures
    Created by Mark Ayres
  • Law Society of Scotland: Allow Legal Spark Legal Practice to continue Legal Aid Work
    Legal Spark was formed as a result of the crisis in legal aid. People were going without representation because they could not afford a lawyer. This is particularly the case for disabled people. No one else would do this type of work, as it was deemed too expensive, not financially viable and also too complex. Daniel Donaldson, a disabled Solicitor, set up Legal Spark with the Support of the Scottish Institute for Enterprise under their Young Innovators Challenge 2015 programme. Daniel wanted to develop creative solutions to help people access justice and to fix the exclusion that disabled people face from the legal system. Daniel spent one year talking to the Law Society about this issue, highlighting that it was important that everyone could access a lawyer. Legal Spark consulted with the Chief Executive (Lorna Jack), the Head of Professional Practice, the Registrar and the Deputy Registrar (James Ness) and the Secretary to the Civil Legal Aid Quality Assurance Committee (Hannah Sayers) amongst others. A document was prepared that explained what Legal Spark was planning to do. The Law Society accepted this document and did not object. The Law Society encouraged Legal Spark and found their approach "refreshing" and "innovative". Legal Spark was granted permission to do Legal Aid work in November 2015, and a compliance certificate was issued in December 2015. Legal Spark began helping the many disabled people that needed their help and began to have success. In April 2016, the Law Society decided that they had made an "error" and instructed Legal Spark to stop all Legal Aid work by Thursday 30 June 2016. By this stage, Legal Spark had a number of clients, with active and complex cases, some of which were about to go to Court. "A" is one such client. They had experienced awful disability discrimination from a University. They were not given adequate support to help them during a course, and had to leave. Additionally, Legal Spark uncovered evidence that the University's staff had used "unprofessional language" in their approach to "A". This case has now been lodged in Court. "B" is another client adversely affected by this decision. B is also disabled and is housebound. They had tried to find a lawyer for sometime but because of their rural location in the Highlands there were no Solicitors available to help. Legal Spark took on this case and was successful (in part) in achieving a resolution for B. However, because B had been adversely affected by a decision of Highland Council, and had lost out financially, the case may need to go to Court. B is unable to find anyone else to help them. These are only two examples of where Legal Spark is making a difference, there are others too. Since establishing Legal Spark, Daniel Donaldson has not drawn a salary and has used some of his own money to sustain the Legal Practice while it develops and is able to stand on its own feet. Legal Spark has also grown to enable it to employ staff and provide much need paid employment to some disabled people and unemployed law graduates. The Legal Aid certificate meant that Legal Spark could help people who could not access help elsewhere. Now "A", "B" and other will have to go without representation because of the Law Society of Scotland's failures. The Law Society's Chief Executive (Lorna Jack)says that they have to act in the public interest. The Director of Regulation (Philip Yelland) shares this view. 1. Where is the public interest in denying disabled people representation? 2. Also, where is the public interest is giving permission to do Legal Aid work only to revoke that permission 6 months later? The Law Society say that there are other Solicitors who can help, however this is not true. Legal Spark contacted 134 Civil Legal Aid lawyers with advertised specialism in discrimination law. Even the biggest Legal Aid firm in Scotland could not help. The Law Society has said that this will cause Legal Spark’s disabled client’s “inconvenience”. This is an offensive comment; they have never met any client, they have ignored client’s opinions, and also refused to acknowledge that they will suffer substantial prejudice in their cases because of the Law Society’s decision. This petition is addressed to the Law Society and the Scottish Legal Aid Board. It is important that you fulfil your roles correctly. Overturn your decision to stop Legal Spark doing legal aid work, remedy the mistake you have made and apologise. This is the only way you can restore public trust and continue to say you act in the public interest. Allow Legal Spark, and their clients the opportunity to continue to work together for the public interest and tackle the horrors faced by disabled people on a daily basis.
    257 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Daniel Donaldson
  • Urgently stop the deportation of Hamed before it's too late
    Hamed has close family and a loving stable environment in the UK. He has been through unbelievable trauma and was settling into a useful existence with a family who were looking after his needs and caring for him as a son. Hamed's being tricked into having his fingerprints taken means that although he has been settled in the UK for getting on for a year, he can suddenly be deported to Holland and thence to Afghanistan at any moment.
    14,842 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Caroline Gregory
  • Divert £1bn to the NHS from the banks
    We have voted to leave the European Union. Right or wrong, there it is. With the news this morning that Mark Carney, Governor of the Bank of England, will make £250 BILLION POUNDS available for the banks to keep the financial markets of the UK stable, we are all complaining that the promise to divert much needed funds into the NHS was just rhetoric. Our Nation Health Service is falling apart. If this money is available to aid stability we should use a small amount of it wisely. The NHS is desperate for a cash injection, the banks are not. This petition is to the British Government, to supply the NHS with much needed cash to stabilise a true British achievement. The banks do not need ALL of the money and with the lies told for the leave campaign, its about time the people who devote their lives to helping others keep their health got a bit of a breather.
    4,416 of 5,000 Signatures
    Created by Mark Reardon
  • Protect the rights of E.U citizens living in the UK
    There is much fear and uncertainty in a post-Brexit world, especially for E.U citizens who are currently living in the U.K. They have built our country, contributed to our economy, taken care of our elderly, taught us, healed us, loved us, started families with us, become our friends and colleagues. They have given so much to us, now we must do the same for them. The only difference between U.K. citizens living here and E.U. citizens living here is a passport, therefore their rights should be protected with absolutely no change. --------------------------------------------------------------- Picture credit: Medics at Homerton University Hospital
    64,279 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Ruth Lyons
    For too long priority signage has been ignored. Pregnant women are left to stand, disabled people are ignored, young children get squashed and the elderly shown little consideration. Priority seat users shouldn't have to ask. LET'S DO IT TOGETHER! #lookupgetup is aimed at making sure we all take social responsibility to ensure priority seats are available for those that need them. Together we're pledging not to fall asleep, continually look at something VERY important on our phones or bury our heads in a newspaper. Instead, if we're sat in a priority seat, we will look up regularly and offer up the seat as soon as we see someone who might need it more. If you're worried about embarrassing yourself, just don't sit there. WHAT ELSE? In exchange I will contact transport providers, starting with TFL, asking them to provide better signage and promote awareness. Let's try and crack this - we have no problem telling people to stand on the right of escalators, why should this be any different? SPREAD THE WORD! If you see or know of anyone who qualifies for a priority seat and has been ignored, please tell them about this campaign!
    262 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Kait Borsay
  • Compulsory, legal requirements for staff to service user ratios in care and nursing homes.
    My Lovely 84-year-old mother has the terrifying condition Dementia. This means she will eventually forget everything, including who her loved ones are, how to do day to day tasks, how to feed herself and eventually how to breath. For me her daughter this is heart breaking to see and placing her in a care home was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do, but knowing she was safe and receiving the care she needed was some conciliation to me. However, the more I visit my mam in her care home the more I come to realise that our care homes are in crisis and our mams, dads, grandparents, aunties, uncles and most probably eventually ourselves are not receiving the care and dignity that they deserve. This is due to staff being over worked and stressed due to inadequate staffing levels. Currently there are no legal requirements in our care homes for staff to service user ratios. I have personally witnessed 4 staff to look after up to 28 service users all with different needs and challenging behaviours, the carers do their best with what time and resources they have but this is not enough i have witnessed my mam (who is unable to feed herself) sitting in the dining room with her food in front of her and no one assisting to feed her due to lack of staff, I have also witnessed my mam and other service users sitting soaked in urine as staff have not got around to changing her in time due to their work load. This problem could easily be solved if the companies that run the care homes take on more staff to meet the ever changing needs of the service users, instead of keeping staff to a bare minimum to maximise profits. Please Sign my petition and get this to the house of commons and get the law changed so our vulnerable relatives get the care and dignity that they deserve.
    3,093 of 4,000 Signatures
    Created by Hazel Jones
  • Prosecute Sports Direct Owner Mike Ashley
    Mike Ashley has made himself a billionaire through illegal and unethical practices. The crimes perpetrated at Sports Direct have been in effect admitted, as widely reported in the national press this week, before a parliamentary select committee. This petition calls upon our director of public prosecutions to hold Mike Ashley to account for these crimes.
    215 of 300 Signatures
    Created by Andrew Ferguson
  • Emergency Petition: Free British Citizen Andy
    The UK Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond landed in Addis Ababa today – just miles from where my partner (a British citizen) Andy is being illegally imprisoned under sentence of death. He could use this visit to demand Andy’s freedom and bring him home to our family in London, and pressure is building on him to do so. Andy made Britain (London) his home in 1979, after fleeing political persecution by the Ethiopian government. He is a prominent opposition activist, working towards a democratic Ethiopia. In 2009, the regime said that they would execute Andy if he ever returned. But he was kidnapped by Ethiopian security forces from an airport in Yemen in June 2014 and rendered to Ethiopia. He is now held in a brutal prison in Ethiopia. We're not able to speak to him, and we have no idea what is going to happen to him. Until now Philip Hammond has refused to demand Andy’s release. If he’s going to change his position, he needs to know that he’s out of step with public opinion – and we need to remind him that he has a duty to Andy’s children to bring their father home. If enough of us sign this petition, we could convince Hammond to follow our lead and make a demand directly to the authorities who are holding Andy. We have to act fast – Hammond’s visit is only for two days.
    29,295 of 30,000 Signatures
    Created by Yemi Hailemariam
  • Rights to internet access for asylum seekers in detention
    The internet access policy should be reviewed with a view to increasing access to sites that enable detainees to pursue and support their immigration claim. Detainees are often unable to download information documents sent in PDF format, for example from the websites of legal practitioners or other support groups such as Freedom From Torture. The Home Office’s blanket ban on the use of social media appears to be counter-productive and unjustified, particularly for those who will subsequently be returned to their home country and who want to make connections in order to prepare for return. Also immigration detainees tend to be particularly isolated from the outside world. Research has shown that approximately 80% of asylum seekers do not receive any personal contact from family and friends. Further isolating them by blocking Skype, Facebook & other social media is inhumane.
    107 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Nadine Kazerounian
  • Give everyone in safe houses the right to vote.
    I have found it impossible to register to vote as I live in a Safe House in Bristol. With the local elections happening right now, and the EU referendum coming up, I'm left without a vote, without a voice, without a say on local Councillor appointment, City Mayor, the Police Crime Commissioner position or whether we stay in or out of the EU. My struggle to register made me realise this is a huge issue that no one even realises. As I live in a safe house it is vital for my safety that my name and address do not appear on the electoral register. The current system does provide an 'anonymous registration' process designed to protect vulnerable or at risk people who can't disclose their residential address. However this form requires evidenced approval through proven Court Injunction, written signature from a Police Superintendent or Adult Social Services management. For many in my situation, (estimated at 70% of all residents in Bristol safe houses by support staff here) their registration would not be eligible for sign off. Taking away the civil right, human right that was fought so hard for back in 1918 that introduced the 'Representation of the People Act' allowing women the right to vote. Across England there are over 250 independent refuges providing safe emergency accommodation for people fleeing domestic abuse. Thousands of people living in secure residential accommodation where location secrecy is of utmost importance. Thousands of people who will not be able to register to vote. That is a huge number of women being denied basic Human Rights. The Human Rights Act (1998) states "it is unlawful for public authority to act in a way which is incompatible with European Convention right". Safe houses and refuges by their very nature ensure all residents staying with them are in need of safety and security after leaving abuse. Therefore having management level able to sign the anonymous registration form is more than enough evidence for each residents need for anonymity. Such a simple solution for such an important change that needs to be made. Please sign and share this petition so we can no longer be kept in silence. Thank you.
    22,639 of 25,000 Signatures
    Created by Mehala Osborne