• Grant Chimi a visa to visit her dying Mother
    Anyone who has seen this BBC interview with Vera will understand how much it means to her to see her daughter again. https://www.facebook.com/BBCSouthEastToday/videos/10154134213503648/
    1,462 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Joy Godfrey
  • Let Javad remain in the UK
    Javad was a young teenage boy when the Bam earthquake killed both his parents in 2003. He was put in an orphanage many miles away in Tehran where he didn't agree with being forced to learn how to use guns or with the extreme religious teaching. To escape this, he ran away. His fear of what might happen to him on his return alone is completely ruling his life preventing him from moving forward. Javad has mental health issues, poor memory and suffers from Autistic Spectrum Disorder which make him appear much younger than he really is and gives him a simplistic view of life. For the first time since his parents died, he has found a family ready to offer him a permanent home. A family who love him and are willing to teach him the basic life skills, support and stable environment. His application for asylum or leave to remain has been rejected by the Home Office. Unless they can be persuaded to change their decision and grant Javad discretionary leave to remain- they will uproot this extremely vulnerable young man again and send him back to a place he barely remembers and where he has nothing.
    65,335 of 75,000 Signatures
    Created by Sonia Plato Picture
  • Nominate the Hillsborough campaigners for a national honour.
    An injustice against all the 96 people who died was inflicted upon the bereaved families. Their efforts to bring out the truth behind the deaths has been heroic, persistent and unbelievably difficult. They deserve public recognition of their service to British justice.
    9,416 of 10,000 Signatures
    Created by Phil Saint
    FRAUD ON THE COURT IN BRIEF: Those instigating Fraud on the Court do not pay the court’s fees to obtain fake warrants or court’s orders used to deprive law abiding citizens stealing properties, land, money and assets. Invalid court’s papers are then used to secure unlawful entry and adverse occupation of residential premises by means of violence combined with the creation of a sense of authenticity through the invention of false court’s documents which appear to be factual. Fraud on the Court involves (with intent) a serious abuse of the court’s process and “contempt of court” (Common Law). The victims are routinely ignored by the already overstretched police and other law enforcement bodies who are unable to investigate thoroughly and independently. No matter what undeniable evidence is provided, there is no redress for the victims who are told that this scam is ‘it’s a civil matter’. It is a matter of fact that when victims DO REPORT this crime NO ONE INVESTIGATES. The only option left is to go back in the hands of the same staff in courts who are perpetrating the scam. FRAUD BY CONCEALMENT: The victims are denied inspection and copies of data from the court’s file which remain concealed. Victims are also crucially denied access to and release of the computerised court records where all the documents and interactions with the court of any party into the proceedings are recorded. The nature, extent and sophistication of this fraud, is far beyond the comprehension and reach of the average litigant in person and law enforcement officers by the police force. We are asking for the full support of: All Her Majesty the Queen’s servants who are designated to ensure a fair and just society against this serious organised crime. We are demanding urgently a Public Inquiry to investigate fully and independently the seriousness of the crimes involved by using Fraud on the Court. The non-payment of the court’s fee is not only a major deception and fraud on the on the public purse but also on the individual. This theft on the public happens in a time when the UK court’s system is crying for more funds. The recent sharp increase in the court’s fees have already reduced considerably the access to justice for the most vulnerable that cannot afford to pay. Fraud upon the court is devastating for the victims waiting and hoping to receive relief from the courts. The victims lose their homes, their assets, their jobs, their companies and ultimately their liberty and health in breach of their fundamental statutory rights. This adds burden on the already struggling NHS and Social Security systems whilst the income from many tax payers is lost. This scam is often used by banks, legal professionals, private companies, and dishonest landlords and council officers aided by court’s officers. Meanwhile criminal convictions and assets stripping founded on complex illegalities and irregularities send every day honest hardworking families and people left penniless and homeless in the streets begging for help. Innocent families and people are held hostage with children and frail old people ending up homeless and traumatised as victims of Fraud on the Court. Those few victims of Fraud on the Court who persist in chasing justice are being passed between agencies without any result or redress. Stealing from people is a crime. Taking away their assets and homes making people homeless with Fraud on the Court is a very serious and sophisticated crime for which there is no defence for the victims. Fraud of any kind is a crime and Fraud on the Court is one of the worst. An unpunished crime encourages new ones. Those committing Fraud on the Court are still there and get away with impunity. It is only a matter of time before someone you know will become the next victim. In the public interest, in order to strengthen the fairness, accountability and transparency and in name of justice join by signing this petition for a Public Inquiry and ask for the Parliament’s full support to investigate and stop the Fraud on the Court in the UK. Any person who believes to be a victim of Fraud on the Court can send their opinions contacting UK PEOPLE at a new email address to come as ODDLY our 1st email address has been hacked and the account disappeared mysteriously from Google.....Strange he.... ?!? Useful links: The Fraud Act 2006 - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2006/35/contents The Protection from Eviction and Harassment Act 1977 - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1977/43/contents The Tort (and interference with Goods) Act 1977 - http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1977/32/contents Fraud on the Court - What is it? - http://www.legalmatch.com/law-library/article/fraud-on-the-court.html Fraud on the Court - Some stories of honest families plainly wronged - here: The next phase of the Crawford Castle - (Type and search for 'The next phase of the Crawford Castle' to watch one of our selected videos on Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLtdNlwPckQ Fraud on the Court - Evictees and families Unite: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dfkSW4LvvXM Civil Matter or Criminal Matter? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2jG045tnTaI The drama of the Jackson's Family exposed on BBC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WxHHaOOBzyU
    869 of 1,000 Signatures
    Created by UK PEOPLE
  • Take me off the drone kill list
    Last week, I travelled to England at the invitation of Lord Ken MacDonald. I told my story to show the UK and the US that I am not the kind of person they want to murder. I spoke to members of Parliament, who have written a letter on my behalf. But, Phillip Hammond and Teresa May would not meet with me. Nor would anyone else in the UK or US governments. From them, I received only silence. Many people have already been killed in the strikes targeting me. When I leant my vehicle to my nephew, it was targeted by a missile and he was nearly killed. When I accepted a friend’s dinner invitation, his house was hit just before I arrived, killing three people. When my colleagues met to resolve a local dispute, they were targeted and 40 innocent people were killed. My children are terrified that next time they will succeed and kill me. But I am worried that they will become victims too. Please take me off the kill list.
    10,854 of 15,000 Signatures
    Created by Malik Jalal
  • Help the Brain Family with their fight to stay in the UK
    The Brain family having invested their life savings to make a life in Scotland, have been informed by the UK government that they have to return to Australia. The Home Office have given them 28 days as of Friday 18/3/16 to leave the UK, or face deportation and bans on re-entry. This, and the plights of many other families placed in the same deplorable situation, demonstrates very serious shortcomings in UK immigration policy, that people who are here and are making a contribution to our economy, and who want to stay and live here, are being forced out. Over the years, successive governments have implemented a range of measures to repopulate the Highlands and, thankfully these are slowly bearing fruit. Gregg, Kathryn and their 7 year old son Lachlan Brain have done nothing but contribute positively both personally and financially to the UK. They paid over £35,000 for Kathryn's degree, and have paid over £40,000 in taxes during their time here. Both were employed in jobs that took some months to fill before they were employed. They have kept their end of the bargain. Now, without right to appeal, their passports have been confiscated, their right to work abolished, and the Home Office have threatened to freeze their bank accounts and cancel their driving licenses. They do not deserve to be treated like criminals. All they want is for the Home Office to deliver what was promised when they sold everything they owned in Australia to come to the UK - a two year post-study work visa, giving them the opportunity to establish a working relationship with an employer, and a chance at a longer-term visa. Living up to what was promised is not too much to ask.
    6,478 of 7,000 Signatures
    Created by Gavin MacGregor
  • Please end the parking misery to residents on Heelands
    Residents are sick and tired of their lives being disrupted by bad and inconsiderate parking, when Church services are taking place, and the danger of emergency vechicles not getting through, and access blocked to a joining courts.
    137 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Brian Barton
  • Ceredigion County Council -Please take more than 10 Syrian refugees a year!
    Millions of people living in the refugee camps across the Middle East are living in complete squalor with very little food, clothing, warm bedding and access to education. Between 2 and 3 million Syrian children are currently not attending any form of school. There are: • 2.7 million refugees in Turkey • 1.8 million refugees in Lebanon • 800,000 in Jordan. • 250,000 in Iraq. • 120,000 in Egypt. • Record numbers claimed asylum last year in Europe, with more than a million refugees arriving in 2015, around half from Syria. • Germany has received almost 600,000 refugees in 2015 and more arriving each day. • Hungary has taken 178,000. • Greece is sheltering at least 65,000 with thousands more arriving on the Islands each week • More than 3,770 people drowned last year in the Mediterranean trying to find safety. Wales has pledged to take 1,500 Syrian refugees in the next few years but only a handful have arrived. Ceredigion has the capacity to take at least 50 refugees EACH YEAR until 2020. Wales - and Ceredigion- needs to do its bit!
    420 of 500 Signatures
    Created by Lindsey Gaunt
  • Keep Eghosa and Omolegho in the UK
    The Uwagboe’s asylum has just been refused and the family have been presented with tickets to return to Nigeria on 28th March 2016. It is imperative for the safety of the mother and child that this is prevented. Omolegho Uwagboe fled Nigeria in 2001 after her community attempted to cut her. After marrying, Omolegho, at three months pregnant, recalls that ‘six women forced her down in an attempt to cut her’. She managed to escape and hide in Lagos, ‘run and hide, run and hide, until my husband found the money to rescue me and bring me to the UK’. Omolegho escaped to the sanctuary of Britain where she has now lived for 15 years. Although she reached the safety of this country, the scars of her escape remain visible on her face and deep in her heart as she lost her unborn child. In 2006, Omolegho had her beautiful daughter, Eghosa. Eghosa was born here in the UK and has never been to Nigeria. Eghosa’s primary school teacher says she is an enthusiastic, passionate girl who is a key member of her class and school community. If returned to Nigeria 9 year old Eghosa, and probably Omolegho, face FGM and the risk of death. David Cameron’s Conservative government have championed, funded and supported anti-FGM initiatives across the country. This is their moment to stand up and prove they will protect the 3 million girls a year that are mutilated. It is essential Eghosa and her family remain in the UK for their safety and to show that Britain will be part of the movement to end FGM. For more information, see the Sunday Times article about the family here: http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/news/uk_news/article1680123.ece
    47,896 of 50,000 Signatures
    Created by Edanur Yazıcı
  • Make PIP Available To All Disabled People
    "Displaying intelligence" and "Enjoying reading and writing" are not grounds to dismiss a person with a disability who has clearly stated that they are unable to go about day-to-day living unaided. Denying this benefit to anybody who has been on DLA is in direct breach of basic human rights, and the rights of the disabled in particular. To cause futher stress to people with mental and physical limitations who may well be already battling with suicidal thoughts is tantamount to potential genocide of a vulnerable group of people. If not a war crime, it is most certainly premeditated murder.
    187 of 200 Signatures
    Created by Gemma Wright Picture
  • Grant safe passage To Hayat Ghajar, Reem Abozlam and Dania Abozlam to the U.K.
    Hayat Ghajar 70 years old and her daughters Reem Abozlam and Dania Abozlam are vulnerable Syrian ladies who are trapped in Aleppo, Syria since the war started 5 years ago. They live in a dangerous place in their house in Aleppo at risk of loosing their life every single day. A mortar hit their house last September and caused Very bad injuries to Hayat Ghajar , a huge cut on her belly, a broken elbow and a lot of burns all over her body. They didn't want to leave their country since the war started, hoping things will settle soon, But after the accident they became very scared and worried and they want to come out of the country. On the top of their fear and Sadness, the dark War makes their Life very hard with the power cut off most of the time, no water in the house and the price of everything is going up all the time. They have lost their piece of mind and their normal happy life as a family because the darkness of the harsh and long war. Abeer Jones, Hayat' Ghajar's daughter and Reem Abozlam and Dania Abozlam' sister lives in North Wales with her British family. It was heartbreaking for Abeer Jones to hear about her mother's injury and the scary situation her mother and 2 sisters live in. Hayat Ghajar's accident turned her daughter Abeer Jones's life upside down. Since September, Abeer Jones is trying to help her family to come out of the Danger but unfortunately all her attempts were not succesful. Abeer Jones with her husband David Jones and their children Adam Jones, 8 and Danny Jones, 5, are still desperate to rescue their family in Aleppo and they are scared they may die there if they can't help them. They are willing to do anything to help their family in Syria and to get their happy and peaceful life back. Hayat Ghajar, Reem Abozlam and Dania Abozlam can't be classified as refugees because they are still in Syria. They can't come out of Aleppo and go to neighbouring countries now because the borders are very strict and they are nearly impossible to cross. Abeer Jones and her Husband David Jones don't want anything from the Government to support their family when they come to the U.K. The can accommodate them and support them financially. They just want them to live with them in a safe place. We call on the Home Office and the British Authorities to: 1- Immediately Grant a safe passage to Hayar Ghajar, Reem Abozlam, Dania Abozlam to the U.K. 2- Stregthen provisions for refugee family reunion.
    1,005 of 2,000 Signatures
    Created by Abeer Jones
  • Define the global legal age of childhood, to save children from forced abuse.
    Children are dying from internal injuries - According to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), between 2011 and 2020, more than 140 million girls will become child brides (before the age of 18). 50 million will be under the age of 15. One of the main issues is that there is currently no consistent established definition of a “child” that has been agreed upon worldwide. This leaves various interpretations within countries and little protection for those who are affected. Establishing this age limit is among the top priorities of groups like HRC which was responsible for publishing the 54-page report “How Come You Allow Little Girls to Get Married?”, documenting the lifelong damage to girls who are forced to marry at young ages. Most pro age-limit organizations agree that 18 should be the legal age for marriage. In February 2009, a law was created in Yemen that set the minimum age for marriage at 17. Unfortunately, it was repealed after more conservative lawmakers called it un-Islamic.
    17 of 100 Signatures
    Created by Lucy Kenyon