Improve mental health in East YorkshireNo more life's should be lost and our sons/daughters other family members should still be here now , we miss them and don't want no more family's losing loved ones bless the forever young428 of 500 SignaturesCreated by Rosie Bailey
Relation Education for schoolsAs a nineteen year old there have been many things that I have experienced so far in my life. We all in someway have gone though a lot that we unfortunately had no help with or anyone there to to comfort us and tell us that its going to be okay. You have the good memories that we cling to so dearly, and then there are those which are not so great. Events that should have never even taken place, especially for those so young and vulnerable. The bad memories where you think I wish I would have known ‘this’ or ‘that’ then maybe I would have not been so lost and helpless in that situation. If that were the case you could have been somewhere else today. A lot of our youth nowadays are susceptible to making very life-changing decisions or mistakes that they were not warned or aware of as they were growing up. Our education system is so set on Sex Education being improved constantly and carrying out classes to younger and younger ages each year. In doing so each generation is thinking more about sex in contrast to accomplishing a fully content life with healthy relationships amongst friends, families and significant others. Instead we end up with unsatisfied young men and women who seek happiness in the wrong things and places, they take their loved ones for granted, push their family away and allow the road to anti-social behaviour and depression to creep in where it seems almost impossible for the individual to ever be happy with anything or anyone. My aim for this petition is to launch the start of Relationship Education classes for young people. Where we can teach children the values of trust, respect, loyalty, communication, love, and integrity in the right way. From being raised in a single parent family I saw my mother in the most damaging ways as a child. I saw her beaten by men and women, I saw her heartbroken numerous times, she was also very angry with the world. But the one thing I would see in her for the most part compared to everything else was of course disappointment. She would always weep and wonder why she never saw certain things coming or how she wishes she would have done things differently or maybe to have not done anything at all. Relationship classes should have been put in place a long time ago, God knows so many of us would have benefited highly from them. Classes where we can help guide our youth, pave out the road to success and point them in the right direction is something that should be encouraged not thrown to the side. Good relationships with others should hold far more importance than Sex Education which I do still believe is essential to be taught but definitely not more significant than building a happy community with one another. I believe these classes will help our schools to see a dramatic drop in bullying, absences and insecurities. Through this scheme we will teach mutual respect, the correct manner to communicate with one another and to avoid unkind comments or gestures that would hurt your peer in any way. In addition to this procedure we will have gained a large increase in sociable engagement with other peers, good attendance, confident individuals, an expansion on creativity and most of all a happy class. Not only will this benefit children during school time but the life skills they will attain will be practiced in the comfort of their own home, with family and friends, through college, university, in the workplace and so on.254 of 300 SignaturesCreated by Saira Kaur
Keep racist Donald Trump out of UKWith his remarks wanting to ban all Muslims from entering the United States, Donald Trump has shown himself to be a dangerous racist behaving in a way likely to incite violence. As such his presence in the United Kingdom would not be conducive to the public good.572 of 600 SignaturesCreated by Dave Jackson
Vote at 16It isn't fair that 16 and 17 can't vote for who will make important decisions for their future. They should be able to decide who they want making these decisions as they also get affected by the changes. It isn't fair that people can make the decision on who runs their future but they can't so we think that the voting age should be brought down. Our reasons for this is 16 year olds already have many opportunities like: leaving school working full time paying taxes getting married having consenting sex and having a child leaving home joining the armed forces. They are also responsible for any criminal action and can go to jail. We think that all of these show responsibility and adultery so we don't understand why 16 year olds aren't seen as mature enough to do something as "simple" as voting. Another reason we have is people of this age have a bit of knowledge about politics and actually, a lot of people are interested in it. We have found out that a lot of people would vote at 16 if they had the chance and they don't want to wait another two years to make an impact in the government. The only thing is, a lot of people don't think that we are educated enough about politics. In our questionnaire, 18 out of 120 people said that they think we are. This would definitely need to be changed because they need to have a wider knowledge on the subject so they know about it before this action takes place.81 of 100 SignaturesCreated by Elise Arnfield
Love Activists Solution Based Proposals to End Homelessness.The proposals were developed in consultation with the local community, prioritising feedback from rough sleepers at the group's weekly Love Kitchen. Love Activists hope to gather 1250 signatures to force the council to debate the proposals at a full council meeting. Reasoning/Rationale: 1. In May, the Supreme Court ruled that when local authorities make vulnerability assessments, a 'homeless person' should be compared with an 'ordinary person who is at risk of becoming homeless'. There is no doubt that any homeless person is 'significantly more vulnerable' than an ordinary person, therefore everybody living on the street should be assessed as being in priority need. The judgement also made it clear that while councils are often under huge financial strain, this must not be used as an excuse for avoiding their legal duties. To guarantee duty of care and legal obligations are met, all local authorities must provide permanent housing for anybody living on the streets. 2. Housing first pilot project had a 70% success rate in Brighton & Hove - helping 7 out of 10 people with high support needs into accommodation. 3. Extended winter provision: additional services provided over a period of time e.g. every night from November to March. If the material resources exist to provide shelter from a severe weather emergency, economic arguments against keeping the shelters open are not as powerful as the humanitarian ones for opening them. (Copy & pasted from 'Homeless Link') Humanitarian Response: SWEP should be applied responsibly to prevent death at all times; 3 consecutive nights at zero or below is the minimum requirement. Local authorities should consider factors such as wet weather and wind chill, snow coverage and duration of extreme weather when looking at provision. Preventing deaths on the streets is the aim of the protocol, so if this demands more beds and a longer response the local authority should do everything it can to prevent harm to individuals. Economics cannot change the weather any more than economics can determine people's relative vulnerability to each other. 4. It doesn't have to be severely wet to have a severe impact if you're sleeping on the streets. Severely windy, wet weather is an emergency, as is extremely hot, dry weather. Homeless Link offers advice and guidance to BHT, St Mungo's and Brighton & Hove City Council. Currently their minimum definition of severe weather is when the temperature drops below zero for three consecutive nights. (Copy & pasted from 'Homeless Link') There is no strict definition of what counts as ‘severe weather’. Local authorities should proactively identify any weather that could increase the risk of serious harm to people sleeping rough and put measures in place to minimise this. This includes extreme cold, wind and rain. It is important not to presume when, or in what form, severe weather will occur. Sleeping rough is never comfortable, but the suffering is exacerbated by all elements It doesn't have to be severely wet to have a severe impact if you're sleeping on the streets. ('Homeless Link') http://www.homeless.org.uk/sites/default/files/site-attachments/Winter%20provision%20guidance%202015-16.pdf 5. If this doesn't happen there will be no truly affordable places to live and more people will inevitably become homeless. 6. This would make use of empty properties, keep people safe and avoid waste of tax payers money, private money and time spent on security, policing and court costs. (Copy & pasted from 'Homeless Link') In addition to the direct risk associated with severe weather, local authorities should work alongside other local statutory and voluntary services to identify and mitigate actions taken during severe weather that can increase risk for those sleeping rough. For example, people may choose to sleep in riskier places, such as in bins, where they can find cover. They may also enter buildings or property illegally, or increase their substance use as a coping mechanism. 7. No single authority can successfully move to implement all of these measures, because if they 'move first', their service capacity would risk being overwhelmed by people migrating to that local authority. Therefore, we must work towards implementing these measures nationally. [email protected] twitter.com/loveactivists_ facebook.com/loveactivistsbrighton943 of 1,000 SignaturesCreated by Ann Narkeh
Call on Labour MPs to support Jeremy Corbyn on SyriaThe recent Labour Party conference agreed four conditions that would have to be satisfied before military action could be supported. None of these have been satisfied: 1. Clear and unambiguous authorisation from the United Nations. As reported by the BBC, UN Security Council resolution 2249 carried last week does not provide a legal basis for military action by the UK and does not invoke Chapter VII of the UN charter authorising the use of force. 2. A comprehensive EU-wide plan to provide humanitarian assistance to the consequent increase in the number of refugees. In fact, the EU refugee plan is unravelling and the approach to refugees is highly fragmented. 3. That bombing is exclusively directed at military targets directly associated with 'ISIL'. There is evidence that around 90% of drone strike victims in other conflicts were unintended casualties. 4. That any military action is subordinated to international diplomatic efforts, including the main regional powers, to end the Syrian civil war. The shooting down of a Russian plane by Turkey in addition to differing approaches to the Assad regime and a continuing multifaceted conflict make a broadly-based, sovereign Syrian government that could retake territory currently controlled by ISIL a diminishing prospect. We would all like to see the defeat of IS. The future of the Assad government should be determined by the Syrian peoples alone and not by Western intervention. What is certain is that further bombing will increase the humanitarian crisis and cause civilian loss of life. Recent wars have created the sort of stateless societies in which terrorist groups like ISIL can thrive, as recently admitted by Tony Blair when he stated that the invasion of Iraq created the conditions for the rise of ISIL. Jeremy Corbyn was elected by 59.5% of voters. It's time to stand by the democratically expressed will of the party members.20,581 of 25,000 SignaturesCreated by David Gering-Hasthorpe
Please, don't bomb Syria!Thousands of innocent people will die and the refugee crisis will escalate, pushing us all towards a never-ending conflict. The vast amount of public money that this military action will cost could be well spent elsewhere. War only escalates more war, please listen to the voice of reason.14,212 of 15,000 SignaturesCreated by Jay Tubsman
BRISTOL CITY COUNCIL - TENANTS NEED THESE HOMES!Bristol is in the middle of a housing crisis affecting thousands across the city and made worse by the unaffordable rents and insecurity of renting privately. Shortage of Council Housing and Housing Association properties leaves the Private Rental Sector at breaking point. Lack of supply drives down standards as we tenants are forced into paying eye-watering rents for damp and mould-ridden houses with only a couple of months security. In these circumstances, privately-owned empty buildings are a dangerous and unacceptable limit on the pool of available housing. Where properties have stood empty for 2 years or more the Council can turn them into much-needed homes. Empty Dwelling Management Orders provide Local Authorities with powers of ‘Compulsory Leasing’. They can take possession, renovate and rent properties to recover costs. After that the building is returned to the owner with a paying tenant. These powers are currently a last resort. It should be made clear that the use of EDMOs will be taken up if all other reasonable efforts come to nothing. Please click the following link to sign up to our direct mailing list and stay updated on all our campaigns. http://www.acorncommunities.org.uk/2,333 of 3,000 SignaturesCreated by Nick Ballard
LIFT THE SENTENCE TO STONE A SRI LANKAN WOMAN TO DEATH FOR ADULTERYNo one should be put through an ordeal like this - especially someone with children waiting for her back home. I honestly could not believe this headline when scrolling through my facebook news feed. I once read a short story called The Lottery by Shirley Jackson in which a woman is stoned to death because she is unlucky enough to draw the unlucky ticket in the local 'lotery'. That was fantasy. This is reality; and the two should never be mixed. Please help prevent this barbaric act before it's too late. Surely we've had enough of death and murder?126 of 200 SignaturesCreated by A.N.M C
The Sun should be accountable for promoting race hatred.Because the Sun routinely headlines lies & mis-information that promotes race hatred & misunderstanding in the UK. The front page headline used on 23/11/2015 for instance may be mathematically correct but and its a big but, this depends what question was asked of the people they polled. The question is at best skewed. It's a general question and not specific. The question asked was "How do you feel about young Muslims who leave the UK to join fighters in Syria?" It didn't ask for instance which side these young people would be fighting on or if they would be jihadists. The Sun helpfully misguide their readers by adding a photograph of so called "Jihadi John". You can make your own complaint here too: https://www.ipso.co.uk/oxbxApps/app/complaint1.html1,096 of 2,000 SignaturesCreated by John Morgan
Tunnock's Stop Using Palm OilTunnock's is a well known and loved Scottish brand, not only in its native Scotland, but around the world. Tunnock's should pave the way in the biscuit industry as being a leader in important environmental issues and show to be ecologically and environmentally responsible. Using uncertified palm oil in biscuits is contributing to the destruction of rainforests and the near extinction of orangutans and Sumatran tigers. For the unsustainable palm oil industry to flourish indigenous people´s homes are threatened, deforestation leaves animals homeless, carbon dioxide emits poison contributing to greenhouse gases and animals such as orangutans are either killed, badly hurt, starved, or left as orphans. Enjoying a Tunnock's Tea Cake should not reflect such monstrosities.6,778 of 7,000 SignaturesCreated by Louise Devlin
The Daily Mail - refugees are not rats!As the refugee crisis worsens worldwide, it is increasingly important not to dehumanise the people fleeing from the kind of atrocities we in the West fear the most. With this is mind, the Daily Mail's cartoon showing droves of terrorists and rats rushing over the European border is not only callous and completely inappropriate, it risks further inciting an extremely volatile situation. The cartoon directly echoes cartoons published by the Nazis regarding Jews fleeing Germany in 1939, and fuels the fires of Islamophobia that will turn more and more previously unaffiliated people to IS. It is vital not to have the Paris attack and the European response to the refugee crisis feed into the narrative IS is trying to create. There is no global war against Muslims but IS would certainly like there to be, as they believe they would be turned to as the last resort. Every closed door to human suffering, every shut border and every attack on an innocent refugee or Muslim someone in the West makes will only increase their support. This is why the Daily Mail's cartoon is so dangerous. It dehumanises people which leads to the above events. It binds refugees, Muslims and terrorists together with absolutely no human component, no empathy for the people escaping situations we can only hope never to experience. The same people attacking Paris are the people the refugees are trying to escape from. Not all refugees are terrorists Not all Muslims are terrorists. IS does not represent Islam. All refugees are people, not rats. Nazi cartoon source: https://s.bsd.net/38degrees/main/page/-/CBY/1939-newspaper.jpg5,071 of 6,000 SignaturesCreated by Seb Higginson
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